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  1. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Odin in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    we should make ceasefire,people have different opinions, not only about ' is X or Y good or bad''  , but actually what X or Y is or does it even exist. these semi hostile discussions wont do anything good. no matter whos right or wrong. this forum is too small for such things. i think we should refrain from sarcastic,rude or 'superior' responses, nobody here is retard or dumb. we disagree about certian things and thats it ,just move on or respond with sincere honesty/respect (yes i am not excluded)
  2. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Odin in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    no i ll continue to piss them off ,legaly. I do not mind sneak peak reviews, nor did i say that i wont buy this game. all i said was: not good as it could be (realistically good,not pure imagination). we are starting to see a pattern: create 2 or 5 new vehicles ,add new formations (same weapons,maybe some minor changes) , make 100 maps out of which at least 50 are complete crap. (digression: some maps from RT are ported to BS..) call it a new game and charge 55 dollars. shadows,shaders,sounds,animations all same,its just a reskin. i know,cm is best game in this genre and beyond, but facts are facts. i cannot be bfc fanatic. one guy saying this is nothing, but 400 people saying it would definatelly change something. and i think its rightful demand. Bring more ,bring more features,do not make reskins all the time. i can live with cm's state for now ,but naturally i want better productS
    edit: also, patches or fixes , shouldnt be seen as ' favor'. they are there because game wasnt polished enough.they know that if they make crappy buggy game and give no patches,they ll be gone.its a natural process,repairing your body
  3. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Odin in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    battlefront fanatics will always defend the game.improvement comes from criticism and whining 
  4. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    i think theres no way i could convince< people who think that intervention was a good thing ,  > that intervention was not a good thing. 
    i ll say again
    0% first hand experience
    0% of understanding of the  conflict
    Sources: wikipedia,Cnn,fox ,bbc (poor sources)
    and to some extent some of  you are biased since you live in america or Nato countries (that region) .i am starting to think that serbians are not that bad after this thread.  i thought you people from west were more reasonable.seems like you are just like serbs, just didnt have a war to experience.. and war to make you more violent/nationalistic (unless you count overseas counter insurgency and meddling in other countries affairs)
    i will refrain from responding on this thread since its pointless, whatever i say you will just say: ' serbian ability to kill'  + ' intervention was needed' + ' some personal stories you heard' + ' cnn news broadcasts' 
    repeat again and again, baseless 'stories' and you mix  it with 'logic' 
    you opened my eyes a little bit
  5. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from agusto in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    i think theres no way i could convince< people who think that intervention was a good thing ,  > that intervention was not a good thing. 
    i ll say again
    0% first hand experience
    0% of understanding of the  conflict
    Sources: wikipedia,Cnn,fox ,bbc (poor sources)
    and to some extent some of  you are biased since you live in america or Nato countries (that region) .i am starting to think that serbians are not that bad after this thread.  i thought you people from west were more reasonable.seems like you are just like serbs, just didnt have a war to experience.. and war to make you more violent/nationalistic (unless you count overseas counter insurgency and meddling in other countries affairs)
    i will refrain from responding on this thread since its pointless, whatever i say you will just say: ' serbian ability to kill'  + ' intervention was needed' + ' some personal stories you heard' + ' cnn news broadcasts' 
    repeat again and again, baseless 'stories' and you mix  it with 'logic' 
    you opened my eyes a little bit
  6. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from cool breeze in Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Great Patriotic War   
    she should go back to the kitchen
  7. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Aurelius in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Steve, you want to go back? Okay. First division between Serbia and Croatia is the fact that our feudal lords decided to accept Christianity from the Byzantines and their feudal lords decided they will take western Catholicism. Second one came when both of our nations were under (some would say) occupation from in our case Ottoman Empire and in their case Austria-Hungary. It influenced heavily our world views and goals. We were the first to become free and form our nation. Then came WW1 and in the aftermath we took most of the Austria-Hungary territory, including Croatia for us. First bad move by our side. Second one came when a parlaiment member from Croatian party was assassinated in Parliament. Our king decided to impose dictatorship and lost his life as a result of his choices. That led to chaos in the state and that's when the friction from Croatia started to show. They wanted to align themselves with the Third Reich, but we weren't sure if it was the right move. It resulted with declaration of war on 6th of April and bombardment which saw the destruction of our National Library (many of the medieval manuscripts and artefacts were destroyed). Our armies were utterly crushed (we had like 4 tanks in the whole army). Croatia became independent, got their chunk of territory to govern and thats when the Ustase terror started. In the same time Cetniks appeared. Both of these movements were nationalistic and ready to kill everything that moves. I must also mention Jasenovac, a concentration camp under managment of Croatia. Then came Tito and his merry band of communists. You all know how that went. After the war every nationalistic movement was suppressed. Some were outright killed, some were exiled. It worked for a while and then came the constitution from 1974. It destroyed the federation and its layer of governing. Add to that exiled people sending money to the growing nationalist movements and you got yourself states declaring independence. To say that only Milosevic made evil calls is wrong. Everyone contributed to the start of that conflict. They also needed a way to take the money away from the state budget, to make money smuggling and so on. We, the commoners, got out from that conflict half-starved and traumatised whilst our leadership was fat, smiling and with loads of money on various accounts, including the ones on Cyprus. Sorry for the long post and history lesson but it needed to be said.
