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    Zeleban got a reaction from Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A brief description of the events of the Ukrainian invasion of the Zaporizhzhia region by a pilot aerial reconnaissance of the mechanized battalion of the 47th brigade:
    I think that both our allies and our command bear the responsibility for the failure. It is difficult to conduct strategic operations with 30-50% of the necessary equipment and no air superiority.
    On the other hand, knowing your resources, you need to push away from them, and not scatter your already limited forces. There was indeed a plan for Tokmak in 3 days, but more on that later. Let's start from the beginning.
    We went through all possible ranges, training, courses and headed south. We were forbidden to interact with anyone, so as not to give away our presence. Spoiler, two weeks before the start of the counteroffensive, the enemy already knew the location of each brigade, the number of equipment and personnel.
    Were we aware of enemy forces, fortifications and minefields? Yes of course. The National Guard, which has been holding the front here for a year, knew every bush, every forest strip, and any ordinary soldier could show us firing points, enemy observation points on a map, and provide photos of minefields from copters.
    A week before the offensive, night and day shootings are carried out on the fortified areas of the enemy, massive artillery strikes, which we adjust every day. There is practically no response, for 20 of our shots, 1 enemy projectile arrives. We were told that 82 and 120 mm are a lot, 155 mm is practically unlimited.
    But still we were preparing for Forward Forward. Two days before the active phase, we receive a general plan from the command, which provides for an advance of 10 kilometers in the first 12 hours at best. At worst - 5 km.
    In a day, we had to break through the enemy's first line of defense, bypass Robotyne and Novopokropivka, prepare a bridgehead for the next brigades that were to take Tokmak. We understood that the command wanted Kharkiv 2.0 Was it possible with our forces? As British intelligence thought 50/50.
    To our question, "what's the plan if something goes wrong?" We were told "The corps command has a plan B." We had to interact with at least 5 more brigades that I know of, two brigades of the Assault Guard and three mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We had to open a corridor for one more corps.
    Spoiler - everything went wrong, spoiler - there was no plan B.
    This means that we have up to 10 brigades that must quickly break through the front to a depth of 20-30 kilometers. Most of the brigades are newly created. Equipment and transport, mainly western. Fighters are motivated, and most of them are trained. However, this time the God of War turned his back on us, and things did not go according to plan.
  2. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Expeditionary warfare? Morocco? Are you kidding?
    PULS? HIMARS? Bradleys? Late model Abrams? Gliding bombs? SPY-X drones? AGM154C JSOW?
    Most of those system have  pushed Mororcan capabilities hundred of miles forward. Morocco is able to attack lots of Spanish cities now if they want, with little danger to be retaliated
  3. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Thank you very much United States (and Israel). By arming Morocco with state-of-the-art weapons, you are incubating a war in North Africa. Morocco's enemies can only be Spain and Algeria.
  4. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A brief description of the events of the Ukrainian invasion of the Zaporizhzhia region by a pilot aerial reconnaissance of the mechanized battalion of the 47th brigade:
    I think that both our allies and our command bear the responsibility for the failure. It is difficult to conduct strategic operations with 30-50% of the necessary equipment and no air superiority.
    On the other hand, knowing your resources, you need to push away from them, and not scatter your already limited forces. There was indeed a plan for Tokmak in 3 days, but more on that later. Let's start from the beginning.
    We went through all possible ranges, training, courses and headed south. We were forbidden to interact with anyone, so as not to give away our presence. Spoiler, two weeks before the start of the counteroffensive, the enemy already knew the location of each brigade, the number of equipment and personnel.
    Were we aware of enemy forces, fortifications and minefields? Yes of course. The National Guard, which has been holding the front here for a year, knew every bush, every forest strip, and any ordinary soldier could show us firing points, enemy observation points on a map, and provide photos of minefields from copters.
    A week before the offensive, night and day shootings are carried out on the fortified areas of the enemy, massive artillery strikes, which we adjust every day. There is practically no response, for 20 of our shots, 1 enemy projectile arrives. We were told that 82 and 120 mm are a lot, 155 mm is practically unlimited.
