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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by antaress73

  1. How many kryzanthemas did you have ? That sounds like a superb and genius tactic
  2. Yeah but it seems to spot better buttonned than the T-90A.. Which is strange since the T-90A commander's cupola has its own sight (but not Panoramic) where the T-72 doesnt. Maybe because thé gunner's sight and thermals on the T-72 are newer and much better. The T-72 is also quicker on the draw because of the much better FCS (all digital, thanks Thales)
  3. I dunno, depends on circonstances. When fighting m1s with no panoramic sight for the commander (T-90A and t-72 ) I prefer to unbutton since when buttonned they are at great disavantage (especially the T-90A) against the M-1 for spotting and getting the first shot). Must be used in a timely matter)
  4. A simple rule when facing M1A2s with russian tanks ..you need 2 T-90AMs against 1 M1 .. From different directions.. It can drill a hole on the right side of the frontal arc of the turret (500 meters Got two penetrations in a row on that spot and it was a T-72B3, same ammo) and also the gun mantlet, front lower Hull. It can even get a partial at less than 100 meters on the left part of the front turret, which is almost 900mm of protection. For T-72b3s .. You need a 3-1 advantage . since it is less quick on the draw. Unbutton the commander for better and quicker spotting when using T-72s abd T-90A. Against the americans, the T-90A is the worst russian tank. It spots less well than the two other russian tanks (awful) and its gun and ammo seem less powerful. You cant fit Arena on it either. Good against the Ukrainians but use it very carefully against the US. My experience comes from using them in a test scenario with the russians attacking frontally two M1s hidden on the edge of a forest. Difficult for russian tanks . The average kill ratios after running the scenarios more than 20 times doing exactly the same thing using the above rules is 1-1 for T-90AM (impressive) .. 2.5-1 for the M-1 agaibst the T-72B3 (not bad) and a bad 4-1 for the M-1 against the T-90A.
  5. What i like in real time is that you can apply tactics or react faster( especially in black ses) like when your first tank goes boom you can have thé others manually pop smoke instead of losing two or three others before the 1 min ends) .. Shoot and scoot also is doable in real time.. But big battles are difficult .. Pause button is your friend but you miss a lot of the drama and detail and that's 60% of the fun of CM
  6. Your UAV being effective or not has a lot to do with the electronic warfare level they are being subjected to. That might explain the different experiences people have
  7. I think you were fighting Abrams out there .. They will kill you quick if you are not careful.. Use drones to locate them.. Target them with air power if you have some or precision guided artillery strikes. Your Forward observer team needs line of sight (visual contact) to lase them. At worst you'll make them move and get out of position which could be more advantageous for you and at best it wont kill them but it will immobilize and damage them and their sub-systems, greatly degrading their effectiveness. Then send your own tanks or missiles troops with a 2-1 numerical superiority and flanking shots (side armor) if possible
  8. Trophy works against the javelin but limited # of shots. I played an American civil war II quick battle hehe first time I fired a javelin surprise surprise
  9. *SPOILER* For me the FO team was more problematic... kept dropping airburst mortars as soon as I stayed stationary and on my fire base on the wooded hill. I lost my HQ team and half my machine guns and part of my own FO team to the d*** mortars. The grenade launcher was supressed by MGs and by my own mortars until my patrol could close assault the house where it was located. The FO even survived a close assault itself once I located it and downed two of my patrol guys.
  10. I guess this one was filled with explosives too turn the sound off... those victory shouts are annoying
  11. Anyway I use a very effective APS against Javelin when playing the Russians.. tree tops ! works like a charm ! Takes a lot of planning .. easier to do on defense than on offense. You must also choose dense tree terrain.
  12. it says that the EFP on the TOW-2B should penetrate at most 100-120mm and that the first generation ERA from 1983 did protect against a 200mm penetration bomblet. SO you can only imagine what the latest ERA on the T-90 can protect against.
  13. so Tow-2B should not penetrate the T-90 when it defeats Arena ?
  14. Hehehe dont worry Steve I was just trying to reassure people that were unconfortable to play the game that its very unlikely. Enjoy the game. It is amazingly good and I'm always fighting the urge to go play it instead of assuming my different ahm.. responsibilities LOL
  15. The nineties, for them that's submission. Maybe not for you. They look at this decade with disdain. Read Putin's speeches, especially the more recent ones. Its not that I love the guy, but I'm a realist. You must take into account perceptions of other people in international politics or else a lot of people will end up dead. They want to be treated as equals but US ambassador at the UN Samantha Powers told them: "you guys lost the cold war, why dont you just accept it". The mask fell. They are now certain that the West will never treat Russia with the respect it deserves (in their eyes) so they are acting accordingly. They were naive to think otherwise for so long but that's another discussion You can impose your will on small countries, but you can try to impose your will on countries like Russia at everyone's risk. You must take their view into account and try to achieve balance. Yes, the world is an unjust place.
