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Everything posted by BarbaricCo

  1. Just delete MACOSX folder. It is shown when unziping on Windows archive that is ziped on Mac.
  2. Back to Sicily! Is it just me, but I’m in love with this theatre. Just can't stop playing CMFI demo instead other scenarios waiting for me. Vineyards, olives, sunshine does not make great war sim interesting. It’s this terrains, particularly hills, that are making huge tactical impact, for both the advancing and defending forces. It opens more tactical, even strategic, challenges than any other CMx2 theatre. Those massive armour clash on flat terrains in Red Thunder are just "overkill" for me and what iMac can handle. Newcomer road to Vallebruca Instead of the road, going uphill provided me nice control of the battle area. Infantry is advancing trough forest. Defenders are trying hard but battle is already lost. Unfortunately, someone must make sacrifices and fast run over open terrain. They succeeded securing the right flank. With the cover from the uphill, other M5 is pushing trough the middle protected from the AT guns. Result - Vallebruca secured. More ammo is coming why M3 is covering any possible surprises. Winners — take pictures. There are still defender pockets, but I'm the King of the Hill - GAME OVER! (yeah, yeah, I know, but scenery is beautiful ) Unedited screenshoots made with the War movie ADVANCED mode CMFI: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yk6l41dkpcjm47s/AAA2eRrMdnoF2-xif9a1Iq9ya?dl=0
  3. @massimoFGM Thanks, but I still don't have CMBN and those shaders don't work in demo. But You can try little bit toned down version for CMFI. Download War movie ADVANCED CMFI version: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yk6l41dkpcjm47s/AAA2eRrMdnoF2-xif9a1Iq9ya?dl=0 Combat Mission 300
  4. @Bootie Well, It’s hard to have this beauty without little troubles. My problem with floating icons is not only little differentiation, but also that they are small and I often can’t see who is selected, or who is taking hits. So I made little tweak to try to answer some of those problems. I'll be glad to hear opinion of more experienced players (at least using it with advanced war movie mode). - Combat Mission Fortress Italy - War Movie ADVANCED mode v1 - floating icon set for War movie ADVANCED mode Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yk6l41dkpcjm47s/AAA2eRrMdnoF2-xif9a1Iq9ya?dl=0 Selected icon is the same as default. Easier to spot. Now is clear who is loosing this battle. Attacker icons (blue) are blue and in negative! (reason is that the default icon shade of green sometimes disappear with this mode).
  5. @RockinHarry it sad GLSL #version 120 which means OpenGL version 2.1. You can try to delete this line in blur shader: #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable which means "Targeting GL 2.1, but on GL 3-class hardware (mainly for Mac OSX versions without GL 3.x support)". Don't ask me about those naming conventions ) Maybe it can help. Your graphic card is not that bad. next for nVidia is to try, to tweak in bump mapping shaders, this value: shadowValue0 /= 43.0; If it's too dark or too bright You can play with this settings in blur shader: // vignetting change: col *= 0.92 + 0.80*16.0*uv.x*uv.y*(1.0-uv.x)*(1.0-uv.y); to: col *= 0.82 + 0.80*12.0*uv.x*uv.y*(1.0-uv.x)*(1.0-uv.y); and it will be less bright Any help?
  6. First picture from that post was "play of the day". Anyway, there is a legend written in the blur.frag "Battle of the Shaders" that one Bil once asked for more saturation. @Bil Hardenberger ?
  7. @massimoFGM It's @CarlWAW version of the blur shader. We definitely need some sort of a list of all of the community shader versions (like @kevinkin mentioned). If other contrubitors agree I'll put all versions on my dropbox so forum members can browse everything if they click first link from the first post. Sometimes it's just necessary to edit that first post :). Luckily it is linked to folder not directly to the document.
  8. @massimoFGM could You please post few CMBN screenshots with default settings and with War movie advanced to see what's going on. As far as I tested, it certainly needs little tweaking for different games and scenarios. In CMFI it is also too bright in midday battles so that's probably also the case with CMBN. Thanks
  9. @Reiter Which version did you used? Blur shader only or blur plus bump mapping shaders (4 shaders in folder) and did you have shaders enabled in options?
  10. @Vergeltungswaffe Just delete it. Some OS X preview stuff. It happens when document is zipped on Mac and unzipped on PC.
  11. @Reiter Mooore! Do You have Nvidia card? Besides disabling vignette effect any other changes?
