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    Machor got a reaction from LukeFF in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The Russian advance on the Bakhmut axis is, erm, getting 'weighed down':
    This is why Mongol horsemen went on campaign with two horses.
  2. Like
    Machor got a reaction from danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Some of these Ukrainian CAESAR pics had been posted before but I don't remember others, so I decided to post all here for @Taranis 

  3. Like
    Machor reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The Japanese company making miniature Russian soldiers can make some miniature tanks based on this image. 
  4. Like
    Machor reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Liberobbers.... liberapers...

  5. Like
    Machor reacted to Taranis in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You're right. All the data is automatically transmitted to the gun and it is also able to calculate its firing elements itself. Each gun knows its exact position (few meters precision of course, like any GPS etc) and the orientation of its gun in real time thanks to the inertial navigation system (SIGMA-30N). These elements are available to the platoon/battery command by teletransmission (PR4G). Conversely, the command sends the fire elements directly to the vehicle via teletransmission. The crew then only has to press a button for the gun to aim on its own, all that remains is to load the gun.

    In normal mode, the firing elements are calculated by the CS = Commandement Section = Platoon Command (a french platoon = between 2 and 4 guns) and teletransmits them to each gun. However, the CAESAR benefits from a CALP (CALculateur de Pièce = Gun calculator) which allows an isolated crew to calculate the firing elements themselves. I trained on it but never had to use it in live fire. It is therefore an interesting but unusual possibility, requiring a good knowledge of the vehicle and the principles of artillery but which remains quite easily feasible (especially for a platoon or battery commander ).

    Note concerning the position of the gun, a synchronization of the inertial navigation was quite often carried out on geographical points with clearly known GPS positions. We then placed the vehicle marker on the point and then synchronized. This is not really necessary because the SIGMA30N is very reliable but it brings more reliability and confidence for the precision.
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    Machor reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  7. Upvote
    Machor got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Vehicles post:
    BTR-D "Valkyrie' with shark-mouth - goes on 1/35 bucket list:
    Another one for the 1/35 bucket list - BMP-T with shark logo [centre]:
    Ukrainian technical:
    Ukrainian Humvees:
  8. Upvote
    Machor got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Thank you for the insight. Since you were in Budapest, I suspect the attitudes toward Orbán and the war in Ukraine may vary along the Metropolitan / Provincial divide, replacing the Urban / Rural divide in classical Sociology. Without taking the thread further OT, I think of the Metropolitan / Provincial divide as a conflict between those who have to gain by integration into the 'world-system' - and thus oppose authoritarian isolation - and those who oppose integration as it peripheralizes them, and thus benefit from authoritarian isolation; the Metropolitan / Provincial divide accounts for Erdoğan's power base like Cinderella's shoe, and seems to be a good fit for the major political divisions in the US and Canada as well.
  9. Like
    Machor got a reaction from danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Thank you for the insight. Since you were in Budapest, I suspect the attitudes toward Orbán and the war in Ukraine may vary along the Metropolitan / Provincial divide, replacing the Urban / Rural divide in classical Sociology. Without taking the thread further OT, I think of the Metropolitan / Provincial divide as a conflict between those who have to gain by integration into the 'world-system' - and thus oppose authoritarian isolation - and those who oppose integration as it peripheralizes them, and thus benefit from authoritarian isolation; the Metropolitan / Provincial divide accounts for Erdoğan's power base like Cinderella's shoe, and seems to be a good fit for the major political divisions in the US and Canada as well.
  10. Upvote
    Machor got a reaction from Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The starting point for this was whether it was better to field a 2nd/3rd rate MBT in lieu of an IFV, so the ATGM threat doesn't leave the IFV looking better. Taken more broadly - beyond the Javelin - though, there is a point to be made about ATGM proliferation, and I thought Steve CMBS foresaw this problem and therefore predicted the adoption of APS. I am puzzled by why the APS predictions for 2017 are still not a reality in 2022.
  11. Upvote
    Machor reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    1. 4+ weeks and the Russians still haven't reached the river behind Lyman.
    2. And to do that, they still gotta clear a small force of 79th AB out of this stuff....
    Swedish-made 84 mm AT4s, American M141s (SMAW-Ds), widespread British NLAWs, and rarer RGW-90 MATADORs, all lean against the earthen trench walls next to machine guns pointed against the deep forest.
    “Our big regards to taxpayers giving us these toys,” the paratroopers laugh.
    “This forest has a lot of destroyed Russian vehicles if someone wants an illustrated cost performance report.” 
    ....“We tried to talk to him. He was 20, maybe 21. He only managed to say that his name was Vadim, he served with the 15th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, and that his unit’s main mission in the area was to just get entrenched and wait.”  
    That last bit seems to confirm that the RA objective in this sector is to secure the river line. Whenever that happens.
    3. OTOH, they do seem to be bringing up (towed) guns in anticipation of bombarding the Sloviansk transport junction. 
    4. Classic Russian mech attack (a few weeks back). AFVs turn a building into swiss cheese from a distance, with no confirmation of whether anyone's still in it, or any other kind of fire lanes set up to isolate it. Video is too grainy to see if there are any RU infantry flanking the position, but you just kind of know there aren't. Recon by fire, a pointless waste of ammo.
    Bonus meme...
  12. Upvote
    Machor reacted to _Morpheus_ in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hungary for years gave Hungary passports to the ukrainians in Zakarpattia and talked about `special rights` for this region. From 2014 `special rights`, it's sensitive topic for Ukraine... I hope you understand why. Ukraine executed a lot of military drills on Zakarpattia to warn Hungary that Ukraine will protect the region.
    I don't remember `good` relationship with Hungary since long time.

