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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Let me know how it works for you and whether you need to tweak any settings quality-wise
  2. Agreed, I aked about this in another recent thread as 'PrintScreen' was giving me a shot of the loading screen instead of an in-game shot. In my case the solution was to use the screen capture function of my Nvidia graphics card software (AltF1) instead and it seems to work okay but perhaps not as high definition as I'd like. Probably I need to tweak something...
  3. If you say so, but the video was unrelated to the game. Now where's my friend @Falaise when I need him ? I have not seen John Inman's entry, thankfully...
  4. Ha yes, one of these: Not sure about the 70 mph and not a tank, but interesting video nonetheless.
  5. Disabled Sherman Crab plus Jeep (under tow), Sword Beach. German prisoners make up the attentive audience. "Is that the best they can do for a Schwimmwagen?"
  6. On that note, here's another nice photo, allegedly showing Canadian 1st Army troops celebrating with a triumphant pose on the outskirts of Falaise. Whether I'll get any points however I don't know...
  7. I may be English but I'm also a life-long Francophile. I think that's a proper word in the English language. Anyway your comments about @Warts 'n' all may be accurate, I'll let him respond Just noticed you put me in the lead, did I mention I'm a Francophile?
  8. I don't have FB but if it's like RT you need to find the User Data folder, in which there will be Scenarios and Campaign folders. For my RT installation this folder is here: C:\Users\My Name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder, so your FB installation should be similar. This is, as you say, different to BN which was able to be installed on the D drive if preferred.
  9. Not sure my understanding of the rules is as complete as it might be, so does this count? "100 Reich Marks, 200, 250 - that's my final offer." Firefly from 148th RAC / 33rd Armored Brigade captured by sPzAbt 503, south-east of Caen.
  10. @StieliAlpha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krak_des_Chevaliers In Syria. Boy did they know how to build defences...
  11. @MOS:96B2P many thanks for your encouraging words and the advice, all much appreciated.
  12. Congratulations indeed. And you only got to No.8, while I didn't even get to risk a dodgy No.2 (so to speak).
  13. Okay think I'm seeing this a bit clearer, thanks for the help. @domfluff appreciate your advice on not trying fancy moves .
  14. You are most kind, I can only hope the committee agree with you. I would however like to check whether we are playing under Tudor Court Rules or some similar variant?
  15. Indeed I have it seems, it's often the way for me with parties. It's a Puma, thought I was good to go without saying it. Where can I find the full Mornington Crescent ruleset?
  16. Call that a castle Julian? This is a castle: Not sure whether you can stay there for a weekend of games however, and it looks like you had a great time anyway .
  17. @CombatintmanIn the game at the moment but in the editor would be interesting too. @BulletpointThat sounds easy, my attempts have obviously been poorly executed . For b however sounds like it must be at the end point of the transport's move, so perhaps I was getting a little too ambitious in wanting the loaded transport to start moving again in the same turn? Anyway, if at first you don't succeed... Thanks, will try again.
  18. Apologies if this has been discussed before but I couldn't find it. Is there a foolproof way in one turn to get: a) a transport to arrive at a set location and drop off their passengers, which then move into cover or whatever else they may be ordered to do? My attempts at ordering a dismount based on the last waypoint for the transport didn't seem to work as the orders were for two seperate units. b) get passengers to meet a moving (but I suppose paused for disembarkation) transport and hop on board, after which the transport continues on its way? I imagine pauses can do some of this but if you don't know exactly where everyone is going to be it gets a bit tricky.
  19. Can anyone join this party? I didn't get the invite so might get kicked out but here goes: It's in Normandy and I would argue it's in a street?
  20. Understood and perfectly sensible. Talking of crops, while walking the dogs yesterday in beautiful Somerset I was reminded of your excellent work while having to force my way through a field of 8 foot high maize (yes, grown right over the footpath). I wondered whether tall crops like maize, sunflowers etc. have been or will be included in any CM games? Don't think I've seen any but I only have BN and RT so far - they would of course not be out of place in either of those...
  21. Agreed beer is the answer my friend. Or wine. Anyway what matters is that we have fun with the game and BFC makes a living
  22. Very nice indeed. I'm still using the version 1 you posted a while ago, is there something more that I could be getting my teeth into (beta 2 was mentioned)? Tell me not to be greedy and impatient if you like
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