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Everything posted by SgtHatred

  1. i7-870 is very old, I wouldn't spend money upgrading a 280x without replacing the rest.
  2. What do you mean? edit: oh, yeah. Too late at night. Armored Infantry are not angels though. Not enough firepower. Flying trench: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/705148799468846879/E11E3EC0A729AB3D99C59A7DB455F29CE9482162/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1152&composite-to=*,*|2048:1152&background-color=black "Hell Trench": http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/281847490925426971/1C969BCC670F1ADCCE31D2CABF2142E4368E8928/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:857&composite-to=*,*|2048:857&background-color=black My View : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/281847490909450975/0B0F16E5D8FD5F42200649E7603633253956CA87/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:857&composite-to=*,*|2048:857&background-color=black My Opponent's View : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/510405113881670529/1AB376A8F3BF3C93D64955D21ED29B0C48E32F3C/ Man spawning under ground : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/3299199242824937869/9208893D63F959345FAA999D522DD3383FC33E19/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1152&composite-to=*,*|2048:1152&background-color=black Enemy fox holes spawning in attacker's spawn : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/281847490917612127/42FA5BE115A0AED393154FCCF7C29B0E70864E65/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:857&composite-to=*,*|2048:857&background-color=black I can provide save games for all the final blitzkrieg games. The older ones will probably be more difficult to find.
  3. One file right here. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=33A7989A62CBA6C!22725&authkey=!ADNOUIXcIup987s&ithint=file%2cbts 2 player TCP/IP turn based game, I was the host, my opponent (the german player) set up the trenches. Immediately after the setup phase, I saw all of his trenches flying in the sky, he saw them properly placed. Later, we took a break, and when we reloaded, the trenches were flying for both players. That's when we tried to have the flying trench fight in the video. If you look, you'll also find 2 trenches which are about 50 meters deep, (near chateau). This is not the first time I've seen this. Trenches in Red Thunder and Black Sea also do this, although this is the first time we've tried interacting with them. Like the flickering video, this is something that has been seen by my group of friends several times (much more frequently than the flickering). Also of interest in this game is the minefield at the Hotel VP. After a ridiculous fight to get into the point, I ran a platoon into the vp. ~20 men entered the vp and stood their ground, then we saved. When we reloaded, I ordered the men to leave the objective, and that's when I learned the hard way that my opponent had setup a large minefield on the vp. None of the troops tripped a mine on the way in, but most hit mines taking the same route out, suggesting the mines did not have any effect until the game was reloaded. Finally, I played another game Saturday where the moment setup was complete, the 3 trps I set up all moved dramatically, 2 moved to be practically on top of each other in the middle of no where. A half dozen of my opponent's foxholes appeared in my spawn in this game as well. I've documented that and will post it later.
  4. Been too busy playing to post, but I documented one incident. Quick battle. TCP/IP turn based.
  5. Having attempted to pull some pack howitzer 75mm at my opponent and getting crushed for my effort, I am planning a new method of using the pack howitzer, involving mechanical locomotion. I'm currently searching through the quick battle single vehicle lists, and the M8 HMC seems to be missing? Should I be looking for it under formations?
  6. I was surprised when 2 57mm AT guns disabled the guns on 3 Stug III Latests with the Saukopf gun mantlet in 60 seconds. I also played a game against a Jagdtiger where I engaged it with 6 shermans at 1400m range, losing only 1 sherman before disabling the tiger's gun.
  7. While I work on my fortifications effort-post, I've run across another problem I and several of my friends have encountered in previous games. Brutal icon flicker making the game nearly unplayable in TCP/IP turn-based mode. After a few turns the opponent (so far, the client user is always the first one to run into the problem). His icons will begin to flicker, getting worse and worse. Eventually the host player's icons will begin the same flickering, and the game will become unplayable about 5 turns in. Reloading a save game does not appear to fix the flickering issue. It appears to be random as to when this will occur. Also, as a test I sent the file to a couple of friends, who tried to load game (neither were original participants). The game loaded, but they also immediately saw the flickering. I've attached the save game. If earlier saved games from this game would help, I can provide. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=33A7989A62CBA6C!22724&authkey=!AJoX8XX1icnJRFs&ithint=file%2cbts
  8. I'm working on a large effort post regarding TCP/IP turn based play and fortifications that move or disappear for one or both players. Its not Final Blitzkrieg specific, but in 2 days I've already played a game where all the foxholes disappeared for the client player. Is that a known issue?
  9. Sure, but vehicles with dead crews don't reload or fire either.
  10. It would be nice if vehicle crew could suffer suppression in a way that would prevent them from unbuttoning, because sometimes they do some very dangerous things. For example, this stryker reload.
  11. I noticed with the M1A1 VT LongTom, on the first turn you can select "general" as the mission type, but the shells still air-burst. Later in the game, the mission type can't be selected. It appears that with VT rounds, you can't have rounds detonate on impact. Is that expected behaviour?
  12. The M36 in the manual has 2 entries for 90mm AP ammo, 90mm AP x33 and 90mm AP x3. In game, the M36 just has 90mm AP x36. I also noticed the lack of any special AP ammo like APCR, which I thought existed for the M36. Am I crazy?
  13. Bridges can sometimes cause odd issues.
  14. You can play Real time in multiplayer.
  15. They use Sharefile, which I'm pretty sure is using AWS. Blows the old solution out of the water.
  16. " INSTALLATION LOCATION (PC VERSION ONLY)CM:RT installs its main game files into a location on your hard drive(s) of your choice. " Typo! Typo! Typo!
  17. Demos are what communists use to suppress freedom of movement. I suggest releasing the full game in exchange for earth money.
  18. New asus machines will come with Sonic Studio. Close it before playing Combat Mission.
  19. We can't handle concentrated ignorance of this magnitude! Windows 10 looks very similar to the OS on the bone? Have you ever used an xbox? Also, technically the OS on the bone is Windows 10, but if your desktop looks like this... Then you've made a serious mistake somewhere.
  20. Oh man, I thought we closed the Eye of Terror.
  21. Is there a list of known issues available to the masses? Would be interesting to see, that way I won't waste hours trying to take an blind Oplot force up against a T-90AM force.
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