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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. You don't know the discussion we had last week. It is direct fire to a target spotted by the platoon, the mortar itself has no LOS. I suggested this instead of wasting ammunition on spotting rounds. This is indirect fire by definition. Indirect fire is aiming and firing a projectile without relying on a direct line of sight between the gun and its target.
  2. ....seems to be Croatia Μηχανή του Χρόνου: Γιατί ο Άγιος Βασίλης κρατά όπλο; - Μηχανή του Χρόνου | News 24/7 (news247.gr) Kind regards
  3. The HQ or any other member of the platoon can observe an enemy unit they want to target. In the game it is possible for the mortar who has only a contact icon to be just out of LOS of the enemy but still can take them out by plotting a direct LOF. I found this tactic works in FB to take MG42s.
  4. He is discussing the 60mm in the direct fire mode on platoon level. Communication is verbal between members of the same platoon. In this fashion the mortar team has not an LOS but can plot an LOF on a contact icon which is or was shared through his C2. The tactic I used in FB. In the game if you want to plot a linear mission you have the ridiculous situation in which the HQ who is maybe 25 mtrs away from the mortar must use his radio to achieve this. @Combatintman what you mean by Linear Deployment?
  5. In real life there is direct communication between members of the platoon and the mortar men. In the game make sure that the intel of the security squad is shared asap. The security squad is the squad which moves to find contact with the enemy. My method is 2 scouts split from the 1st squad followed by the HQ and the mortar-team the 1st squad provide fall back and secure an area which conceals the mortar team but enables the mortar to engage the area to 300-500mtrs. Ideally the HQ will get contact icons which is shared with the mortar team and is ready to engage the area of the contact icons. The other 2 squads will have shared the intel and will seize terrain and eliminate the enemy. The 60mm is the key to success with US forces.
  6. Here is where you go wrong, huge battles can't be played that way. When you play the AI you play a human player the author. He plays only one turn the first one and painted a Battle Plan and he painted triggers he can't micromanage his units. You on the other hand can change every minute if you play WeGo otherwise on RTS any time. Most beginning players have problems beating these experts. To do it you need to understand the TacAI. The TacAI will engage automatically on every full contact it will find a path to go from A to B. It will do 90% of the work for you. Make a battalion to cross a bridge select all of the battalion by selecting the HQ and click a destination point on the other side. If you need a recon on the other side first select a Company HQ double click and let them move first. 300 pairs of eyes see more than 2. By micromanaging too much you have a far less enjoyable game. That is at least my colored past experience.
  7. On this I based my opinion These were my words, after I saw the map. In my opinion he would waste his time to report it as a bug. It is just our maps which are 2D are rendered in 3D will have glitches occurring. Plotting waypoints for negotiating obstacles, LOS or LOF gives me an idea, but the TacAI has the last word. Respect to the author of the scenario you can't transform 2D angles of a square into 3D curves.
  8. That I am not a scenario editor. 20 is the default level I would like to see a default 18 waterlevel. Whenever we paint a river or stream it is automatically lower. That is the cause of in my opinion of the bridge issues. The tiles determine or we can cross something or not and sometimes they border streams at triangles as is the case here. I said 'I think it is not a bug. I never said, 'It is not a bug'. Kind regards.
  9. Never ever disagree with a beta tester. Jee, I don't waste my time with plotting way points to see or I can hit a target or if I can cross a stream. For the simple reason it is not realistic. Besides, it is completely unreliable, in the game you can't even trust bridges. In real life people look through their sights or they can hit a target or not they don't plot waypoints. In 4-wheel driving I put the car in 4-wheel drive before I cross a stream. Prior to that I step out and check how deep it is. This is exactly what I do in the game and enjoy playing it that way. Wish you luck with your beta testing I still see the same so-called bug than 10 years ago. I just make suggestions how I play the game. I don't rely on waypoints sorry to disappoint you. Here is a present for you. The Bug is the unit can't render buddy-aid. Bit distressing to watch a Kamerad or mate bleed out. (Counterattack at Son, BN) The game doesn't let me to enter the same Hex.
  10. It goes back to David and Goliath. The sling and the pebble were nothing. As a shepherd he honed his skills to protect his flock against lions. He was prepared, Goliath was not even he had the backing of superior force. The Israelis applied this principle on the Golan Heights their gunnery with 105mm Shermans and 105mm Centurions was superior to the T62's of the Syrians. The Egyptians too with their Saggers against Centurions applied this principle never fight the last war.
