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Everything posted by BornGinger

  1. Would be great if we could see the elevation of the map by the click of a key (maybe the O-key as in the map editor) in the AI-screen when we decide how the AI-groups will move around.
  2. I used one of the special tools to open this campaign to check out the different scenario maps. In one of the scenarios there's a US-battalion together with a later reinforcement of eight tanks attacking a village. Is there any good reason to why the US-troops have "elite experience" considering that they overwhelm the few veteran Germans with their amount of men and tanks?
  3. Apart from what is quoted above, has there been any other disclosure of what changes we are looking forward to?
  4. You didn't ask me but I reply anyway. I've just started to read the book Panzer Gunner by Bruno Friesen. Bruno was a German-Canadian gunner in a Panzer IV tank and later on in a Jagdpanzer IV tank hunter during the last years of the Eastern Front. When he tells about his training he explains quite detailed how the gunner had to count to be sure to hit the target while looking through the scope. It seems that the book might continue to be detailed in its explanation of how to be a gunner in a tank. The book is quite ok so far.
  5. There's no way back from a spelling mistake in the title in this forum. From now on every one will refer to you as "the one who can't spell properly" when they discuss what you have commented.
  6. Do we know anything specific about the new patch and the change(s) or improvement(s) it will have?
  7. It seems the units still have oil or grease on the soles of their shoes and not able to run properly or quick enough.
  8. The demo has been released a day ago and still no videos on Youtube or Twitch.
  9. It's a great website that one. I haven't bought anything yet but has my components picked and wait for the prices to be a bit lower on some of the parts I want. But then I might change my mind a bit later on and pick something better.
  10. Maybe you need to overpower (överväldiga) the enemy to be able to outfight (nedkämpa) him? If you check synonyms for överväldiga (overpower, overwhelm) they are besegra (defeat), betvinga (subdue) and ta överhand över (get the upper hand over) all of which could be used as nedkämpa (outfight). None of them give the idea that you need to be superior in fighting power but perhaps in the tactics you use and soldiers' morale and fighting ability.
  11. The German word "niedergekämpf" is the same as the Swedish word "nedkämpa". According to the Wikipage Lista över militära taktiska begrepp the word nedkämpa, and thus niedergekämpf, literally means "to put out of combatable condition, i.e. kill, hurt, force for retreat or capture". But I think "overpower" is another word for it.
  12. It seems the idea is that the assault squads are waiting for the fire squad to get into position so they can support the assault squads when they continue forward. Otherwise the risk might be that the assault squads continue their attack and the fire squad doesn't know exactly where the assault squads are and thus aren't really able to support them. It's a pity the Combat Mission games don't have this ability. In the game the units have to stop and take position, sometimes by crawling around for a few seconds, before they can start shooting. - - - - - - What is the German like in the documents? I guess it's quite a bit different from how people speak today. Almost like learning school English and then read and hear the colloquial one.
  13. I read the comments in the thread the link leads to and agree fully. I tried to make some "natural" trenches in the scenario I'm making and not one soldier stood on the bottom of the trench. All of them were just as the ones in the pictures on one of the posts in that thread. If it was possible to make foxholes and ditches by lowering the ground or using deeper craters and at the same time have the soldiers stand up or sit/lay down porperly in them, it would be harder to spot the defenders.
  14. The Manual says about terrain objectives that "Each side can be assigned up to 8 terrain based objectives. This involves defining where the objective is, what the player is supposed to do with it, and various other details". How old is that statement? I have 10 terrain objectives on my map.
  15. A link to a Russian blog with interesting info for those who are interested in making maps and scenarios for the fighting in the Demyansk Pocket, where German troops were encircled by the Red Army around Demyansk, in the Novgorod area from 8 February to 21 April (20 May) 1942. The blog is in Russian so if you don't know the language you could either see it as a good reason to talk to that gorgeous Russian woman you see in the grocery shop or use Google Translate. If you don't care about what actually happened and only want sources to your scenario maps, there are quite a lot of handmade drawings by Soviet soldiers to use and also maps with troop movements and frontlines. Novosele Pic 02 and Novosele Pic 03 show the handmade maps of that area with elevation in meters. The area today. The pictures of Velikoe Selo 01 - 03 seem to show where the Russians had put their guns to shoot at the Germans on the other side of the river Shubinskaya Rob'ya. The area today.