  8. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Sgt Joch in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    These are estimated numbers and all occurred after NATO started its bombing campaign in support of the KLA. If you want to make a case that NATO intervention was required, you have to look at conditions beforehand. According to one UN report, there were 30-50,000 refugees in late 98, most displaced Serbs.
    again apples and oranges, you have to look at casualty figures before the intervention started. The KLA claimed thousands were killed, but no investigation on the ground has been able has been able to say with any degree of certainty how many were killed, when they were killed or even which side killed them.
    "bodies to holes"? no western org ever did a on the ground investigation, these are all estimates. Serb and other neutral sources reporting from inside Serbia put the number at 2-5,000 Serbian civilians killed by NATO air stikes.
  9. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to cool breeze in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Death Star Conspiracy, inside job
    Off topic I know But I don't post a lot of links
  10. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Aurelius in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    And I am old enough to remember that kids my age were killed while they were playing/fishing/bathing in the stream. I am old enough to remember what it meant when someone from your family was sent to Kosovo (not from my family, but I will never forget the look on women's faces when their husbands/sons/brothers were sent to that hellhole). You sir chose to look at one side of the story and then you shut yourself of from it. To call this a historical revisionism a-la Holocaust never happened is an insult to reason. Shame on you. The only reason I posted here is because you people still think we are modern day nazis, parading with dead children stuck on spears, raping and pillaging. People who did that are either dead or are in prison. AND EVERY SIDE OF THAT CONFLICT HAD THOSE PEOPLE, you just chose to ignore that so you can feel good about yourselves. You know, making positive difference in world, doing the moral thing.... I am sick and tired of moral people.
  11. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Aurelius in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    It's like this

  12. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Sgt Joch in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    That is how these threads always wind up.
    These forums used to have a lot of interesting discussions about military history, now it is just endless boring chest thumping about how superior our side is to the other side.
  13. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Sgt Joch in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    what i am seeing here ,from people like sublime,panzer and other ,basically from people who are pro america , to the reasonable extent is: ' everyone's bad but were just less bad' 
    and also ' its clear that X did more killings and Y did less killings and X is more guilty' while offering 0 evidence and even less evidence that is 100% Clear undisputed Evidence
    edit: for every your acusition against serbia i have 2 to throw at croatia/albania. its endless circle and not productive at all
  14. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Aurelius in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Or better yet: a civilian dies in NATO peacekeeping operation- collateral damage. Civilian dies in Kosovo during operations led either by the police or army- war crime. If you really take a step back you'll see that there is no good or evil and that the ones proclaiming something as good or evil are trying to use as a tool.
    Or better yet a UN created Tribunal where there were some pretty hefty sentences. And thats just for the leadership. I was talking about the ones that did the killing- they were sentenced by our courts. Some cases are still ongoing. And then i take a look to the west and see a country that celebrates the day they forced every Serb they could get their hands on (about a thousand or so were killed in their homes) out of the country. Doesn't that constitute a humanitarian crisis or maybe even a crime against humanity (part of ethnic cleansing is forced relocation)?
  15. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Aurelius in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    So i guess you said (in case of Kosovo) that only a select few ethnic groups and nation have a right to self-determination (that right must be guaranteed by US or NATO, gods forbid it Russia or someone else). And everything else you said sounds a lot like WMD's in Iraq (from alleged atrocities to powder keg situation). I guess you can make a positive impact in world by bombing railroad bridges just as the train is crossing it or maybe drop a bomb or two on a TV station... Unlike everyone else in those conflict we had the courage to prosecute people involved in war crimes. We paid a price for that. Can the same be said of anyone else involved in those conflict?
