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Everything posted by BarbaricCo

  1. Chapter One and Part 2 text stays at least 5 seconds too long. Try to read it. And if possible add few zoomed close ups from different camera. But otherwise it's Bil academy standards :)
  2. Clean in more historically accurate I think, but dirt is better looking. It was my honor, duty and pleasure to step in a little bit. Also without Koh's enormous creative energy and initiative this all would be impossible. And he is still low on charge .
  3. Nothing wrong with your videos. It's just the Paul editing skills that take CM to the new level .
  4. Paul Excelent. Just little less often camera shaking and this can go to the theaters! Brake the action with some slow long shots. PM @kohlenklau for beta. He needs short trailer (30-60 sec) before CMRT Winter Mod goes on sale around the World!
  5. Bulge is great but there is only one Battle of...
  6. Release date is comming. Koh You can do it. That Panzer will be on German teaser.
  7. Enough of the freezing with working links War Movie ADVANCED mode for CMRT: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=2599
  8. In the good old ancient times wars are waged only in summer. Enough of the freezing.
  9. I just discovered this topic so it'll be some spamming
  10. CRITICAL UPDATE - PAK POSITION Shooting wild paid for itself. You can see what would happen if I have chosen obvious AVENUE of APPROACH. I’m just curious why Koh didn’t shot that Armored car to at least bring some panic to my troops. Mortar team will be awarded with the Герой Советского Союза.
  11. METT-T FFAC As we all know that CM is all about realism and not the fancy graphics, Koh's team of engineers (besides jumping with the pillows) implemented in CMRT Winter Mode a revolutionary new feature that will change wargaming forever. It is the use of the schnapps/ brandy/ rakija/ vodka and its influence on the battlefield that will be for the first time playable on Your PC/ Mac! This is something You can’t learn from Armored Bil or the Bane The Infantry Man, so stay tuned. танкист & vodka In recent studies it is estimated that more soldiers died from FFAC than from any Jagdpanther. Friendly Fire Alcohol Casualties
  12. GFAA - RIGHT FLANK GFAA - GLUTEN-FREEE AVENUE of APPROACH There is no wheat and no room for criticism on the right flank. Soviets will never make zig zag furrows unless comrade Stalin ask for them. This open filled is really deadly for attacking force, but giving the Ставка instructions I must take the risk. T70 is light and fast, and if everything goes well, it can go over small canal that Koh putted in the middle of the map. Machinegun team at the far right is willing to take a sacrifice for the Родина. Warning for beta testers! Koh is also making the battle maps, so keep your eyes open. What are You looking for?
  13. I can’t concentrate on writing. This SAAR is losing track! ... AVENUES of APPROACH - LEFT FLANK While we were chatting Armored car in a fast and dangerous move managed to sneak KEY TERRAIN. Tip for Harry - The roof without snow is a secret agent code that Germans are not in the building. Now that's inteligence and the new CM feature no one told You about. Ha! Mortar team is shooting in the dark all over the place.
  14. Heidi-acking the thread? This is going nowhere. We must get serious! Main AVENUE of APPROACH continued... No one wants to be baked in the cold steel. Bogged at the start, T34 crew only hope. T34 main worry is where are the AT guns. As Koh still didn't moded any Stugs it was one less thing to worry about. But as Soviet industrial production is heating up, Axis and Koh needs Your help! If You've ever dreamed of moding a Winter snowy Stug, it's Your time - PM @kohlenklau. Just for imagination. T34 is beautifull machine but Stug ... or maybe I'll change profile picture?
  15. gluten-free? Omg! We definitely need new emojis. Will put them on the feature list request. Reminds of Monty Python show when Brits are fighting Germans with deadly jokes. It will not work Koh. You gave me mortars!
  16. Most screnshots are made during PBEM. Looking for nice screenshot during battle is also good for OCOKA TERRAIN ANALYSIS
  17. Thanks! You saved Koh lot of the moding hours. This will be official response to wheat haters Thanks! Koh started gigantic job and of course there is still a lot of the work to be done. But honestly sometimes it's better to have the winter feeling than to leave correct summer crops. Even BF reuse lot of the textures in different theaters but critics are always welcomed. Would be nice if You give it a try even in it's current "alpha - beta" stage. As a notice I try to hide unmoded parts in those screenshots .
  18. Main AVENUE of APPROACH Mortar team is behind logo The only cover for infantry was in the trees down the road so it was obvious direction for main AVENUE of APPROACH. They are backed by T34 slightly to the left for better use of higher terrain there. Mortar team is positioned even more to the left with good coverage of the battlefield (поле битвы). main AVENUE of APPROACH
  19. OCOKA TERRAIN ANALYSIS As this small battle (небольшой бой) was of the precious important for the survival of the Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик we send our deep tactical analysis of the battle to the Stavka for approval. It is 158 pages of cyrillic text and to much for translation or posting here. Results? Reply of the Stavka They were mad! "Comrade Stalin gave You all of this armor and You are bothering us with stupid details. Just smash trough German lines." - Ставка. They were probably right and who is crazy enough to tell anything opposite.
  20. It was heartbreaking for Koh to wait for snowy winter in Ardennes as Heidi sturmgrenadiers were transported in a hurry to empower the Eastern Front. So what he can do? He has no other choice than to make the Red Thunder Winter Mod. In this SAAR (S - short, screenshots) don't except scientifically explained ballistic characteristics of snowflakes and their influence on panzer armour. Also don't expect a great story, or that you will learn something ( only if you really want to learn from mistakes? ). This is just little fun for frozen soldiers dreaming that somewhere behind trenches they will met He... Also don't be too harsh about visuals and except miracles as this is still beta and work in progress. If You find that snow is missing somewhere and you want to help please pm sir @kohlenklau but be kind and don't ever say any word starting with He... This will be the FIRST battle EVER played in CMRT under snowy conditions. So stay tuned. Victory location (German CP)
  21. It's recommend to use it with in combination with Alt-B mode for night missions.
  22. I saw the DAR on thefewgoodman. Congrats on total victory. Thanks for posts and more screenshots as always are welcomed.
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