    But still we were preparing for Forward Forward. Two days before the active phase, we receive a general plan from the command, which provides for an advance of 10 kilometers in the first 12 hours at best. At worst - 5 km.
    In a day, we had to break through the enemy's first line of defense, bypass Robotyne and Novopokropivka, prepare a bridgehead for the next brigades that were to take Tokmak. We understood that the command wanted Kharkiv 2.0 Was it possible with our forces? As British intelligence thought 50/50.
    To our question, "what's the plan if something goes wrong?" We were told "The corps command has a plan B." We had to interact with at least 5 more brigades that I know of, two brigades of the Assault Guard and three mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We had to open a corridor for one more corps.
    Spoiler - everything went wrong, spoiler - there was no plan B.
    This means that we have up to 10 brigades that must quickly break through the front to a depth of 20-30 kilometers. Most of the brigades are newly created. Equipment and transport, mainly western. Fighters are motivated, and most of them are trained. However, this time the God of War turned his back on us, and things did not go according to plan.
  5. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A brief description of the events of the Ukrainian invasion of the Zaporizhzhia region by a pilot aerial reconnaissance of the mechanized battalion of the 47th brigade:
    I think that both our allies and our command bear the responsibility for the failure. It is difficult to conduct strategic operations with 30-50% of the necessary equipment and no air superiority.
    On the other hand, knowing your resources, you need to push away from them, and not scatter your already limited forces. There was indeed a plan for Tokmak in 3 days, but more on that later. Let's start from the beginning.
    We went through all possible ranges, training, courses and headed south. We were forbidden to interact with anyone, so as not to give away our presence. Spoiler, two weeks before the start of the counteroffensive, the enemy already knew the location of each brigade, the number of equipment and personnel.
    Were we aware of enemy forces, fortifications and minefields? Yes of course. The National Guard, which has been holding the front here for a year, knew every bush, every forest strip, and any ordinary soldier could show us firing points, enemy observation points on a map, and provide photos of minefields from copters.
    A week before the offensive, night and day shootings are carried out on the fortified areas of the enemy, massive artillery strikes, which we adjust every day. There is practically no response, for 20 of our shots, 1 enemy projectile arrives. We were told that 82 and 120 mm are a lot, 155 mm is practically unlimited.
    But still we were preparing for Forward Forward. Two days before the active phase, we receive a general plan from the command, which provides for an advance of 10 kilometers in the first 12 hours at best. At worst - 5 km.
    In a day, we had to break through the enemy's first line of defense, bypass Robotyne and Novopokropivka, prepare a bridgehead for the next brigades that were to take Tokmak. We understood that the command wanted Kharkiv 2.0 Was it possible with our forces? As British intelligence thought 50/50.
    To our question, "what's the plan if something goes wrong?" We were told "The corps command has a plan B." We had to interact with at least 5 more brigades that I know of, two brigades of the Assault Guard and three mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We had to open a corridor for one more corps.
    Spoiler - everything went wrong, spoiler - there was no plan B.
    This means that we have up to 10 brigades that must quickly break through the front to a depth of 20-30 kilometers. Most of the brigades are newly created. Equipment and transport, mainly western. Fighters are motivated, and most of them are trained. However, this time the God of War turned his back on us, and things did not go according to plan.
  6. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from pintere in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not at all. I remember these two years of war very well, because I myself partly took part in them. Therefore, there is no need to doubt my health. I remember very well how energetic, optimistic and ready to do anything for victory against the enemy, the people who were near me did not give me the slightest doubt about our victory. But there is nothing of this anymore. I'm already tired of describing the mood of people in the rear. Now there is not even a shadow of the spirit that was in people at the very beginning of this war.  This has nothing to do with the past. This is what it is right now. Let's forget 2022. 2023 is already coming to an end.
    Perhaps the Polish government understands the danger of this blocking. But the mood of ordinary Poles is by no means in favor of Ukraine. To be convinced of this, you can read the comments of the Poles on any news about the blocking of the Ukrainian borders - they gloat over the imminent and inevitable fall of Ukraine. And the government of a democratic country is obliged to listen to the sentiments of ordinary people. 