  16. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    ''''Kosovo's objection has more to do with who's friends with who.  The behavior of the Serbian military pretty much 1993-1999 is on the road to terrible, and we're ready to remember the agony of sad that the Serbs went through during the bombing, but not the well filled ditches the Serbs left from Croatia, through Bosnia, and beyond.  All the Serbs had to do is stop shooting civilians, and there wouldn't have been much of a leg to stand on.
    As the case is the region is a lot more stable today, and there's a marked downtick in violence.  And Kosovo isn't a US territory so there you go.  ''''''
    (note: land in 21st century doesnt need to be conquered on a political 19th century map)
    i duuno about other stuff, but i am from serbia and i am ethnic serb. and i am not nationalist, i am anti serb , i am often disgusted by our traditions ,  i think its pointless and brainwashing-ish. i like western europe  but,
    you are wrong
    situation in our country back then was to say the least very complicated. its , (very loose term) something like war of the clans. you have many factions during the time. and listen now, NONE of them are good and NONE of them are bad
    Albanian unrest  started in the 80s , or even earlier. but 80s are the starting point of this story (kinda simplified story) , it wasnt that much of a big deal, you know unrests happen but not many people at that time thought it will be War... we must see things from their (past) point of view (their: people in the past)
    you have quazi communists/socialist or whatever they are, you have albanian nationalists, you have Serb nationalists and many other factions. and most of them are dumb as ****, on both sides (plebs)
    simply put, there are interests of Albanian nationalists, ethnic albanians and to some extent extremists, problem is , sometimes its hard to differentiate who is extremist and who is not, who is for* extremists and who is not and how much do they support certain idea at the given time/region, its VERY VERY complicated. 3 people playing board games @ basement can get into fight , not to mention province/state where there are milions of people...
    AND you have  serbian moderates ,nationalists and extremists.. its a ****ty mess
    so their interests (albanian): have their own country/Join albania,or get bigger autonomy
    Serb interests: keep kosovo (since its heart of serbia and all that bull**** , even tho its true thats where serbia WAS dominant , now its not , due to ww1 and ww2 and other events ) 
    on other hand you have Milosevic who is "neutral' and want to perserve things (the president), but in reality he kiiiinda secretly does things to benefit ethnic serbs since he sees things are eventually gona get bad, but how bad ?
    Albanians are those who are attacking status quo,that must be clear, back then Our country was Recognized by the world,everything was legit.
    Terrorist attacks started, small or big doesnt matter
    you will say , ''they started   because albanians were supressed''
    but that is not a honest answer , do you Really think you know who throw the first stone? its a multidimensional situation/problem, you cant just put it into linear box. theres lots of propaganda on both sides, and honestly, you cant know the truth by watching ,well one of the Not so credible News : CNN , 25 000 km away somewhere in atlanta
    **** happened, on both sides , but on a multidimensional level (Where,how, what,why,Reaction to previous event, wrong conclusions ,wrong translations of the actions etc etc etc ) 
    you know your country (State)  is very famous for ... well ... strange inconsitencies right? so is every country at one point in time, but just keep that in mind when talking about informations and clinton and other ... ' loving' people. 
    i think its safe to assume that clinton doesnt (didnt) give a **** about serbs nor albanians. or at lest its more realistic saying that it doesnt matter what he 'thinks' , he can say he did it for humanitarian reasons, or for the money , it doesnt matter, his opinion is irrelevant. So far Evidence has shown that there are no bad/good guys, only dead/alive guys
  17. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from VasFURY in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    ''''Kosovo's objection has more to do with who's friends with who.  The behavior of the Serbian military pretty much 1993-1999 is on the road to terrible, and we're ready to remember the agony of sad that the Serbs went through during the bombing, but not the well filled ditches the Serbs left from Croatia, through Bosnia, and beyond.  All the Serbs had to do is stop shooting civilians, and there wouldn't have been much of a leg to stand on.