  16. It would be great if we in the Units Section - > Activated Troops of the Editor could move units (Formation, Fortification, Special Team, Vehicle) up and down to make everything look cleaner so it's easier to find what one is looking for. It sometimes happens that when one has choosen a couple of units there's all of a sudden need for something else which comes far down on the list of Activated Troops. And when there are different sections of units (for example units on the left flank and units in the centre), it would have been nice to be able to move units up and down the list to have each unit in those sections together. If I for example choose to put the foxholes in place on the map first, before I choose soldier formations, and later on find out that I need a few more foxholes I'll have them both in the beginning and the end of the list. Or if I find out that I don't really want that Breach Team on the left flank but a Pioneer Team instead I'll now have that new team down in the end of the list. If I could move units up and down the list I could've had units in the same section clustered together. Another thing is to be able to copy and paste a unit in that list. If I for example want to have three infantry battalions and remove loads of stuff I feel is unnecessary in the battalions, I'd rather not do that tedious stuff over and over again. If I could remove the unnecessary stuff from the first battalion and then copy and paste it I would save so much time and not have to go through the same task many times.
  17. You have more than 3000 posts and must be a veteran when it comes to testing and I'm sure already know the answer. Everything worked as I hoped. Just a pity the artillery barrage on a support objective has to be triggered in the beginning of a game. Now I can put my mind on the AI groups and their movements and actions.
  18. I knew about the fire zone and the ctrl-key command but I wasn't thinking about that it could be used for mortars as well as for the small arms. And I don't really think that using the fire zone the way you described it is any cheat. If Battlefront has made it possible to use the fire zone order in this way, it's used just as designed. and I will use it too. At least as long as the mortars are able to reach the area without risking to get annihilated by enemies that are too close. I'll test and see if I can move a mortar unit to a location first, make them to deploy their equipment and then fire at a location. But I suspect that the mortar team (squad) has to be stationed from the beginning without moving anywhere to be able to use the mortars. Thank you very much, Repsol.
  19. That's what I decided to do. I'll first make sure the AI plans for the different groups work as planned. When that is done I'll see whether I manage to get the barrage I want. If it doesn't work the scenario will have to do without any barrage. I was thinking that maybe using off map reinforcements could be worth a try. But I don't want to use loads of FOs just to get a certain effect. That would definitely be too gamey. I haven't checked triggers so much yet. With "triggered event" you probably mean a terrain objective that is used as a trigger when a unit enters that objective. I thought it isn't possible to get artillery fire that way in Combat Mission. I know that it was (or is) possible in the Theatre of War and Men of War series of games. But I didn't find anything about artillery and terrain objectives working together that way in the Combat Mission manual. Well, well. I'll first make sure the AI groups work the way I want them to and then see if I can do anything about the artillery (off map or on map). Thanks for all your replies.
  20. I'll try with an excellent FO and see if he manages to call for artillery on a certain position. I wish it was possible to tailor the artillery support somehow, without having to use them as reinforcements, so the barrage comes a few minutes before the infantry assaults a position. A terrain objective as a trigger should have been enough. But that is maybe viewed as too gamey.
  21. How does artillery support work? I thought that was dependant on the FO looking at the actual support target. It seems that it doesn't matter whether I have a good observer (veteran experience and high motivation) or a regular one (typical observer with regular motivation) and whether he's in a jeep driving by the targets from a kilometer or two away or behind a forest which blocks the view of the targets. When I start the scenario in author mode the artillery barrage starts almost immediately. If the artillery is being used as soon as it's active, should I send it in as reinforcement at a certain time? If that's the solution do I really need the FO?
  22. I see in the units option Available Troops something called "straggler group". With the help of internet I found out that a straggler group is a bunch of soldiers who haven't been quick enough to keep up with the main body of the army so they are staying a bit behind although moving forward. It seems that when I'm available to pick a team called "Stragglers" those soldiers are something else than someone being too tired to keep up with their mates. Is a "straggler group" some kind of rearguard in Combat Mission?
  23. Why don't you try to make those commands yourself? You know what you want to happen in those quick battles and the editor isn't that hard to learn if you put some time into it..
  24. Is it confirmed that there will be Indian and Moroccan troops in the new DLC or is that only based on someone's daydreaming?
  25. Can't you just export the operational map and tactical map from a scenario in the editor and then use a program like Paint or Gimp to edit them to your liking? That's what I was planning to do. But if there are templates to download, I'd of course use them instead.
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