    Previously, I was also confident in the full support of Ukraine by the Poles. But these times have passed as well as the fortitude of the Ukrainians. Now the Poles are more likely to sympathize with the Russians than with the Ukrainians. And I previously argued that Ukraine would fall very quickly without the support of Poland and now the time is drawing near.
    Yes, but what is the point of carrying out any strategic offensives if the rear of Ukraine as well as the entire supply system falls and if a civil war breaks out in the rear.
    Russia will not need to strain itself so much. All Russia will have to do is continue its successful campaign to destroy Ukraine’s rear and incite its former allies against Ukraine.
    No, there is no talk of surrendering to Russia. But speeches about the overthrow of the government are becoming louder, and on the other hand, accusations of an attempted coup in the interests of Russia are heard. and the situation is heating up every day. I don’t think it’s worth reminding how it could end
    This is wrong. Ukraine is in a much worse situation than in February 2022. Most of our most experienced and motivated fighters were killed, captured, maimed, and finally simply tired of the war and require replacement. But there is no one to replace them. You can send us mountains of weapons and equipment. But where can we get soldiers to continue the war?
    As for Russia, if you really want to defeat it, then forget about underestimating Russia. We made this mistake before and today we are paying for it.
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    Zeleban got a reaction from Ales Dvorak in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well then, just ban me so that I don’t interfere with your stay in the cozy echo chamber of your own beliefs
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    Zeleban got a reaction from Bulletpoint in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well, first of all, in response to the activation of enemy troops along the entire front line, we do not see any adequate and decisive actions from our military and civilian leadership. Only increased internecine squabbling. Zelensky seems to have decided to replace the chief of the general staff. I fully support this decision, because all responsibility for the failure of the Ukrainian military campaign in 2023 lies entirely on the shoulders of the General Staff, which was unable to adequately assess the enemy’s forces and capabilities and develop the correct strategy.
    Replacing Zaluzhny would be a good signal that the leadership of our country is ready to adequately and decisively respond to military failures at the front. But instead, Zelensky started a real drama with intrigue and gossip, which provoked a split in Ukrainian society, which is intensifying every day. 
    As a result, against the backdrop of complications at the front, we have a difficult situation in the rear with thousands of Ukrainians almost ready to throw themselves at each other in defense of their favorite political figures.
  9. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from acrashb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    An interesting article about the consequences for the United States of the defeat of Ukraine in the war with Russia
  10. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Bulletpoint in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    1. Increasing Russian attacks on almost all sectors of the front.
    2. Political crisis in the Ukrainian government with a real prospect of a rebellion against Zelensky.
    Already now one can observe the gradual abandonment of positions by the Ukrainian military near Bakhmut, near Liman and near Avdiivka.
  11. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I'm not sure about "China wouldn't do a thing with Taiwan because it's economically stupid".
    I remember the discussion "Russia isn't going to invade because it would be utterly stupid". I remember how it turned into "I really thought they wouldn't invade, because it really was utterly stupid" which turned into "See? It was utterly stupid" and now that the war is likely over and we're looking at the likely end state, we are talking about how "yes it was stupid for sure but if you assign the 'victory points' certain way, maybe it was not utterly stupid".
    We can certainly hope China isn't that stupid and would rather sit on its extended back and make hilarious amounts of money than make war and possibly get that extended back kicked in some way. But as they say, hope is not a strategy.
  12. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    An interesting article about the consequences for the United States of the defeat of Ukraine in the war with Russia
  13. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  14. Thanks
    Zeleban got a reaction from Vanir Ausf B in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    3. That is, it is mainly infantry who fight, mostly with “legs”, the bulk of the equipment is in the tactical rear. The fact that from time to time a couple of tanks and an armored fighting vehicle goes to the front line to “carefully work” will not pass the point. The bloody carousel continues - infantry + mortars and artillery. This is a format that plays into the hands of our enemy, who significantly surpasses us in human resources, which he, moreover, treats precisely as a resource, and not as valuable to his own citizens.
    Obviously, figuratively speaking. “stop a little” and think about what to do about it. It is clear that the enemy will not stop “voluntarily”; he must be forced to do so. This can only be done in one way - if the volume and number of losses in the same human resource on which he is now relying increases multiple times. That is, the enemy’s rate of “consumption” must exceed the rate of its recovery.