    > The minorities are forbidden to speak hungarian in Ukraine, and there are many cases of rapes and general discrimination.
    Nobody `forbade` anybody in Ukraine to speak other language. Of course you could find some idiots who will be pissed off about that, but this could happen in any other country.
  13. Upvote
    Machor reacted to Endyamon in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    My gf in hungarian. I had time to speak with her about this whole situation in Hungary. Basically, what people fails to understand (me included before talking about it) is that Hungary and Ukraine had alwasy had tensions about ther territories. She showed me video on youtube where hungarian minorities in Ukraine were treated mostly like jews were treated by germans during WWII. The minorities are forbidden to speak hungarian in Ukraine, and there are many cases of rapes and general discrimination. Some years ago also Ukraine threated Hungarian to start a war to regain some hungarian territory that Ukrain thought it was theirs. Also Orban as she told me, was the least harmful leader (or party) than the others. He is a ****, but less than the others.
    What I don't understand is why Orban didn't speak publicy about these issues with Ukraine, instead he only went against EU only talking about gas and oil that are needed for Hungary
    And hungarians people are helping ukrainians as much as they can, so I hope after this war, both sides will be able to become more friendly and "european"
  14. Thanks
    Machor reacted to Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I've just returned from Budapest and I can assure you most Hungarians hate Putin and the Russians. Most fear the economical consequences for their country. In the West we don't always realize how much countries like Hungary suffered under the Soviet yoke and how much poverty there still is in their country.
  15. Like
    Machor reacted to panzermartin in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Wow, I actually found a ton of info on the T-62, that was also meant to lob HE after all. 
    Combined with the gunner's quadrant, the T-62 can conduct indirect fire
  16. Like
    Machor reacted to panzermartin in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yes, well put . And I can even see those T - 62 even used as indirect fire platforms firing from reverse slopes as Russians seem to be fixated with everything artillery, although precision will definitely suck. 
    M48s, I think I served along those too in 2000s or M60s I don't really remember, I was a medic alongside a tank unit. It's a very tall tank, it's size can help with the morale yes, if you are a rookie. Good times though, no war fever in sight back then . Although you probably had a more intense experience. 
  17. Like
    Machor got a reaction from Taranis in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Events post:
    Russian forces are learning - dropping hand grenades from commercial drones like the Ukrainians:
    Russian flag raised in Melitopol and Berdyansk:
    The wreck of the An-225 Mriya is towed away:
    Azov fighter misses rendezvous with Death:
  18. Like
    Machor got a reaction from Taranis in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Vehicles post:
    BTR-D "Valkyrie' with shark-mouth - goes on 1/35 bucket list:
    Another one for the 1/35 bucket list - BMP-T with shark logo [centre]:
    Ukrainian technical:
    Ukrainian Humvees:
  19. Like
    Machor got a reaction from Centurian52 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In the 2000s, I served in a foot company that had been assigned a single M48A2, complete with the original 90mm gun. The base we were defending had been overrun by the PKK in the 80s, when it was held by only a platoon, and the entire platoon beheaded, so me and many other conscripts were full of fear when we arrived there. When I started pulling guard duty along the base perimeter, I realized the M48 was the cornerstone of our defense: It was in an elevated overwatch position with an LOF over most of the base perimeter and beyond RPG range. It was great to have the 'Cadillac', as the M48 was affectionately called, covering our back.
    Conceivably, the M48 could have been swapped for an AIFV, and I assume the AIFV's 25mm autocannon is deadlier for AP work than the 90mm, but I cannot imagine the AIFV acting as the same kind of morale booster. For the conscripts - excepting smart alecks like me - the M48 was a 'tank'; they didn't quite understand what the AIFV was, but they knew it wasn't a 'tank'. 'We have a tank' went a long way for morale. [That should be a W40K rule.] Therefore, fielding the T-62 with conscript formations, as Haiduk wrote, makes perfect sense.
  20. Like
    Machor got a reaction from AlsatianFelix in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Wagner mercenaries fighting Jewish-led Ukrainian Nazis to preempt the 'Great Replacement' get a helping hand from Tuvans, who have brought along their Shaman:
    [Did I forget to take my medication today?]
  21. Upvote
    Machor got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In the 2000s, I served in a foot company that had been assigned a single M48A2, complete with the original 90mm gun. The base we were defending had been overrun by the PKK in the 80s, when it was held by only a platoon, and the entire platoon beheaded, so me and many other conscripts were full of fear when we arrived there. When I started pulling guard duty along the base perimeter, I realized the M48 was the cornerstone of our defense: It was in an elevated overwatch position with an LOF over most of the base perimeter and beyond RPG range. It was great to have the 'Cadillac', as the M48 was affectionately called, covering our back.
    Conceivably, the M48 could have been swapped for an AIFV, and I assume the AIFV's 25mm autocannon is deadlier for AP work than the 90mm, but I cannot imagine the AIFV acting as the same kind of morale booster. For the conscripts - excepting smart alecks like me - the M48 was a 'tank'; they didn't quite understand what the AIFV was, but they knew it wasn't a 'tank'. 'We have a tank' went a long way for morale. [That should be a W40K rule.] Therefore, fielding the T-62 with conscript formations, as Haiduk wrote, makes perfect sense.
  22. Like
    Machor got a reaction from Blazing 88's in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In the 2000s, I served in a foot company that had been assigned a single M48A2, complete with the original 90mm gun. The base we were defending had been overrun by the PKK in the 80s, when it was held by only a platoon, and the entire platoon beheaded, so me and many other conscripts were full of fear when we arrived there. When I started pulling guard duty along the base perimeter, I realized the M48 was the cornerstone of our defense: It was in an elevated overwatch position with an LOF over most of the base perimeter and beyond RPG range. It was great to have the 'Cadillac', as the M48 was affectionately called, covering our back.
    Conceivably, the M48 could have been swapped for an AIFV, and I assume the AIFV's 25mm autocannon is deadlier for AP work than the 90mm, but I cannot imagine the AIFV acting as the same kind of morale booster. For the conscripts - excepting smart alecks like me - the M48 was a 'tank'; they didn't quite understand what the AIFV was, but they knew it wasn't a 'tank'. 'We have a tank' went a long way for morale. [That should be a W40K rule.] Therefore, fielding the T-62 with conscript formations, as Haiduk wrote, makes perfect sense.
  23. Upvote
    Machor got a reaction from Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Wagner mercenaries fighting Jewish-led Ukrainian Nazis to preempt the 'Great Replacement' get a helping hand from Tuvans, who have brought along their Shaman:
    [Did I forget to take my medication today?]
  24. Like
    Machor got a reaction from danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In the 2000s, I served in a foot company that had been assigned a single M48A2, complete with the original 90mm gun. The base we were defending had been overrun by the PKK in the 80s, when it was held by only a platoon, and the entire platoon beheaded, so me and many other conscripts were full of fear when we arrived there. When I started pulling guard duty along the base perimeter, I realized the M48 was the cornerstone of our defense: It was in an elevated overwatch position with an LOF over most of the base perimeter and beyond RPG range. It was great to have the 'Cadillac', as the M48 was affectionately called, covering our back.
    Conceivably, the M48 could have been swapped for an AIFV, and I assume the AIFV's 25mm autocannon is deadlier for AP work than the 90mm, but I cannot imagine the AIFV acting as the same kind of morale booster. For the conscripts - excepting smart alecks like me - the M48 was a 'tank'; they didn't quite understand what the AIFV was, but they knew it wasn't a 'tank'. 'We have a tank' went a long way for morale. [That should be a W40K rule.] Therefore, fielding the T-62 with conscript formations, as Haiduk wrote, makes perfect sense.
  25. Like
    Machor reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    ATVs for Stugna-P crews of 93rd mech.brigade
    According to TO&E battery of Stugna-P is a part of brigade's AT-battalion. Transport for Stugna-P by pre-war tables was either a truck or MTLB, or armored pick-up Novator. Before a war 93rd brigade was a single in Ground Forces, who use ATVs for theese purposes (also theese vehicles has AT-unit of 1st operative brigade of National Guard). The experience of war showed ATVs or civil pick-ups are best for AT-crews mobility
    Geon Strike 1000 ATV with mounted Stugna-P launcher and Argo 8x8 amphibious ATV of 93rd tank hunters.

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