    As the case is the region is a lot more stable today, and there's a marked downtick in violence.  And Kosovo isn't a US territory so there you go.  ''''''
    (note: land in 21st century doesnt need to be conquered on a political 19th century map)
    i duuno about other stuff, but i am from serbia and i am ethnic serb. and i am not nationalist, i am anti serb , i am often disgusted by our traditions ,  i think its pointless and brainwashing-ish. i like western europe  but,
    you are wrong
    situation in our country back then was to say the least very complicated. its , (very loose term) something like war of the clans. you have many factions during the time. and listen now, NONE of them are good and NONE of them are bad
    Albanian unrest  started in the 80s , or even earlier. but 80s are the starting point of this story (kinda simplified story) , it wasnt that much of a big deal, you know unrests happen but not many people at that time thought it will be War... we must see things from their (past) point of view (their: people in the past)
    you have quazi communists/socialist or whatever they are, you have albanian nationalists, you have Serb nationalists and many other factions. and most of them are dumb as ****, on both sides (plebs)
    simply put, there are interests of Albanian nationalists, ethnic albanians and to some extent extremists, problem is , sometimes its hard to differentiate who is extremist and who is not, who is for* extremists and who is not and how much do they support certain idea at the given time/region, its VERY VERY complicated. 3 people playing board games @ basement can get into fight , not to mention province/state where there are milions of people...
    AND you have  serbian moderates ,nationalists and extremists.. its a ****ty mess
    so their interests (albanian): have their own country/Join albania,or get bigger autonomy
    Serb interests: keep kosovo (since its heart of serbia and all that bull**** , even tho its true thats where serbia WAS dominant , now its not , due to ww1 and ww2 and other events ) 
    on other hand you have Milosevic who is "neutral' and want to perserve things (the president), but in reality he kiiiinda secretly does things to benefit ethnic serbs since he sees things are eventually gona get bad, but how bad ?
    Albanians are those who are attacking status quo,that must be clear, back then Our country was Recognized by the world,everything was legit.
    Terrorist attacks started, small or big doesnt matter
    you will say , ''they started   because albanians were supressed''
    but that is not a honest answer , do you Really think you know who throw the first stone? its a multidimensional situation/problem, you cant just put it into linear box. theres lots of propaganda on both sides, and honestly, you cant know the truth by watching ,well one of the Not so credible News : CNN , 25 000 km away somewhere in atlanta
    **** happened, on both sides , but on a multidimensional level (Where,how, what,why,Reaction to previous event, wrong conclusions ,wrong translations of the actions etc etc etc ) 
    you know your country (State)  is very famous for ... well ... strange inconsitencies right? so is every country at one point in time, but just keep that in mind when talking about informations and clinton and other ... ' loving' people. 
    i think its safe to assume that clinton doesnt (didnt) give a **** about serbs nor albanians. or at lest its more realistic saying that it doesnt matter what he 'thinks' , he can say he did it for humanitarian reasons, or for the money , it doesnt matter, his opinion is irrelevant. So far Evidence has shown that there are no bad/good guys, only dead/alive guys
  18. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from L0ckAndL0ad in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    ''''Kosovo's objection has more to do with who's friends with who.  The behavior of the Serbian military pretty much 1993-1999 is on the road to terrible, and we're ready to remember the agony of sad that the Serbs went through during the bombing, but not the well filled ditches the Serbs left from Croatia, through Bosnia, and beyond.  All the Serbs had to do is stop shooting civilians, and there wouldn't have been much of a leg to stand on.
    As the case is the region is a lot more stable today, and there's a marked downtick in violence.  And Kosovo isn't a US territory so there you go.  ''''''
    (note: land in 21st century doesnt need to be conquered on a political 19th century map)
    i duuno about other stuff, but i am from serbia and i am ethnic serb. and i am not nationalist, i am anti serb , i am often disgusted by our traditions ,  i think its pointless and brainwashing-ish. i like western europe  but,
    you are wrong
    situation in our country back then was to say the least very complicated. its , (very loose term) something like war of the clans. you have many factions during the time. and listen now, NONE of them are good and NONE of them are bad
    Albanian unrest  started in the 80s , or even earlier. but 80s are the starting point of this story (kinda simplified story) , it wasnt that much of a big deal, you know unrests happen but not many people at that time thought it will be War... we must see things from their (past) point of view (their: people in the past)
    you have quazi communists/socialist or whatever they are, you have albanian nationalists, you have Serb nationalists and many other factions. and most of them are dumb as ****, on both sides (plebs)
    simply put, there are interests of Albanian nationalists, ethnic albanians and to some extent extremists, problem is , sometimes its hard to differentiate who is extremist and who is not, who is for* extremists and who is not and how much do they support certain idea at the given time/region, its VERY VERY complicated. 3 people playing board games @ basement can get into fight , not to mention province/state where there are milions of people...