    Technologically, we cannot do this yet (because there is no advantage in the entire range of weapons so significant that it would lead to real “devastation” in the ranks of the enemy, neither quantitative nor qualitative). Moreover, our ammunition capabilities, let’s say, are also quite limited.
    And General Zaluzhny, despite all the hate that stupid “strategists” gave him, in his assessments and conclusions regarding the current development of the situation, he was not only 100% right, but I would even say 150%. Either technology or a positional dead end.
    However, the reality is that we are not yet able to independently increase our own technological “capabilities” on the battlefield - neither resource-wise, nor financially, nor even through organizational and administrative means. Relying solely on the help of the allies in this matter is, of course, possible, but this is a rather unreliable matter.
    Therefore, it remains to look for a way, directly, figuratively speaking, “on the battlefield itself.” In my opinion, from the entire price list of possible solutions and taking into account the currently superior format of organizing and conducting combat operations, we can only provide our own infantry with a “new quality” so that it is certainly superior to the enemy infantry in this format of combat clashes (for now, unfortunately, we have to think exactly about such a “consumable” method).
    Or, it is very important to work quantitatively and qualitatively on the artillery component of our army. There are certain problems with the latter. We are very dependent in this matter on our allies, who, in turn, do not have bottomless supplies of art and ammunition for it for us.
    Therefore, at this stage, we should thoughtfully and seriously engage, first of all, with the infantry, with constant and persistent attention to our artillery.
    Its “new quality” should consist of significant improvements in three main areas - training (I mean the whole complex, from moral and psychological training to special tactical and fire), weapons + equipment (they should be in the infantry in SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, and not only to dominate the enemy’s analogues in terms of their “performance characteristics”, and this should apply to the entire complex, from tactical drones, mortars, communications equipment, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, ending with “spores”, protective equipment, thermal imaging and all-weather sights and the standard weapons of the shooter), and the tactical level command link: from the squad commander (assault group), to the brigade commander and regiment commander must not only be READY to organize and control infantry combat in a variety of conditions, but also BE ABLE to do so do.
    We must finally understand that the enemy will strive every now and then to repeat the “fortresses” of Bakhmut, Avdievka, etc., in which our infantry will come into contact at a high rate (even with a comparable, or even slightly lower, rate of infantry grinding down ) the enemy himself). This plays into his hands; in the mobilization tension he outplays us, because he has a much greater mobilization resource.
    The fact that to this day the Kremlin regime, due to the internal political peculiarities of the “current moment,” has so far reduced the pace of mobilization, do not mislead you. As soon as it discharges (and this, obviously, will happen one way or another), these rates will begin to increase significantly. Moreover, during this time the enemy can significantly improve and increase the capabilities of its system of mobilization deployment of troops.
    Stopping this, or better said, radically changing it, is only possible when, figuratively speaking, the enemy begins to realize the fact that in order to kill one Ukrainian infantryman at the front, he must spend his 15-20 "TulovyCh" in any situation and under any circumstances. It is then that the mobilization race, which the Kremlin has obviously chosen as one of the main elements of its war strategy, will lose its meaning for it.
    In the meantime, in the current conditions, it is quite profitable for him to organize some next “meat grinder” over and over again - today it is Bakhmut and Avdeevka, tomorrow it could be Seversk, Ugledar or Kupyansk with Liman. At the same time, the result is not so important to him as the process itself.
  15. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from cyrano01 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    3. That is, it is mainly infantry who fight, mostly with “legs”, the bulk of the equipment is in the tactical rear. The fact that from time to time a couple of tanks and an armored fighting vehicle goes to the front line to “carefully work” will not pass the point. The bloody carousel continues - infantry + mortars and artillery. This is a format that plays into the hands of our enemy, who significantly surpasses us in human resources, which he, moreover, treats precisely as a resource, and not as valuable to his own citizens.
    Obviously, figuratively speaking. “stop a little” and think about what to do about it. It is clear that the enemy will not stop “voluntarily”; he must be forced to do so. This can only be done in one way - if the volume and number of losses in the same human resource on which he is now relying increases multiple times. That is, the enemy’s rate of “consumption” must exceed the rate of its recovery.