  11. The Bocage in 'Pleasantly Shaded Woodland' (the sunken lane) is than the most realistic one. Modeling is not easy in the editor we could have waterlevel that would be lower than the default 20. So, if we paint stream swamp, streams, or brooks they would be a little lower and lowest for rivers. My compliments to the author of Pleasantly Shaded Woodland I thoroughly enjoyed that scenario.
  12. You can do something similar with HMG's, but you need to eyeball it. Working to refine it the tiles in CM are the spoiler. But HMGs and Mortars are like brothers and sisters.
  13. The steps I take. Camera Position1 is a standing trooper or the driver's position in an AFV. Move to a position which provides cover for the driver. Once in the position go up 1 segment with the mouse-wheel and hopefully you have what appear a LOS. Click on the bottom of the screen your waypoint highlight it and check your LOF. If you have an LOF give a fire order and change your movement order to Hull-Down. The AFV won't fire if the movement order is Hull-Down unless there is a target.
  14. In Seven Winds sometimes the author of the scenario has the bocage over heavy forest tiles at some places. No matter how often you let the engineers blast a gap your armor won't get through.
  15. I wrote it clearly Knock them all Down FB first mission. Buildings on the left side of the map, BN Road to Nijmegen the bridge been reported and silence is golden. This is not bias but personal experience. I gave up reported bugs, other people are doing a fine job. The games are good but not perfect. Even the US troops in RL couldn't leave a building because the doors were welded shut. Happens in real life too. A bug I go with the definitions wildly accepted, oversights in a code. BN, units even when not split, split up and the culprit is usual a bridge (Counterattack at Son BN) A German squad went over the little footbridge 2 couldn't cross. Had to start the game over again. A bug who knows? Could be my PC or micromanagement. You better learn the definition of bias it is insulting the way you addressed me. Oh sorry I forgot you're a beta tester. I bought CM games for the last 20 years and you could learn a thing or two in customer's relations. Bugs I give BF the benefit of the doubt innocent till proven guilty.
  16. True the best way is doing some camouflaging yourself. Sometimes it is too good, it is a poker game. Make a false hide is often a ruse to conceal the real one. Bird photography birds have better eyesight than us if they don't spot you nobody will. Also, they are a giveaway. Their absence makes a human observer wary. Lots of things we can't model in CM just give troops Veteran level or above.
  17. Don't hold your breath going by the doors of "Knock them all Down" in FB which I call a bug. Troops can't enter some doors in buildings, but they never fixed it. Neither the bridge in the 'Road to Nijmegen'. Brooks and streams are a grey area. I let the units do the pathfinding and not the cursor. Tip pause the unit and do the risky business in the last 15 sec of a turn. In a muddy affair it was a Warno or Warning Order about the terrain, don't ignore the briefing. The game is winnable by using the roads 90% of the time.
  18. If it is the Muddy Affair his version is different from mine. I don't have a TD just Shermans. I tried it out I made it to the stream and plotted a move to the other side and the Sherman took the road and got blown to pieces. The stream on the far left is some distance away if that is the one. I played it some time ago and I stuck to the roads instead and my attack was from the right to left not from left to right. There was a warning in the scenario the terrain is not tank friendly because of the terrain conditions. He better takes it up with the author. Sometimes they do things like that, in Seven Winds there was a heavy forest tile under the bocage which is an obstacle for a Churchill tank even after my engineers blew a gap. I don't use cursors as I don't rely on them. Tiles is the system they use and don't have a LOS unless you are close, or the terrain is bare. The stream as somebody illustrated is touched by the triangles of the impassable terrain. Not a bug as such. The cursor system is not perfect.
  19. People do silly things in real life too. Like putting a grenade on the parapet and throwing the pin. Like here there is a natural explanation. I always accept the decision of the AI and have a more enjoyable game. 9 times out of 10 there is a valid explanation as is here. Doors is another one sometimes infantry take the back door in full view of the enemy.
  20. Some of your units are engaging and suffered casualties?
  21. Yes, independent decision. Off road is not the forte of this TD it is yellow the odds to bog is high.
  22. I wouldn't call it a bug, you also try to manually adjust the speed from moving to slow. There is no need for it. Like some experienced players pointed out to me before, fast mode unless you have a reason not to. Crossing streams is not one of them. Apparently, some guys tested this. Vehicles bog as frequently on slow as on fast. Units sometimes make tactical decisions which override the player.
  23. If a dismount can't cross a stream a vehicle can't either. At least they know where they can't check.
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