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Everything posted by BornGinger

  1. Come on mate. It's not too late and the weather is great. Summer is here and the pub is near so your mission is clear. Forget the game and all those flicks. 'Tis the time to go out with chicks
  2. You just got a new project to keep you busy. Well done.
  3. Battlefront still doesn't know how to properly do the coding for the FPV-drones. As those little critters have an important impact in this conflict, Battlefront wants them to function and be used properly in the game. So you'll just have to wait some more. In the meantime you can go to Steam and find out more about the comment above which states that "There are already games out about that... war" and maybe even buy one or two of them.
  4. It seems that either no one knows or no one cares. The Final Blitz module doesn't seem very popular among the clientele here.
  5. Make yourself a few scenarios in the editor and that will keep you busy for a while. And you might also learn how the game works "under the hood" as it's sometimes called. If you share your scenarios through the Scenario Depot some people in this forum may start praying for your wellbeing to stay forever as they will rely on your scenarios to make their life worth living.
  6. The mud tiles are always too sensitive. A vehicle can hardly move on a mud tile without getting stuck and jt doesn't matter whether it's on a field or just beside a road.
  7. Which game has he turned to instead? Or is he maybe not modding any game but instead spending time to get more proficient in Blender (or is it proficient with Blender as that software also is a tool)?
  8. I actually retract this guess of what Battlefront is planning that no one expects. To make a first person shooter or a hybrid game they'd have to make a new game engine. And that would take a whole lot of time. So what they most likely are doing is a Battlefront Calendar for 2025 with pictures of Steven, Elvis and other people connected to the company dressed up like Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention for their LP "We're only in it for the money" as their first collection of Battlefront merchandise.
  9. I've used both of them quite a lot to get information about some divisions and to get some maps and pictures. Unfortunately the pictures with information about many of the divisions are of a too bad quality and makes it hard to read what is written. But that is of course not the fault of those who are sharing the files but of those that have digitalised them.
  10. What Steve mentioned in the first post is of course that Battlefront has decided to make their own version of a so called "first person shooter" or maybe even a hybrid where the player can both play the game the way the Combat Mission games are played and if he wants to can go down in first person mode and play the game that way.
  11. So you're actually having a similar opinion as Simcoe?
  12. It seems that the Graviteam editor mostly is for people to practice and try out different things and learn the game before they decide to fight for real in the operations (campaigns). But it's still possible to make fun homemade skirmishes and battles in their editor although one doesn't have much to say about a bit more exact behaviour of the AI-troops.
  13. Why would Battlefront stop making games? I suppose at least some of the staff have kids that could carry on making and selling games for Battlefront when their parents have finished doing that. If there are no kids then they'll employ someone to continue. And when they do maybe these people think "Flipping heck what an old game engine this is. It's about time that we make something new and more up to date which actually offers a good simulation of warfare in every aspect than penetration only". We'll find out in twenty or thirty years.
  14. @Vacillator I don't care what the new module will have for the players to have fun with. I'm not going to buy any more modules or such with the game engine there is now. If Battlefront makes a new game engine wich offers at least some of what I mentioned in my posts about changes to the engine, which would make playing the game more interesting, I would buy something.
  15. So there is going to be the Fahr- und Zielgerät FG 1250 for the Germans in Downfall. Could be fun for those who enjoy playing night battles.
  16. @Monty's Mighty Moustache I know that my Blue Hills scenario can cause problems if the players have too many troops. I am also warning people about this. Although your computer is an old one and have problems with my map and scenario, you could have made your own map by using an overlay and make it more correct looking with the hills being higher and more.
  17. Of course he had. I made my map long before F&R came out and all my resource material can be downloaded from the Scenario Editor 3. The author of Mountains of the Moon maybe doesn't own Final Blitz and therefor couldn't get that resource material but he sure should have been able to find the German or Soviet elevation map. The author of Mountains of the Moon was just too lazy to put an effort into making a good map and I hope the scenario and map authors to the new Final Blitz module have used enough of their time to not make those who buy it disappointed.
  18. A question about the scenarios in this new module. Is Battlefront checking the different scenarios before they are added to this module so they are as historically accurate as they're possible to make in the editor? A long time ago I made a Blue Hills scenario for Final Blitzkrieg which I uploaded to The Few Good Men's Scenario Depot III. When I read that there is a Blue Hills scenario in the Fire and Rubble module to Red Thunder, called Hills of the Moon or something, I was of course curious what it would look like. I later on had the opportunity to have a look at that scenario on a friend’s computer. As far as I remember that Hills of the Moon scenario is quite small with no hills and not much of forests nor any marshy areas but rather two or three areas sparsely covered with trees which won't offer the one playing as the Red Army any challenge. The map looked like it's made by someone who was too lazy to make it properly by using old German or Soviet height maps as the map overlay in the editor. I'm sure the people who pay for this module are expecting great maps that are as correct as they're possible to make in the editor and not something that makes them think "What the flipping heck is this? Is this map really made with the help of a good map overlay in the editor or has the author quickly cooked something up the night before the release of the module?" It is possible that the author of the Hills of the Moon scenario for the Fire and Rubble module reads this and feel upset and sad in the eye by what I wrote. I hope that it will make him spend more time on his next scenario map and also make sure that he's using a good map overlay for it. Thank you for giving me the floor, ladies and gentlemen.
  19. Steve has earlier said that the new engine update is only to solve performance issues while playing. Although there is a thread about engine 5 upate wishes, there's not much hope to see any of it.
  20. Instead of complaining about having to wait for updates to your Combat Mission game, why not spend some time to learn the Graviteam Tactics Mius-Front game you bought but didn't have the patience to get into thoroughly? I'm sure you'll have loads of fun and good battles with that game. It's on sale now too, so you can get yourself a DLC for a good price. Mius-Front is well worth the time and effort to learn how to play it.
  21. There is also the unfortunate possibility that the enemy is 1km away on the other side of a very dense and large forest and behind that forest it's also on the other side of a village but still able to both see the tank belonging to @bruno2016 and shoot at it. The typical combat mission line of sight and line of fire.
  22. Their reason is possibly "This game has to be released now. Give us what scenarios you have and we update them in good time". It's not only badly checked scenario maps that is to be found in the games but also briefings with badly spelt English.
  23. It's over a year ago since it should have been here based on when it was mentioned the first time. But who cares. There are other games to play, books to read and beautiful women to spend time with.
  24. I just watched CBS News on YouTube. So far 15 journalists have been killed in Gaza. It's a feather in the hat for sionist nazi Israel to be among the states that has killed most journalists. Israel tells people in north Gaza to go south just to do airstrikes in a residential area in the south. How many innocent Palestinians have been murdered by Israel now? Is it 3000 or more? But that's ok. Sionist jews only have to start talking about the myth of six million dead jews in WW2 and their latest murdering rampage is going to be forgiven by UN and USA.
  25. With all the mixing of people and moving people around by the Babylonians, Persians and maybe other rulers over that area, those living in what used to be called Palestine before 1948, and maybe even after, should admit that they are the same people. Both the jews and the muslims in what used to be called Palestine have the "hook nose" and "full lips" that in the '30s and '40s was told to be typical jewish. It would be better if Great Britain (UK) took "Palestine" back under their control and divided it up so the sionist nazi jews could live in the south (or north), the palestine jew hating muslims in the north (or south) and the ones who want to live in peace, love and understanding with each other could live in the central part. Problem solved.
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