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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 41 minutes ago, wadepm said:

    If you are going to have severed heads then legs an arms should probably also be included.  But what about the occasional severed penis you might ask...

    Sorry I should have specified the game. CM English Civil War (Currently in development in a TARDIS somewhere).

  2. The Renault Flammpanzer came with the Vehicle Pack a few years ago. So the revised version of Borderlands has -vp stuck on the end of it. Although when I played it I gave it the name "Charred Borderlands" in my results log. I don't know if it still available in the Scenario Depot if anyone wants to give it a go.

    Here's one of Renaults after it was charred.   

    Charred Renault.jpg

  3. 3 hours ago, John1966 said:

    I felt thoroughly British.

    Paddy lifts his eyes from his copy of the Sporting Post. "Did yer'se hear this gob****e, Mr. Jorrocks, Sir. He felt so British, that he said that he was playing as "the Brits".

    "Don't worry about it Paddy old boy. By the time the Dictatorship of the Semi-Literate take power we will both be in our graves."

    "Ah, right you are Sir. Another G'n'T will it be?"

  4. 4 hours ago, John1966 said:

    ... the gardens of Dutch houses were actually where they got placed.

    We've all seen this fella. Maybe CM doesn't lend itself to close quarters quite so well.



    I think you'll find that these guys weren't in the garden of a house, they were on the edge of a wood.

  5. 24 minutes ago, John1966 said:

    He's autistic and tried to be interested. 

    That is a shame. I wish him well.

    In the meantime, it has been years since I played this mission. Just going through my results, when I played this on Engine 2 as the Axis vs the AI I only managed a Major Victory losing three tanks in the process. My memory isn't good enough to know what you need to do to get a "Total Victory".

  6. My Granddad was in the R.A.S.C. at the start of the war. He was attached to 2nd Battalion, The Middlesex Regiment i.e. 3rd Infantry Division's Machine Gun Battalion, commanded by some bloke called Jorrocks. I can state as a fact that the MG boys sole job was to defend Paddy's Guinness laden Bedford's.

    Or, they were spread out evenly between the various Infantry Brigades. I shall let fellow forumites make up their own minds. 

  7. 40 minutes ago, altipueri said:

    Come on Wart - shake your box of tricks up and give us another game.

    I don't have a new competition in the pipeline sadly. I think doing one over on the CMFB forum would be a bit pointless, as we are all so familiar with the photos taken then.

    I quite like the idea of doing something set in the west during spring 1945. But, we shall have to wait for BFC.

  8. 2 hours ago, Lucky_Strike said:

    Damn it! That’s because the spelling autocorrect kicked in when I tried to put in the TM manually ... A Mod to FarTM became something about wind ... so I didn’t spot the real spelling mistake. Write it out 100 times I will not fart too

    I always told Elizabeth that these mechanical quill type things would cause nothing but trouble. 

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