    Technologically, we cannot do this yet (because there is no advantage in the entire range of weapons so significant that it would lead to real “devastation” in the ranks of the enemy, neither quantitative nor qualitative). Moreover, our ammunition capabilities, let’s say, are also quite limited.
    And General Zaluzhny, despite all the hate that stupid “strategists” gave him, in his assessments and conclusions regarding the current development of the situation, he was not only 100% right, but I would even say 150%. Either technology or a positional dead end.
    However, the reality is that we are not yet able to independently increase our own technological “capabilities” on the battlefield - neither resource-wise, nor financially, nor even through organizational and administrative means. Relying solely on the help of the allies in this matter is, of course, possible, but this is a rather unreliable matter.
    Therefore, it remains to look for a way, directly, figuratively speaking, “on the battlefield itself.” In my opinion, from the entire price list of possible solutions and taking into account the currently superior format of organizing and conducting combat operations, we can only provide our own infantry with a “new quality” so that it is certainly superior to the enemy infantry in this format of combat clashes (for now, unfortunately, we have to think exactly about such a “consumable” method).
    Or, it is very important to work quantitatively and qualitatively on the artillery component of our army. There are certain problems with the latter. We are very dependent in this matter on our allies, who, in turn, do not have bottomless supplies of art and ammunition for it for us.
    Therefore, at this stage, we should thoughtfully and seriously engage, first of all, with the infantry, with constant and persistent attention to our artillery.
    Its “new quality” should consist of significant improvements in three main areas - training (I mean the whole complex, from moral and psychological training to special tactical and fire), weapons + equipment (they should be in the infantry in SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, and not only to dominate the enemy’s analogues in terms of their “performance characteristics”, and this should apply to the entire complex, from tactical drones, mortars, communications equipment, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, ending with “spores”, protective equipment, thermal imaging and all-weather sights and the standard weapons of the shooter), and the tactical level command link: from the squad commander (assault group), to the brigade commander and regiment commander must not only be READY to organize and control infantry combat in a variety of conditions, but also BE ABLE to do so do.
    We must finally understand that the enemy will strive every now and then to repeat the “fortresses” of Bakhmut, Avdievka, etc., in which our infantry will come into contact at a high rate (even with a comparable, or even slightly lower, rate of infantry grinding down ) the enemy himself). This plays into his hands; in the mobilization tension he outplays us, because he has a much greater mobilization resource.
    The fact that to this day the Kremlin regime, due to the internal political peculiarities of the “current moment,” has so far reduced the pace of mobilization, do not mislead you. As soon as it discharges (and this, obviously, will happen one way or another), these rates will begin to increase significantly. Moreover, during this time the enemy can significantly improve and increase the capabilities of its system of mobilization deployment of troops.
    Stopping this, or better said, radically changing it, is only possible when, figuratively speaking, the enemy begins to realize the fact that in order to kill one Ukrainian infantryman at the front, he must spend his 15-20 "TulovyCh" in any situation and under any circumstances. It is then that the mobilization race, which the Kremlin has obviously chosen as one of the main elements of its war strategy, will lose its meaning for it.
    In the meantime, in the current conditions, it is quite profitable for him to organize some next “meat grinder” over and over again - today it is Bakhmut and Avdeevka, tomorrow it could be Seversk, Ugledar or Kupyansk with Liman. At the same time, the result is not so important to him as the process itself.
  16. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    3. That is, it is mainly infantry who fight, mostly with “legs”, the bulk of the equipment is in the tactical rear. The fact that from time to time a couple of tanks and an armored fighting vehicle goes to the front line to “carefully work” will not pass the point. The bloody carousel continues - infantry + mortars and artillery. This is a format that plays into the hands of our enemy, who significantly surpasses us in human resources, which he, moreover, treats precisely as a resource, and not as valuable to his own citizens.
    Obviously, figuratively speaking. “stop a little” and think about what to do about it. It is clear that the enemy will not stop “voluntarily”; he must be forced to do so. This can only be done in one way - if the volume and number of losses in the same human resource on which he is now relying increases multiple times. That is, the enemy’s rate of “consumption” must exceed the rate of its recovery.
