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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. +1 Thank you for taking the time to put this together. Well done.
  2. Wow. That had to be a lot of work. Makes me tired just thinking of it.................. +1 Very cool. Looking forward to this.
  3. NICE!!! Wow, the close facility looks like it is well fortified.
  4. +1 Interesting. Thanks for sharing the information. Hmmmm, I think this trail of information leads away from the idea that @Sgt.Squarehead's cat walked across his computer keyboard. I'm thinking he dozed off while working in the editor again and did a face plant on his keyboard ....... To confirm observe the drool on the keys........
  5. Okay, good to know. Thanks for testing that. +1
  6. You sent me the Trumpton map. I'm not seeing a CMA map. What is the file name for the CMA map?
  7. I played around with it and found this. When deploying a Flavor Object if you click on the map in 2D (as you normally would) but then drag the mouse cursor across the map it will leave a trail of said flavor objects. EDIT to add: I guess that's not surprising because we do the same thing with roads, walls, fences, trees, craters etc. but I admit, I never tried it with flavor objects before today.
  8. Unfortunately, no. CMBS only covers June through August.
  9. THAT, made me laugh out loud. Something you can do, especially when you're first learning the game is "save". Load everybody up with ammo (I also many times cross load teams in vehicles) and position troops and vehicles at their starting locations within the setup zones. Basically do all the administrative stuff in your SOP during setup phase and then SAVE. If you have to start over (which you may, since you are just learning this simulation) you go back to the setup save. It would get tedious having to repeat all the administrative stuff over again.
  10. +1 Okay, understood, very good. I wish I still had those comics. After I left home for the military my parents moved and I said it was okay to get rid of them .
  11. Vin, my friend, I think you didn't have time to read the thread and just skimmed through it and came away with the wrong conclusion. Or at least a conclusion not supported by the information in this thread. Or maybe you are just disagreeing anyways? If so, that is fine, but I thought I would say something just in case you missed some information in this thread. But if you are saying you have a different opinion that is okay too. My intent is to be helpful not argumentative. Your Sgt. Rock avatar is very cool by the way. I read those comic books back in the day.
  12. Yes. The link below provides a more detailed response. Here is part of the same topic but it was buried pretty deep. Thought you might find it interesting also. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/126005-c2-information-sharing-redux/?do=findComment&comment=1731244
  13. My SOP is generally give vehicles Fast. However the vehicles will slow down on there own when they hit difficult terrain or are crossing an obstacle. Example: when they crush through a fence or enter light forest terrain they slow down but when they clear they resume Fast (if you've ordered them Fast).
  14. IMO the final outcome (some level of victory, draw or defeat) should be decided by the player's decisions during the campaign. The better the tactics used in the scenarios that make up the campaign the better the end result for the player. You can even have a branching campaign for this. Win scenario #1 then advance to scenario #2. If you loose scenario #1 you go to #1A or something like that. What side will the AI control in your campaign? Syrian or US?
  15. Sreenshot / video or it didn't happen ........... Might even be a good topic for a thread, Longest CM sniper kills.
  16. +1 Very cool. This game already rocks and you modder dudes are just making it even better. Thank you.
  17. I think the below thread may explain why we are having more problems with detecting minefields. One type of minefield in particular. The IED minefield.
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