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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. So if I was feeling the need to dispose of some cash, which should I go for, FB or FI? I have BN and RT and am WW2 focused for now. FI bundle seems like a lot more content for the sale price of $95 (not so bad even with Boris' special Brexit exchange rates ), but FB is slightly more in my usual interest (or should I say previous reading/gaming) zone. Thanks for any opinions, even if the answer is to get both .
  2. Hang on. Now that I've moved the flakvierling up to the front they are kneeling, with no disappearing feet? Okay .
  3. I don't really care, but in the interests of reporting oddities (maybe old ones)... The feet of the two 'spare' rear-facing crewmen in the quad 20mm flakvierling disappear through the deck of the vehicle. The Hetzer shown frequently on the load screen has a protruding third roadwheel which sticks well out from the others and overlaps the track guide horns. In-game it doesn't look so bad but there's still a hint. Do either of these spoil the game? Obviously not.
  4. Out of curiosity I loaded up the scenario but it seems to be one without setup zones - is there another version that I don't have? Anyway the names were fine in the one I have.
  5. As for the crew I assume they were 'rattled' and decided to escape (into the line of fire perhaps so might not be the best decision). Not sure about the bunker being knocked out, haven't really played with bunkers yet. Can they usually be re-crewed or are they knocked when abandoned?
  6. Welcome, and well done. My Spanish is also sadly lacking so please forgive my English reply!
  7. And it works fine in my opinion, so no problem here. Good to know all the same .
  8. I thought this was just a funny play on words, but no https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizontal_collaboration I am learning more every day . I'll soon be like Scarlett Johansson in that enjoyable but rather questionable film 'Lucy'.
  9. Okay, Myth of Invincibility done. I was reasonably invincible . Look away now if you care about any loose intel. Soviet Guards surrendered with 36 minutes remaining: Have to say I enjoyed the experience a lot, as it was actually a hard fight. Or should I say I loved it ? Plus I learned that 50mm AT guns could fire a 150mm HEAT round (method description attempted by me earlier in the thread).
  10. Far be it from me to correct your German...
  11. Sorry George for quoting you . Fine by me, but slightly abstracted if the gun always has the right round ready? Having it otherwise might be difficult, so okay. Allegedly, but I think they were actually catching up on sleep, knowing advance units were ahead of them.
  12. LOL, surely not although I do like a nice cup of tea .
  13. @Lucky_Strike Whilst on another walk with the dogs, I came across a vision which reminded me of your doodads (ooh err missus). Flowers in a field, looking just like your work. I was going to take a photo, but thought I might look a bit strange as the angle was actually towards someone's house over the hedge (not bocage). This game (and some nice modding) is definitely getting to me .
  14. Yes I imagine they would (or at least should) do. Thanks, will do some exploring as I liked the 88 flaks a lot in my old adventures in East Front II and West Front.
  15. I think it looks okay actually, although a bit complicated to manufacture. No-one would accuse the Germans at that time of making things complicated . Anyway, I'm wondering how the thing actually worked. I assume someone drew the short straw and had to run round the front and put on the HEAT round (almost like a condom if you will). Someone else meanwhile loaded the special 'cartridge' into the breech, after first removing what was already there. Not the most streamlined of procedures but I suppose the end justifies the means. When fired, this special cartridge propelled the HEAT round towards its target, assuming the round has no propellant itself, or does it? The lack of online info on this suggest it was a bit of rarity, but I like it nevertheless...
  16. It was actually the magnificent 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71 on a Tiger II, although other L/56 variants were also on hand nearby. I did read in another post a complaint that this was a rather random inclusion of yet another Tiger II, but (perhaps ignoring history in exchange for a good game) I have no issue with it . I'm not sure I've yet encountered the 88 Flak in ground role, can you recommend a battle which has them?
  17. After reading the bit below on another forum, I wondered how CM titles (WW2 at least) handle this: 'Ken Trout a British tank commander of a Sherman in Normandy states that the round in the breach is always an HE round. If you turn a corner and are facing a tank you fire it anyway. Load AP. Gunner checks alignment fires foot pedal fires. Load AP, fire, Driver back up. Load AP fire.' Of course it was Ken Tout, not Trout . Does it vary on situation? The above is one scenario, but if you are sat behind a house and know a gaggle of T34s are going to come round the corner that's different. I have no issue but am curious...
  18. Well, that's another story from the same scenario - I had four Jagdpanzer IVs on the other flank. They were doing a great job, but their numbers are now sadly depleted . Agree with you on the hand-helds and had some success with them as well in the scenario. At the other end of the scale I also witnessed an 88mm (L71) shell going straight through a T34/85 turret and out the other side - that was impressive. And just in case your wondering, to my knowledge there are no more Soviet tanks to deal with, but we'll see...
  19. And thanks to you I am now better informed than I was
  20. If I say that they were not the only T34/85s in the area is that enough information? However, I think the crew abandoned the gun with only one casualty amongst them so it could have been worse. Oh, and then came 88mm rounds from my other ambushers .
  21. Note to self, must search the forums more . That is definitely something I'd never heard of. It explains the fate of the T34/85s, although at the range they were at (ambush of course) normal 50mm AT rounds may have achieved similar results. Now, let's see if I have a save with it in for a closer look...
  22. I know, just a bit worried my 50mm ATG is firing 150mm HEAT rounds, (but there's only 2 HEAT rounds to fire anyway). Bug? No bug?
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