    Technologically, we cannot do this yet (because there is no advantage in the entire range of weapons so significant that it would lead to real “devastation” in the ranks of the enemy, neither quantitative nor qualitative). Moreover, our ammunition capabilities, let’s say, are also quite limited.
    And General Zaluzhny, despite all the hate that stupid “strategists” gave him, in his assessments and conclusions regarding the current development of the situation, he was not only 100% right, but I would even say 150%. Either technology or a positional dead end.
    However, the reality is that we are not yet able to independently increase our own technological “capabilities” on the battlefield - neither resource-wise, nor financially, nor even through organizational and administrative means. Relying solely on the help of the allies in this matter is, of course, possible, but this is a rather unreliable matter.
    Therefore, it remains to look for a way, directly, figuratively speaking, “on the battlefield itself.” In my opinion, from the entire price list of possible solutions and taking into account the currently superior format of organizing and conducting combat operations, we can only provide our own infantry with a “new quality” so that it is certainly superior to the enemy infantry in this format of combat clashes (for now, unfortunately, we have to think exactly about such a “consumable” method).
    Or, it is very important to work quantitatively and qualitatively on the artillery component of our army. There are certain problems with the latter. We are very dependent in this matter on our allies, who, in turn, do not have bottomless supplies of art and ammunition for it for us.
    Therefore, at this stage, we should thoughtfully and seriously engage, first of all, with the infantry, with constant and persistent attention to our artillery.
    Its “new quality” should consist of significant improvements in three main areas - training (I mean the whole complex, from moral and psychological training to special tactical and fire), weapons + equipment (they should be in the infantry in SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, and not only to dominate the enemy’s analogues in terms of their “performance characteristics”, and this should apply to the entire complex, from tactical drones, mortars, communications equipment, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, ending with “spores”, protective equipment, thermal imaging and all-weather sights and the standard weapons of the shooter), and the tactical level command link: from the squad commander (assault group), to the brigade commander and regiment commander must not only be READY to organize and control infantry combat in a variety of conditions, but also BE ABLE to do so do.
    We must finally understand that the enemy will strive every now and then to repeat the “fortresses” of Bakhmut, Avdievka, etc., in which our infantry will come into contact at a high rate (even with a comparable, or even slightly lower, rate of infantry grinding down ) the enemy himself). This plays into his hands; in the mobilization tension he outplays us, because he has a much greater mobilization resource.
    The fact that to this day the Kremlin regime, due to the internal political peculiarities of the “current moment,” has so far reduced the pace of mobilization, do not mislead you. As soon as it discharges (and this, obviously, will happen one way or another), these rates will begin to increase significantly. Moreover, during this time the enemy can significantly improve and increase the capabilities of its system of mobilization deployment of troops.
    Stopping this, or better said, radically changing it, is only possible when, figuratively speaking, the enemy begins to realize the fact that in order to kill one Ukrainian infantryman at the front, he must spend his 15-20 "TulovyCh" in any situation and under any circumstances. It is then that the mobilization race, which the Kremlin has obviously chosen as one of the main elements of its war strategy, will lose its meaning for it.
    In the meantime, in the current conditions, it is quite profitable for him to organize some next “meat grinder” over and over again - today it is Bakhmut and Avdeevka, tomorrow it could be Seversk, Ugledar or Kupyansk with Liman. At the same time, the result is not so important to him as the process itself.
  17. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    3. That is, it is mainly infantry who fight, mostly with “legs”, the bulk of the equipment is in the tactical rear. The fact that from time to time a couple of tanks and an armored fighting vehicle goes to the front line to “carefully work” will not pass the point. The bloody carousel continues - infantry + mortars and artillery. This is a format that plays into the hands of our enemy, who significantly surpasses us in human resources, which he, moreover, treats precisely as a resource, and not as valuable to his own citizens.
    Obviously, figuratively speaking. “stop a little” and think about what to do about it. It is clear that the enemy will not stop “voluntarily”; he must be forced to do so. This can only be done in one way - if the volume and number of losses in the same human resource on which he is now relying increases multiple times. That is, the enemy’s rate of “consumption” must exceed the rate of its recovery.
