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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. He has the obsession like an autistic person. They smash their environment up because the chair is 1 inch too far from the door. The man is mental but a dangerous one. Like a rabies dog a needle to put him asleep.
  2. I remember CM1. Wanted to get rid of a King Tiger? No problem the M3 Stuart did it every time. Nonsense like this just spoils the game. Naturally, the US made 1911 superior to anything else. Once upon a time I owned one.
  3. Hergé was a prophet. Downloaded it yesterday. Putin is nothing more than a Soviet relic. We have known about it for ninety years now.
  4. The Landrovers in SF2 sometimes have spare ammo for the on-map mortar of 50mm.
  5. I can't see how we can make a PBEM as a true simulator. To make it a simulator is the reason I bought the game. Enjoy my game on Hotseat it is the only time I play multiplayer. First a one-to-one conversation of the home rules which is simple. Make the most senior unit situational aware the C2 flows from there. No gamey coincidental area fires permitted. Tactical SOPs are permitted, eg lobbing a hand genade in a dwelling prior entereng.
  6. I rest my case. Some people seem to think this war is the greatest thing what happened to Combat Mission.
  7. It is history now. The Nazis we don't reenact running concentration camps and execute civilians. Even the Waffen SS in the game they are just another military unit and can't shoot surrendering units. A crime every army is guilty of. Enjoy your game of BS I don't for the time being if ever. We see how out of touch it is with reality. NATO fights till the last Ukrainian generously supplied with NATO weapons. Western Europeans politicians just a conga line of opportunists. The people of the Ukraine will remember them.
  8. Abrams, Leopards, Challengers vs Toyota Hilux.
  9. Put an AFV on hunt with or without a tentative contact and the difference becomes obvious. Red Dawn in Fire and Rubble just to make sure the regimental HQ gets the Intel required. During a turn on Iron select the Regimental HQ and see how much info he has. He barely knows where his own units are. Play the game as realistically as possible and the rewards are great. Playing Soviet in WW 2 is a challenge with the C2.
  10. I try SF2 now and then. I am on the verge of getting rid of it. I am not going to waste money on CW or BS. Especially BS just watching the news make me sick to play a game about it.
  11. Tanks will evolve a lot more. Present Abrams is a completely different vehicle than a M4 Sherman from WW2. Ok both have tracks and a turret. Now it can sense the shot of a sniper from a high-rise building. Future tanks will engage far from beyond the horizon.
  12. More than 10% and regard your game as lost. The same goes for victory, a surrender is a victory because the enemy agrees you have won. It is for scenarios against AI.
  13. I hope it is true. Railway connection between Belarus and Ukraine cut to stop Russian reinforcements (republicworld.com)
  14. I think a tactical nuke on Mariupol is on the cards just as a demonstration. To show Zelenskyy not to push NATO too hard his cities are the first on the list. Would it force NATO's hand? It would mean the start of WW3. Putin can't afford a negotiated settlement it will mean the end for him as president.
  15. I backed mine up to an SSD drive to play the game when I am on holidays with no problems. I think moving your files to your D-Drive should have no problems. I installed the game when it asked me where to place the files, I put them on my SSD drive.
  16. I went through the job description of the Australian army. It started with, the opportunity to have a degree in.......... But it would make an interesting game.
  17. It would be a game by itself. Same with the C2 there are no signal units in the game.
  18. A new Slavic union without Russia and sentiments are much the same in Kazakhstan with its Central Asian population. They have long memories. Keep them as friends you can't afford to ignore them.
  19. You need a Marshall Plan. Serves the same purpose to keep Ukraine in the western camp. I can also see a Pan Slavic movement in Eastern Europe who at best keep a neutral stand but may also turn against the west.
  20. Which is not realistic. Area fire should be permitted where no unit has spotting contact at all like artillery in the beginning of the game. Area fire can also happen when it spots a friendly unit firing at something. All of this is the reason I am reluctant to play PBEM. Hotseat is my preferred mode and I have only 2 human players I can play with. HMG can always give area fire as supporting fire. Their section HQ is in contact with the Company HQ who orders a platoon for a mission. The same goes for on field mortars. Hard to write 'rules' around it. Letting armor attack a tentative contact which was generated outside its C2 as a rule doesn't end well most of the time. You need rules for SOP which include supporting fires. Example MG's & Mortars firing through a forest before I send infantry in.
  21. Ukraine and Russia: A Troubled History | History Today
  22. Option 2 is the way the game is supposed to be played. If you use option one find out you will get off second best most times.
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