  12. Combat Mission Black Sea - War Movie ADVANCED mode v1.0 Post processing visual effect shaders for Combat Mission - This is modified Battlefront CM “War Movie” shader. - It will replace the Alt-M (Opt-M) mode. - Because of the modified bump mapping shaders, this version also affect default CM mode. - Works with CMRT, CMBN, CMFI and CMBS (engine v3.0). - Little or no performance hit. - OS X and Windows. - Experimental stuff. Please enjoy and post Your best screenshoots/ videos! Thanks Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5idhnuedubpht4v/Combat Mission Black Sea - War Movie ADVANCED mode v1.zip?dl=0 For more shader modes visit original thread: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120795-fxshine-shader/
  13. Combat Mission Red Thunder - War Movie ADVANCED mode v1.0 Post processing visual effect shaders for Combat Mission - This is modified Battlefront CM “War Movie” shader. - It will replace the Alt-M (Opt-M) mode. - Because of the modified bump mapping shaders, this version also affect default CM mode. - Works with CMRT, CMBN, CMFI and CMBS (engine v3.0). - Little or no performance hit. - OS X and Windows. - Experimental stuff. Please enjoy and post Your best screenshoots/ videos! Thanks Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/16ps1gmav8ntfd5/Combat Mission - War Movie ADVANCED mode v1.zip?dl=0 For more shader modes visit original thread: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120795-fxshine-shader/
  14. Thanks for trying. Please report expirience with CMBN! Only one shader folder at a time!. But now I separated different shaders and added ReadMe in every .zip so hopefully it will be everything clear
  15. CMRT Night vision mode for night scenarios - This is modified Battlefront CM “War Movie” shader. - It will replace the Alt-M (Opt-M) mode. - Does not work with Alt-B (Opt-B) mode. - Works with CMRT, CMBN, CMFI and CMBS (engine v3.0). - Little or no performance hit. - OS X and Windows. - Experimental stuff. Credits to @SLIM for night vision ideas and @Rambler for first making it for CMBS! Download: Zielgerat_1229_NIGHT_HUNTER_mode.zip thread: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120902-released-zielgerät-1229-night-hunter-mode/ @Rambler Night vision mode thread: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120834-released-night-vision-mode/
  16. CMRT Night vision mode for night scenarios - This is modified Battlefront CM “War Movie” shader. - It will replace the Alt-M (Opt-M) mode. - Does not work with Alt-B (Opt-B) mode. - Works with CMRT, CMBN, CMFI and CMBS (engine v3.0). - Little or no performance hit. - OS X and Windows. - Experimental stuff. Credits to @SLIM for night vision ideas and @Rambler for first making it for CMBS! download: Zielgerat 1229 NIGHT HUNTER mode.zip This time no screenshoots please! We need to know more about "Zielgerät 1229". Units that used it, combats, range, did panthers have it, american and british version, did soviets have something similiar... Expert must be here? For more shader modes visit: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120795-fxshine-shader/ Zielgerat 1229 NIGHT HUNTER mode.zip
  17. Battles were tactical disaster but anyway here are few unedited CMFI screenshoots made with "FXShine v02" mod. If You like it, check CMFI mode thread for download: For more mods and info see original FXShine thread:
  18. Thanks. Still no antialiaising but I made few tweaks to make it better: FXShine v02 (BlurShader + BumpMap + Sky/Haze gradients + Aris GD Sky) download: http://www.barbaricco.com/upload/CMFI_FXShine02_Blur_plus_BumpMapping_SHADER/zBlurShader_plus_BumpMap_plus_Sky_CMFIv2/
  19. Something like this: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Shaders
  20. Again I’m not 3D graphic programer neither I know any GLSL guy, just leaving the credits :). In fact, I think few people know how to write good algorithm, but many are using and adapting largely available online code. This CoMiCraft mode was not intended. I was trying to merge some simple antialiasing with existing blur shader and You can see the results. Basically blur shader is enabled from CM code so we can put different GLSL code in him, but I don’t think Battlefront would be happy with that (@ RockinHarry has some good analysis about pixel shiftings etc. going with WM enabled). It was meant for post processing effects and for now we should stick with that or they can disable this in future updates Anyway, I made one version of FXAA antialialiasing shader working in CM. CM_simple_antialiasing_FXAA: CM_simple_antialiasing_FXAA.zip - just another antialiasing mode - pu it in "z" folder - replacing "War Movie" (Alt-M) mode - disable antialiasing in options, then try it with "Alt-M" With my currently limited knowledge about shaders programing I can't merge 2 shaders without strange effects. Its performance costly but probably it would be best to call this FXAA as a separate shader on top of everything. To have in "options" antialiasing "AA default" and "FXAA" for use with "War Movie" shader mode. But Battlefront programers know best how to put this working and what other problems this can bring. Little bit more about antialiasing: http://blog.codinghorror.com/fast-approximate-anti-aliasing-fxaa/ For those willing to play with shaders: https://www.shadertoy.com To much technical stuffs, let's go with CM beautiful screenshoots!
  21. @MikeyD already did it: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/107521-jagdpanther-missing-normal-map/ But I can't get it wotking neither for objects already with normal maps (vehicles, units, buildings...)?
  22. This was supposed to bring You glorios FSAA MSAA AAAA with WM mode... ...but insted BarbaricCo presents: CoMiCraft mode: CoMiCraft Mode Shader.zip Hobbit village Combat Mission Wolfenstein @Vanir Ausf B tracers have never been better! Even serious wargamer need a rest and kids will love it, so don't be too upset! point of interest is line: vec2 Tile = vec2(0.0020,0.0045);
  23. Hi After messing little bit with shaders (http://bit.ly/1j00Yds) thought it would be cool to add normal maps to roads and backgrounds. As far as I read it, Battlefront tried it few years ago and put it on hold for obvious performance reasons. But regarding Moore’s Law maybe its time to do it. All of this normal mapping will give us nice soft shadows and details. Compare shadows of the soldiers on vehicle and shadows of the vehicle on the roads. Problem is I just can’t get normal maps working - in “z” folder - if file is “window 1.bmp” than normal map is named “window 1_normal map.bmp” - normal maps generated with CrazyBump Mac beta and NormalMappr OS X (booth exporting png-s that I later saved as bmp - could this be the problem?) For roads maybe it’s problem because that they are not enabled for using normal maps, but can’t even get it working for objects already with normal maps. Can someone with experience answer or give some good advice Thanks Recreated effects in Unity with CM textures no normal maps with normal maps (would be great to see jagdpanther on this road) default (this building already have normal maps in CM) just little bit stronger (but not loading in CM)
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