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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 1 hour ago, akd said:

    They already work in other titles.

    Last time I tried (last night) I had to dismount the mortars from my Sdkfz 251/2s before I could use them?

    Edit :  Having just tried the same vehicles in an FB Quick Battle I can fire them without dismounting.  Apologies @akd, looks like I may have been wrong (oh the shame 😔).

  2. And the older version of the website is still there in case Bootie has not had time to transfer everything:


    Welcome back @AGCent2, hope you have plenty of free time on your hands 😉.  A lot of the maps and mods have instructions with them or if you get stuck there are some threads on the forum here with help and lots of folk who don't mind answering questions.  I'm not sure I've seen a tutorial, but there might be one.

  3. 17 minutes ago, IanL said:

    Yes, I am correct. 🙂 You have never been able to bail a crew out of tank one and then have them remount tank two.

    Okay, perhaps I'll check.  Last night I also dismounted two Sdkfz 251/2 drivers who weren't busy 😁 and got them both to mount an abandoned Sdkfz 251/1 - one as driver and the other as machine gunner.  Is that different to what you describe?

  4. 8 minutes ago, IanL said:

    No, there is no cross remounting of tanks or other AFVs. I you bail out a crew they can only go back into that same tank. Given that usually crews of damaged tanks would just move to the rear this works fine.

    Is that correct Ian, assuming you mean into the same type of tank as well?  I'm sure I've embarked a bailed out Tiger crew into a different dismounted Tiger back in the day and they were able to operate it effectively.  I can check through my saves if it's worth it - think it was Carius at Malinova/Malinovka.

  5. 1 minute ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Of course it's a waste of a little money for the people buying something they won't use, but it doesn't give game companies an incentive to design poor quality games. Pre-ordering does.

    I take your point. 

    I have pre-ordered F&R though and am quite happy with that.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    The problem is not Steam, but preordering itself. It lets games companies make more money by hype than by delivering a good game. Lots of people woved never to buy a CA game again, but there's a sucker born every minute, and the franchise is going strong.

    Not just pre-ordered though, a lot are bought in sales and in bundles and never even opened.  A quick google tells me the figure was 37% of games bought on Steam were never played as of 2014.  Analysis by sales value will of course tell a different story.

    None of this will apply to BFC pre-orders of course, as long as we've set aside at least a few months of our lives and nothing gets in the way 😁.

  7. 11 hours ago, BornGinger said:

    Rome Total War 2 for example?

    Totally (pun intended) agree.  I liked the original, plus some mods, so I did buy the second one.  It's still sitting on my PC, hardly played.  I read somewhere that a lot of games, particularly those bought on Steam, are like that however...

  8. 32 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    Note that Win is always trying to update things.  I try to no do that and delay that as long as possible as I figure every Win update is basically a beta and customers are doing the testing.  Could that be part of the issue?

    If it is part of the issue, it must be somewhat random or perhaps based on very specific hardware combinations, as most people don't have issues but some (such as your good self) unfortunately do.

  9. 38 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    I had a nightmare with the twin bridges in the second mission of the CM:SF Canadian campaign.....In the end I was moving vehicles to one end of the bridge and giving them a single movement waypoint to the other side.  Every time I added extra 'legs' to the movement order 'Bridge-Bug' would set in and the vehicle would stutter back and forth during the replay and dump the uncompleted move order for the next turn.


    Yes that sounds very familiar.  Another 10 or so minutes in (with every other one repeated once I see the rubber-banding) I now have the third Panzer IV and the Sdkfz 251/17 heading into town.  The Stummel is still holding up all the other halftacks on the bridge...

    How I'd love a quart of Elizabeth's Entire Butt right now 😉.

  10. Thanks all.  Yes I could go back to an earlier save but I was trying to let it run its course and sort itself out.

    Part of the problem is a knocked out US truck on the second half of the bridge.  It's at one side thankfully, but means the road is only one vehicle wide.  One Panzer IV got past with no problmes.  The next one however stopped while 'considering' how to get past the truck.  As it sat there, two Sdkfz 251s (a Stummel and a 17) starting edging into it from behind instead of also stopping.  Just for fun a third Panzer IV then did the same, with the result being the beast with not just two backs, but four - all mangled together!  I managed to extract the third Panzer IV and reverse it off the bridge, and the other vehicles started edging very slowly forward, with the second Panzer IV eventually freeing itself.  I then waypointed the third Panzer IV back onto the bridge, but unfortunately it decided to go through the road surface of the bridge instead and drive down the bank under the bridge.  I managed to reverse it again, back up onto the road in front of the bridge.

    Anyway, current situation is that I have two Panzer IVs acrosss the bridge and heading into town, two Sdkfz 251s still jostling each other on the bridge, and the third Panzer IV and a whole car park full of halftracks behind it, all waiting for the bridge to clear.  I have probably lost at least 10 minutes at the bridge, at least as far as the armour goes.  My troops, on the other hand, crossed earlier and are making good progress into the town, but without much support from the armour.  This is about to change however.

    Think I'll continue from where I am.  If I run out of time or infantry I might feel justified in going back to an earlier save.

    And I think I recall reading a thread about similar problems in a later battle of this campaign...

  11. A quick update.  This (scenario 3 - Stavelot) is becoming one of the most frustrating battles I've played.  Despite my best attempts at traffic control, I have 'rubber-banding' of vehicles on the Ambleve bridge, plus 'pile-ups' (two Panzer IVs and two 251s melded into a single beast 🙄) and a Panzer IV which drove underneath the bridge instead of onto it (what the 🙄?).  I managed to reverse the Panzer IV and get it back onto the bridge but otherwise it's all a bit of a PITA.  And my infantry are taking the brunt without the armoured support.  I feel the need for strong expletives...

  12. 20 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    **** happens

    That's fair enough, I'm just not sure a CM campaign is scripted that way. So...

    21 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    We need the editor of the campaign to answer those questions

    But it has been a while since they produced it, so the answer may not be quick.  Anyway, I'm almost into Stavelot 😉.

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