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  1. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Lenin never showed any interest in philosophy. All his works concerned political economy. What ideas of Lenin do you like in this area? seizure of private property? food distribution? transferring power to the poorest sections of the population?
  2. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Thanks for the kind words about beggars. it's so nice to feel like a beggar in a destroyed country under rocket attacks, and you reminded me of this in such a timely manner.
    I can say on behalf of the Ukrainians here we dream that you stop this whole farce called support for Ukraine. At least then we would clearly understand what we can count on in the fight against Russia. All your support is nothing more than a mockery.
    And one last thing for you personally buddy - ИДИ НА ХУЙ
  3. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Bannon in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Thanks for the kind words about beggars. it's so nice to feel like a beggar in a destroyed country under rocket attacks, and you reminded me of this in such a timely manner.
    I can say on behalf of the Ukrainians here we dream that you stop this whole farce called support for Ukraine. At least then we would clearly understand what we can count on in the fight against Russia. All your support is nothing more than a mockery.
    And one last thing for you personally buddy - ИДИ НА ХУЙ
  4. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Why do you think they are contractor pilots? These were the best pilots that Russia has. In the Russian Air Force (as well as in the Ukrainian one), there was a practice when only the most experienced (old) pilots with ranks from major to colonel trained in peacetime. While young pilots did not get the opportunity to train in the air due to lack of fuel (perhaps this was due to the theft of money allocated for pilot training). So when the training fuel got into the squadron and distributed among the aircraft, the commanders chalked up this fuel to their account in order to fly more. This led to the fact that young pilots knew practically nothing.
    Remember the losses of Ukraine in the air at the very beginning of the war. They were mostly aged men, in ranks from major to colonel. These were the most trained pilots in Ukraine. The now very famous young pilot with the callsign "Juice", recalling the first days of the war, says that then mostly old pilots with the best training took off (there were not enough planes for everyone). While the young pilots were preparing to repel a possible landing with machine guns in their hands. They dug trenches, were on duty at airfields
  5. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from cesmonkey in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Why do you think they are contractor pilots? These were the best pilots that Russia has. In the Russian Air Force (as well as in the Ukrainian one), there was a practice when only the most experienced (old) pilots with ranks from major to colonel trained in peacetime. While young pilots did not get the opportunity to train in the air due to lack of fuel (perhaps this was due to the theft of money allocated for pilot training). So when the training fuel got into the squadron and distributed among the aircraft, the commanders chalked up this fuel to their account in order to fly more. This led to the fact that young pilots knew practically nothing.
    Remember the losses of Ukraine in the air at the very beginning of the war. They were mostly aged men, in ranks from major to colonel. These were the most trained pilots in Ukraine. The now very famous young pilot with the callsign "Juice", recalling the first days of the war, says that then mostly old pilots with the best training took off (there were not enough planes for everyone). While the young pilots were preparing to repel a possible landing with machine guns in their hands. They dug trenches, were on duty at airfields
  6. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Fenris in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    NVH is неведомая взрывающаяся хуйня (unknown exploding bull****). The commentator hints that he has no idea what type of projectile this was
  7. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Holien in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Why do you think they are contractor pilots? These were the best pilots that Russia has. In the Russian Air Force (as well as in the Ukrainian one), there was a practice when only the most experienced (old) pilots with ranks from major to colonel trained in peacetime. While young pilots did not get the opportunity to train in the air due to lack of fuel (perhaps this was due to the theft of money allocated for pilot training). So when the training fuel got into the squadron and distributed among the aircraft, the commanders chalked up this fuel to their account in order to fly more. This led to the fact that young pilots knew practically nothing.
    Remember the losses of Ukraine in the air at the very beginning of the war. They were mostly aged men, in ranks from major to colonel. These were the most trained pilots in Ukraine. The now very famous young pilot with the callsign "Juice", recalling the first days of the war, says that then mostly old pilots with the best training took off (there were not enough planes for everyone). While the young pilots were preparing to repel a possible landing with machine guns in their hands. They dug trenches, were on duty at airfields
  8. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from hcrof in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    NVH is неведомая взрывающаяся хуйня (unknown exploding bull****). The commentator hints that he has no idea what type of projectile this was
  9. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Calamine Waffles in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    NVH is неведомая взрывающаяся хуйня (unknown exploding bull****). The commentator hints that he has no idea what type of projectile this was
  10. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Taranis in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Typical tank work on the Donbass front lately
  11. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Lethaface in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Bakhmut direction, first-person combat routine of the 3rd assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, part 1 "Repulse of the assault" (full video for 14+ minutes here https://youtube.com/watch?v=JHHVuxGoAbc)
  12. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Panserjeger in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In what sense "dial it back a bit"? Should I show more respect for a culture that has oppressed and humiliated my ancestors for centuries? I studied Russian literature for 10 years at school with all those Pushkins and Dostoyevskys. We were literally forced to memorize their poems. For many years I wondered why the hell I need all this rubbish. Until 2014 finally arrived. Then I understood everything. Russian literature is the same weapon of oppression of the peoples included in it as propaganda, or the atomic bomb. So in what sense should I slow down?