    Technologically, we cannot do this yet (because there is no advantage in the entire range of weapons so significant that it would lead to real “devastation” in the ranks of the enemy, neither quantitative nor qualitative). Moreover, our ammunition capabilities, let’s say, are also quite limited.
    And General Zaluzhny, despite all the hate that stupid “strategists” gave him, in his assessments and conclusions regarding the current development of the situation, he was not only 100% right, but I would even say 150%. Either technology or a positional dead end.
    However, the reality is that we are not yet able to independently increase our own technological “capabilities” on the battlefield - neither resource-wise, nor financially, nor even through organizational and administrative means. Relying solely on the help of the allies in this matter is, of course, possible, but this is a rather unreliable matter.
    Therefore, it remains to look for a way, directly, figuratively speaking, “on the battlefield itself.” In my opinion, from the entire price list of possible solutions and taking into account the currently superior format of organizing and conducting combat operations, we can only provide our own infantry with a “new quality” so that it is certainly superior to the enemy infantry in this format of combat clashes (for now, unfortunately, we have to think exactly about such a “consumable” method).
    Or, it is very important to work quantitatively and qualitatively on the artillery component of our army. There are certain problems with the latter. We are very dependent in this matter on our allies, who, in turn, do not have bottomless supplies of art and ammunition for it for us.
    Therefore, at this stage, we should thoughtfully and seriously engage, first of all, with the infantry, with constant and persistent attention to our artillery.
    Its “new quality” should consist of significant improvements in three main areas - training (I mean the whole complex, from moral and psychological training to special tactical and fire), weapons + equipment (they should be in the infantry in SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, and not only to dominate the enemy’s analogues in terms of their “performance characteristics”, and this should apply to the entire complex, from tactical drones, mortars, communications equipment, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, ending with “spores”, protective equipment, thermal imaging and all-weather sights and the standard weapons of the shooter), and the tactical level command link: from the squad commander (assault group), to the brigade commander and regiment commander must not only be READY to organize and control infantry combat in a variety of conditions, but also BE ABLE to do so do.
    We must finally understand that the enemy will strive every now and then to repeat the “fortresses” of Bakhmut, Avdievka, etc., in which our infantry will come into contact at a high rate (even with a comparable, or even slightly lower, rate of infantry grinding down ) the enemy himself). This plays into his hands; in the mobilization tension he outplays us, because he has a much greater mobilization resource.
    The fact that to this day the Kremlin regime, due to the internal political peculiarities of the “current moment,” has so far reduced the pace of mobilization, do not mislead you. As soon as it discharges (and this, obviously, will happen one way or another), these rates will begin to increase significantly. Moreover, during this time the enemy can significantly improve and increase the capabilities of its system of mobilization deployment of troops.
    Stopping this, or better said, radically changing it, is only possible when, figuratively speaking, the enemy begins to realize the fact that in order to kill one Ukrainian infantryman at the front, he must spend his 15-20 "TulovyCh" in any situation and under any circumstances. It is then that the mobilization race, which the Kremlin has obviously chosen as one of the main elements of its war strategy, will lose its meaning for it.
    In the meantime, in the current conditions, it is quite profitable for him to organize some next “meat grinder” over and over again - today it is Bakhmut and Avdeevka, tomorrow it could be Seversk, Ugledar or Kupyansk with Liman. At the same time, the result is not so important to him as the process itself.
  18. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from hcrof in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    3. That is, it is mainly infantry who fight, mostly with “legs”, the bulk of the equipment is in the tactical rear. The fact that from time to time a couple of tanks and an armored fighting vehicle goes to the front line to “carefully work” will not pass the point. The bloody carousel continues - infantry + mortars and artillery. This is a format that plays into the hands of our enemy, who significantly surpasses us in human resources, which he, moreover, treats precisely as a resource, and not as valuable to his own citizens.
    Obviously, figuratively speaking. “stop a little” and think about what to do about it. It is clear that the enemy will not stop “voluntarily”; he must be forced to do so. This can only be done in one way - if the volume and number of losses in the same human resource on which he is now relying increases multiple times. That is, the enemy’s rate of “consumption” must exceed the rate of its recovery.
