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Everything posted by The_MonkeyKing

  1. The best trench footage I have seen so far. Radio traffic + GoPro + drone footage. ENG subtitles
  2. Ukraine could lose some Patriot systems when Russia puts its whole weight into it. Would it matter ->NO There are replacements and single losses are not significant. Also, it is best for Ukraine if all of Russia's deep-strike capability is going toward dead-end inefficient SEAD operations.
  3. smells like a Russian strike made on some old ammo that is no longer in usable. No nation would have such concentrated stockpiles while in Ukraine's position in terms of the deep strike threat from the enemy. Also, Russia would have already targetted this earlier...
  4. Seems there is going to be >100 AMX-10RC in Ukraine
  5. When the first Leo2 announcement came from Germany, they stated they were giving one company immediately and a second one later on. Same as with the 40 Marder 1 they stated a further 40 were coming we now saw 20 of that 40 announced.
  6. The offensive of the Third Assault Brigade or how the 72nd Brigade of the Russian Federation "fled" from Bakhmut TEASER looks to be a darn goldmine of footage to come
  7. https://apnews.com/article/switzerland-military-exports-russia-ukraine-war-71e2ff66bcb90be0315517b23c82afb4 At least here seems to be a case of slow gradualism: "The measure is now expected to go to the broader parliament next month, although Salzmann said any changes would not take effect before March 2024 at the earliest. The commission approved two separate motions that, if approved, would allow the executive branch to lift some restrictions on the export of weaponry and war materiel “in exceptional circumstances” and if required to ensure national security. Another motion said the law on the export of war materiel could also be adapted to allow deliveries to countries “that are committed to our values” and have similar export controls to Switzerland, a text provided by the commission said. Buyer countries could re-export Swiss-made weapons after five years within certain parameters. Re-export to countries that “severely” violate human rights would be banned, and the risk that the weapons could be used against civilians would have to be averted."
  8. So we have any Swiss insiders here? Does this actually mean anything in practice? For example, the US passed the lend-lease Act for Ukraine and has yet to use it. Because the legislation was not driven top-to-bottom but bottom-to-top by Congress. Is this the Swiss government making a change in the Swiss foreign policy or something else, for example, parliament trying to put pressure on the government and failing?
  9. EDIT: HARMs on stations 3 & 4, and R-73s on stations 5 & 6.
  10. The (military)port was leased to Russia until Russia terminated the agreement for full annexation. "Kharkiv Pact" So the argument could be made but I would disagree with it.
  11. Nope, widely accepted to be a highly illegal project that grossly violates Ukraine's sovereignty. That argument might be able to be made against the Russian navy in Russian ports like Sevastopol. Still, I do not think even this is the case.
  12. I previously thought the Crimea Bridge is an unlikely target to be hit with Storm Shadow (because of the quantities required to overwhelm the AD). ADM-160 might make that equation different...
  13. Very few other systems could hit that. Especially given the air defense. I see a storm shadow as a possibility
  14. I do wonder what these systems can achieve. Supply for Ukraine might be a couple hundred to start with and another couple hundred per year in the future. In the past, we have seen around a hundred cruise missiles strike an airfield and fail to achieve the desired impact. (Syria) I would be interested in seeing a relevant expert's analysis of these systems potential in Ukraine.
  15. very interesting video including but not limited to the "rock paper scissors" nature of different offensive and defensive approaches: Julian Spencer-Churchill (PhD Columbia 2001) is an associate professor in political science at Concordia University, Montreal. "truth table" of attack/defense strategies:
  16. unexpeted EDIT: suspected photos have been taken with the training vehicles. So not for ukraine necessarily
  17. Technically Abrams also has a bunch of unprotected shells inside the hull next to the driver and next to the engine compartment. This is with full ammo load. Leopard 2 has even more. Only 15 are in the turret blowout compartment and rest of the around 40 are "unprotected" next to the driver.
  18. What is the point of having ammo stored in hull unprotected in Western tanks as well? The carousel rarely ignites and is actually lower and so better located than most Western tanks hull ammo. What ignites easily on Soviet model tanks is the extra ammo that is stored all around the tank. It this point neither side uses storage outside the carousel anymore.
  19. I think it is more about the winner decides first that it is over, after this the loser has to come to terms with the situation
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