  16. India and Pakistan are a different thing. They havent really fought (skirmishes yes, but nothing too existential and national dignity threatening) since the Cold war and back when they last fought for real, you had the Soviet Union and the US locked into a cold war, so this was a fail safe. They intervened fast. They also had a very limited inventory and with uncertain vectors. Nuclear weapons in themselves are not that dangerous. You have to put the bomb on the target. Vectors are more important. The easiest and more sure the way of delivering ordnance on a target is, the more likely it will be used. You won't see a major war between them now that they have launch on warning missiles and a few hundred warheads on each side. This is a very different thing. Ukraine is a vital national interest of Russia, it is not for the US. They will use it as they see fit to annoy and weaken Russia but nothing more. They will discard it when they see it's no more useful or if it becomes a liability for them. Europe is already doing so despite US threats.
  17. Anyway, none of it will happen. Unless the West miscalculates badly. A conventional war between Russia and NATO is impossible. It's either economic warfare or proxy warfare or Nuclear annihilation for all involved. War between nuclear powers is a fallacy. Especially considering the Russian soul. They are not afraid to die beautifully. In fact, dying without submitting is the most beautiful death of all in Russian culture. You have to take that into account. They are very spiritual and there is a revival presently. If you don't, they will bring you down with them. That's fact. Like it or not. Not all people in the world are soulless consumers that will do anything to survive, including selling their dignity. Face with the choice of becoming again a submissive colony of the West or Nuclear death, they will choose nuclear death, for ALL. Dont worry, when it happens, the West will grumble but it will back down, they like their survival too much So no war but plenty of bad feelings. Bad feelings dont kill. You will never get the Russians to assimilate into western culture completely. And the same goes for a lot of other nations in the world. But most of them don't have enough Nuclear weapons to turn the West into a glassy parking lot. Leaving EASTERN Ukraine to the Russian sphere is the thing to do. They are not interested in western Ukraine. They are more than ready to leave those crackpots into our hands Ideals themselves are peaceful, History is violent, especially when mixed with Ideals. Ask Henry Kissinger, the best mastermind of international politics that the US ever had.
  18. It seems the M1A2 is immune to 152mm precision strikes from the russians . 6 hits on the top turret with armor dent decals (including one on the loader's hatch) and the tank was immobilized and all its external systems destroyed or severely degraded but still alive.
  19. yeah.. some gorka camo pattern for the russians would be great !
  20. svinets-2 can penetrate 730-780mm at 2000 meters.. so at 1000 meters its probably close to 800-830mm
  21. looks like it hit the gun mantle according to the exit hole .. that's a weak spot yeah.. the svinets-2 will penetrate the gun mantlet easily with energy to spare. If i'm not mistaken, one side of the frontal turret is less armored also to accomodate optics.
  22. With the amount of firepower involved and the loss rate I saw.. quite effective ! I guess it transforms what would have been a lot of red casualties (incapacitated) into yellow ones (lightly injured but still functional). Especially sharpnel from airburst ammo.
  23. ******** WARNING, MAJOR SPOILERS******** I splitted my american patrol in two. One side with the HQ continued on the left side of the river, sneaking up along the wood line of the river. Its goal was to take on the russians behind the walls from the flank. The other part part of my force crossed the river at a fording point and their task were to sneak up in the lightly sloped cabbage field until detecting the SAM vehicules and kill them with Javelins. Worked very well. The left side detected the russians behind the wall and the russian patrol on the road leading up to the bridge and massacred them without any casualties. My right side detected two out of three SA-13s and killed them pretty fast. The third SAM was hidden behind the barn. I send one javelin back to withdraw and keep the other to kill it. It fires.... and the javelin drops to the ground 70 meters in front of them.. a DUD ! that was their last missile, out of ammo !!!! %%?%?%&?%& I have to reorder the Javelin team that was going to withdraw to go back to its firing position, it took 2 turns. It fires and kills the last SA-13. I pop smoke and withdraw all the javelin teams with a quick movement order. So far NO casualties and mission accomplished. Then disaster. That DUD costed me a lot of time and messed up the timing and surprise. As the troops were quickly getting out of harm's way, suddenly BAM BAM BAM ! An airburst of 30mm cannon fire kills a few of my guys. Then, my other team gets ambushed by a russian patrol that flanked me on the right side of the map. Total: 9 casualties, all left on the battlefield for the russians to pick up. I managed to withdraw the survivors. US tactical victory but it doesnt feel like it. If it wasnt for that Dud it would have been a resounding success with probably no casualties. That's Murphy's law for you and what makes this game so great !
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