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Everything posted by antaress73

  1. Imagine columns of tanks advancing http://youtu.be/O_4OfD-wmGs
  2. Only for American aircrafts and choppers Chris ? Trophy can already intercept Javelin but Aréna cant .
  3. T-72b2 ? thats the Rogatka ? Didnt they modify 300 of them to this standard ? Why isnt it black sea if thats so ?
  4. And keep a healthy distance between the IFVs so that one exploding doesnt end up killing the ones next to it
  5. My Brads never explode joking.. I've seen them explode but never seen other vehicules taken out
  6. Well maybe yeah.. That bmp-3 exploding eith all the ammo could be considered like a 2000 pounds bomb or worse. In that case, there should have been no survivors among the troops nearby that exited the vehicule.
  7. Looks buggy, front BMP armor protects against at least .50 so its 40-50mm (39mm sloped actually so about 50mm) . I find it hard to believe this is realistic ! Its the same thing as javelin side by side BMP double kill.. Side armor is weak though.. The reason: must remain amphibious
  8. the excalibur has a pointy solid penetrator for penetrating structures so it should be more effective in destroying tanks than the krasnopol which has a glass nose for the sensor. Concussion effects and destruction of everything on top of the tank taking it out of the fight but no catastrophic destruction. Even the T-90AM survived a hit near the front of the top of the turret in one of my screenshots on the screenshot thread but it didnt survive a hit near the center of the turret which I guess is less armored.
  9. That's ony lucky crew, although I'm sure they need a new pair of underwear That T-90AM was working on one of my infantry platoon and I urgently sent the MGS on a hunting command trying to keyhole the T-90AM through that opening in the woods.... almost didnt work.
  10. "The T-72B3 has a hunter-killer capability even though it lacks commander's panoramic sight. Vehicle commander can select a target and lay the gun and let the gunner complete all the aiming and firing process. During that time commander looks for the next target". Source: http://www.military-today.com/tanks/t72b3.htm Is that modeled in game ? Would that be Commander Video ? And why is relikt able to protect the tank against tandem warheads and not Kontakt-5 ? What is special about relikt ?
  11. You may recognize the setting.. as for the T-90AM, one excalibur got in near the commander's hatch and another bounced closer to the front of the top of the turret.
  12. Hehe well.. I did start an interesting discussion didnt I .. They could do something like this against Ukraine .. But probably not against the US .. The draining batteries part made me laugh but paralysing comms and electronics against Ukraine .. Maybe.
  13. Yeah .. Death is quick and merciful in older russian tanks with autoloaders
  14. I managed to sneak a truck driver whom I equipped with an RPG-26 from his own truck behind an M1A2 (took forever) who was the last American surviving unit on the map (the truck driver was the last russian) and he destroyed the M1 with a shot to thé back of the turret.. Victory ! The tank was sitting on a victory hex at the back of the map so its possible
  15. Somewhere I was expecting him to write it was tech reversed engineered from a crashed UFO lol
  16. Lol bah sometimes being provocative is fun i heard something from someone somewhere
  17. usually winning at least tactical at warrior level.. lots of major and total. Then I get my ass kicked in Objective Delta, more than once...
  18. There you go have fun ! http://fortruss.blogspot.ca/2015/01/xyz-what-would-happen-if-russian-army.html
  19. hey I didnt say that it was true hehe for the battery thing hehe let me find where I've read that once
  20. Also according to some, Afganit APS will defeat Javelin. It may be retrofitted to existing tanks. They have also put an emphasis on energy/Emp weapons that according to some may drain batteries in a 10km radius, making Javelin useless. But its not an acknowledged capability. Sensitive stuff has good secrecy on Russia and they like to surprise their adversaries with unexpected and sometimes decisive capabilities.
  21. They had the automat something program but it was scrapped. That will change probably.
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