    Technologically, we cannot do this yet (because there is no advantage in the entire range of weapons so significant that it would lead to real “devastation” in the ranks of the enemy, neither quantitative nor qualitative). Moreover, our ammunition capabilities, let’s say, are also quite limited.
    And General Zaluzhny, despite all the hate that stupid “strategists” gave him, in his assessments and conclusions regarding the current development of the situation, he was not only 100% right, but I would even say 150%. Either technology or a positional dead end.
    However, the reality is that we are not yet able to independently increase our own technological “capabilities” on the battlefield - neither resource-wise, nor financially, nor even through organizational and administrative means. Relying solely on the help of the allies in this matter is, of course, possible, but this is a rather unreliable matter.
    Therefore, it remains to look for a way, directly, figuratively speaking, “on the battlefield itself.” In my opinion, from the entire price list of possible solutions and taking into account the currently superior format of organizing and conducting combat operations, we can only provide our own infantry with a “new quality” so that it is certainly superior to the enemy infantry in this format of combat clashes (for now, unfortunately, we have to think exactly about such a “consumable” method).
    Or, it is very important to work quantitatively and qualitatively on the artillery component of our army. There are certain problems with the latter. We are very dependent in this matter on our allies, who, in turn, do not have bottomless supplies of art and ammunition for it for us.
    Therefore, at this stage, we should thoughtfully and seriously engage, first of all, with the infantry, with constant and persistent attention to our artillery.
    Its “new quality” should consist of significant improvements in three main areas - training (I mean the whole complex, from moral and psychological training to special tactical and fire), weapons + equipment (they should be in the infantry in SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, and not only to dominate the enemy’s analogues in terms of their “performance characteristics”, and this should apply to the entire complex, from tactical drones, mortars, communications equipment, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, ending with “spores”, protective equipment, thermal imaging and all-weather sights and the standard weapons of the shooter), and the tactical level command link: from the squad commander (assault group), to the brigade commander and regiment commander must not only be READY to organize and control infantry combat in a variety of conditions, but also BE ABLE to do so do.
    We must finally understand that the enemy will strive every now and then to repeat the “fortresses” of Bakhmut, Avdievka, etc., in which our infantry will come into contact at a high rate (even with a comparable, or even slightly lower, rate of infantry grinding down ) the enemy himself). This plays into his hands; in the mobilization tension he outplays us, because he has a much greater mobilization resource.
    The fact that to this day the Kremlin regime, due to the internal political peculiarities of the “current moment,” has so far reduced the pace of mobilization, do not mislead you. As soon as it discharges (and this, obviously, will happen one way or another), these rates will begin to increase significantly. Moreover, during this time the enemy can significantly improve and increase the capabilities of its system of mobilization deployment of troops.
    Stopping this, or better said, radically changing it, is only possible when, figuratively speaking, the enemy begins to realize the fact that in order to kill one Ukrainian infantryman at the front, he must spend his 15-20 "TulovyCh" in any situation and under any circumstances. It is then that the mobilization race, which the Kremlin has obviously chosen as one of the main elements of its war strategy, will lose its meaning for it.
    In the meantime, in the current conditions, it is quite profitable for him to organize some next “meat grinder” over and over again - today it is Bakhmut and Avdeevka, tomorrow it could be Seversk, Ugledar or Kupyansk with Liman. At the same time, the result is not so important to him as the process itself.
  19. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Anthony P. in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  20. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The Russian Ministry of Defense does not care about the data posted on some website. They also don't care about the testimony of artificial intelligence. They will declare that all this is Western manipulation and will easily avoid the need for payments
  21. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Panserjeger in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  22. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  23. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    there is also a video for this story:
    Video 1 - Jackson and I relax while searching for a drone.
    Video 2 - Mom, I love Bambas
    Video 3 - ATGM attack
    Video 4 - relaxing on D2
  24. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  25. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    there is also a video for this story:
    Video 1 - Jackson and I relax while searching for a drone.
    Video 2 - Mom, I love Bambas
    Video 3 - ATGM attack
    Video 4 - relaxing on D2
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