  13. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Lethaface in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ha ha ha 🤣 this is just the beginning. I am sure that this is only the beginning, Ukraine will not even receive the promised half of the Leopard tanks. I had this thought when many were happy about the announcement of the delivery of these tanks to Ukraine, but it looked too smooth to be true. I can imagine what kind of soap opera awaits us after the announcement of the delivery of combat aircraft. Intricacies of intrigue and plot twists
  14. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Typical tank work on the Donbass front lately
  15. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Huba in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Typical tank work on the Donbass front lately
  16. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Huba in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ha ha ha 🤣 this is just the beginning. I am sure that this is only the beginning, Ukraine will not even receive the promised half of the Leopard tanks. I had this thought when many were happy about the announcement of the delivery of these tanks to Ukraine, but it looked too smooth to be true. I can imagine what kind of soap opera awaits us after the announcement of the delivery of combat aircraft. Intricacies of intrigue and plot twists
  17. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I can't believe I'm reading this... So, based on your words, Lenin did not give the order in 1919 to seize the Ukrainian People's Republic? Or Ukrainians did not have the right to create their own state.
  18. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I can't believe I'm reading this... So, based on your words, Lenin did not give the order in 1919 to seize the Ukrainian People's Republic? Or Ukrainians did not have the right to create their own state.
  19. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Blazing 88's in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In what sense "dial it back a bit"? Should I show more respect for a culture that has oppressed and humiliated my ancestors for centuries? I studied Russian literature for 10 years at school with all those Pushkins and Dostoyevskys. We were literally forced to memorize their poems. For many years I wondered why the hell I need all this rubbish. Until 2014 finally arrived. Then I understood everything. Russian literature is the same weapon of oppression of the peoples included in it as propaganda, or the atomic bomb. So in what sense should I slow down?
  20. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I can't believe I'm reading this... So, based on your words, Lenin did not give the order in 1919 to seize the Ukrainian People's Republic? Or Ukrainians did not have the right to create their own state.
  21. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from The_MonkeyKing in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ha ha ha 🤣 this is just the beginning. I am sure that this is only the beginning, Ukraine will not even receive the promised half of the Leopard tanks. I had this thought when many were happy about the announcement of the delivery of these tanks to Ukraine, but it looked too smooth to be true. I can imagine what kind of soap opera awaits us after the announcement of the delivery of combat aircraft. Intricacies of intrigue and plot twists
  22. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Oh yeah, I remember that. That was rather weird at that time.
    Well, if similar things appear connected to this war, we should treat such acts as actually sign of benevolent involvment of common people around the globe in justified Ukrainian war effort, and not trying to block it in the name of some wrongly- percieved political corectness or symetrism (after all, what they can personally do seeing all this carnage?). Chaikovsky, Dostoyevsky and this bloody fashist Pushkin will eventually manage, even if not played for several years, don't need to worry.
    In turn, it is good occassion for example to try some great works of Ukrainian literature, cinema and art. Larisa Shepitko (Soviet-Ukrainian filmmaker), Serhiy Loznica, Serhiy Zhadan, Yuriy Andruchovycz- you can't go wrong with those names, if you only value good culture. Add music, theatre etc. I hope because of this war Ukrainains will finally have their own "introduction" into global cultural stage, and that it will not only be temporary phenomenon made from occassional interesment.
    Realtively interesting (translated) interview with common UA soldier:
  23. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I had electricity all winter constantly and almost never turned off. Now many write about it, so it seems to be true. With increasing temperatures, the lack of electricity will decrease. So it looks like Russia's sensational plan to plunge Ukraine into the Middle Ages by depriving it of electricity has failed, like many other poorly planned and poorly executed plans of Russia.
  24. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yes, I also like some of Tolstoy works. True, very few, for example, the short story "Hadji Murat", where he perfectly describes the habits of Russian soldiers during the Caucasian wars of the 19th century:
    "The fountain was polluted, apparently on purpose, so that water could not be taken from it. The mosque was also polluted, and the mullah with the Mutalims was cleaning it up... No one spoke of hatred of the Russians. The feeling experienced by all Chechens, young and old, was stronger than hatred. It was not hatred, but the non-recognition of these Russian dogs by people and such disgust, disgust and bewilderment at the ridiculous cruelty of these creatures that the desire to exterminate them, like the desire to exterminate rats, poisonous spiders and wolves, was as natural as a sense of self-preservation"
    In any case, this behavior was not common in the 19th century. Many European armies behaved in a similar way when capturing settlements. But more than 150 years have passed. Ideology and world views have completely changed, and Russia is still mentally at the level of the 19th century Pushkin, Dostoevsky and other nonsense.
  25. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ok, you are right in many points- left, even radical one (I don't treat socialdemocrats or mild socialist as such), can provide very useful (or at least interesting) intellectual perspective.
    Now the problem here is that communism created one of the most (some people can even tell the most) bloody political framework in human history- whole set of ideological narratives that induced unimagineable suffering. All these ideologies based on hard left have one thing in common- they weren't seriously tried in the West, where they were basically invented. You get where I am going to? If Zizek treated himself seriously- if he even can, I mean- he would burn his Stalin's portrait and stop calling himself communist. It's tasteless, not really funny and despicable to millions of victims. Btw. I like the guy, just this ideology is dead as one-year corps of hagnman eaten by vultures in some old Transylvania crossraods.
    Going back to Ukraine perspective and topic of this board - cultural imperialism is very much connected to political one, that's obvious. I am not for "cancelling" Russian culture, just remind you folks that some temporary ban on "enemy things" was common through history. Brits and Americans did that in WWII with German cultural products (Wagner was de facto forbidden well into 40's) or Japanese pottery. It will go back when Russia will become more civilzied again- hopefully, enriched in new perspectives of people who suffered by it. This is nothing new, and nothing to be particluary concerned for.
    Very soon we will have the same issues with Russian athlets in Olympic ceremony; I can't imagine them just walking around like that.
    Going back to military:
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