    AND you have  serbian moderates ,nationalists and extremists.. its a ****ty mess
    so their interests (albanian): have their own country/Join albania,or get bigger autonomy
    Serb interests: keep kosovo (since its heart of serbia and all that bull**** , even tho its true thats where serbia WAS dominant , now its not , due to ww1 and ww2 and other events ) 
    on other hand you have Milosevic who is "neutral' and want to perserve things (the president), but in reality he kiiiinda secretly does things to benefit ethnic serbs since he sees things are eventually gona get bad, but how bad ?
    Albanians are those who are attacking status quo,that must be clear, back then Our country was Recognized by the world,everything was legit.
    Terrorist attacks started, small or big doesnt matter
    you will say , ''they started   because albanians were supressed''
    but that is not a honest answer , do you Really think you know who throw the first stone? its a multidimensional situation/problem, you cant just put it into linear box. theres lots of propaganda on both sides, and honestly, you cant know the truth by watching ,well one of the Not so credible News : CNN , 25 000 km away somewhere in atlanta
    **** happened, on both sides , but on a multidimensional level (Where,how, what,why,Reaction to previous event, wrong conclusions ,wrong translations of the actions etc etc etc ) 
    you know your country (State)  is very famous for ... well ... strange inconsitencies right? so is every country at one point in time, but just keep that in mind when talking about informations and clinton and other ... ' loving' people. 
    i think its safe to assume that clinton doesnt (didnt) give a **** about serbs nor albanians. or at lest its more realistic saying that it doesnt matter what he 'thinks' , he can say he did it for humanitarian reasons, or for the money , it doesnt matter, his opinion is irrelevant. So far Evidence has shown that there are no bad/good guys, only dead/alive guys
  19. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Aurelius in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    I must admit, the behavior of Serbian army was shameful to say the least, but what of the behavior of Croatian army and its paramilitary of-shoots? Of the Bosnian armed militias and jihadists? Your country and its allies chose to side with fascists and radical islamists because it saw it fit at the time. Now we have those radical islamists walking up to the police stations and shooting policemen. And Kosovo. Really? Your country again intervened in entirely internal question and again chose to side with islamists and people who see it fit to finance their operations through drug and organ trade. The entire case for Kosovo was made up by Blair and his wife. Please don't take this as a sign that i support Milosevic and his cronies or that I deny the war crimes that have happened in that period. I answered mostly because what you speak is not entirely true.
  20. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from waclaw in Black Sea v1.03 released!   
    very unlikely to be fixed on this engine. cmx3 maybe
  21. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Reiter in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    ^ Battlefront, fix the hand posture, would you?
  22. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Reiter in Black Sea v1.03 released!   
    runs same on my pc (gtx 970  +4690k 3.9ghz turbo boost) ,
    i decided to play all cm games on fastest or faster and  /Improved textures, aa: off ,vs:off, High priority process:off (gives smoother keyboard/mouse reaction). i was looking at 3 battalions (US) and i had 60-40 fps, its totally different feeling. giving orders in 60 fps, smoothness outweights 'bad' graphics. 
    This game's realistic settings is faster models and maybe best textures (not sure about how much we can push textures yet), AA is Luxury here  ,should be off, not to mention supersampling, thats sci fi. VS and other minor things dont count for much in most cases
    i see same pattern everywhere, developers (and i am not attacking them) want to have beautiful games , but in reality they cant (unless you think 15-35 fps is playable) , i can understand that , but from now on i ll just play realistically , on fastest/faster + improved.
    FPS > graphics 
  23. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Wiggum15 in Black Sea v1.03 released!   
    Is the black texture on the BTR 70 wheels (LOD bug) also fixed ?
    If not then why ?
    It's so annoying...
  24. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to MarkEzra in Coming Soon 27 V3.11 QB Maps   
    I have placed them on the Repository but it takes a bit of time for them to actually be available. So if you don't want to wait I have attached them here!V3.11 QB Maps.zip

    V3.11 QB Maps contains 27 Maps made in the Method I used in CMBS. These Maps have Full sets of Group orders and use of Triggers. They also use the new naming convention, so these maps will show up generally last in the QB Map list. Hope You Enjoy the them.
  25. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to akd in akd cmrt mod question   
    If you find a weapon that is using stock sounds, let me know.  I've not looked into a distant small arms mod for the latest version yet, but will consider it.
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