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Posts posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. 1 hour ago, Falkenhayn said:

    This is driving me insane k want to learn this game but the cursor is invisible! I tried the demo for shock 2 and final blitzkrieg and the problem exists for both of them.

    I had the same problem on one of my laptops a year or two ago.  I'm trying to remember how I fixed it.  I think I had the cursor setting so that the cursor showed a tail while moving across the desktop.  Kind of like a shadow of several cursors behind it as it was moved.  Made it easier to see / find the cursor.  However IIRC that was the problem.  When I changed the cursor back to the normal standard cursor it worked fine.  I think there are other threads in this forum on thhe same topic. 

  2. On 8/25/2021 at 3:01 AM, domfluff said:

    The technique that Chuck is talking about is placing a movement order on the enemy location, and drawing a target order from there, to find the friendly location you should occupy for LOS.  Obviously, the LOS tool isn't a perfect match for your solider's eyeballs. The LOS tool uses the pre-built lookup table to generate its result, and so this will only be accurate to a limited extent. Individual weapon systems may still end up behind trees, walls, rises in the ground, whatever.  

    +1.  Useful, understandable explanation as always.  

  3. 15 hours ago, umlaut said:

    Panzer IIIG and IIIM mods

    I think the vanilla Panzer III´s look very nice - well in fact a bit too nice. So I gave them a bit of dust and camo.

    There are three different camo schemes to chose from: Place the folder with your favorite in your mods folder - and leave the other two.

    Here´s a Dropbox link for the mods. I´ll remove the folder from Dropbox, when the mods have been released on Cmmods IV.


    +1.  Nice work.  Thank you. 

  4. 17 hours ago, George MC said:


    A zug from 10./III/SS-PzG. Rgt "Germania" (commander SS-Hauptsturmführer Werner Westphal) moves into Rani to provide close support to the tanks. @kohlenklau's excellent no gear mod doing grand service here. Ta muchly :) 

    +1.  Awesome screenshots and teaser for this campaign/scenario as always.  Any close up screen shots of the no-gear mod, in the wild, would be interesting to see.   

  5. 1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    Hmmm.....Not sure what to suggest.  :unsure:

    @MOS:96B2P Any idea how to get the AI to abandon a bunker crewed with an infantry unit?

    @rtdood If the times are correct and triggers are not involved is something blocking the AI's path?  Maybe a side of the bunker sunk into the ground so they are unable to exit?   Or a flavor object very close to the bunker door?  Advance is a reliable movement order to test with.  Sometimes units may refuse to Assault if they don't have multiple squads for the bounds required for Assault.  The order location #2 is not in or behind no-go terrain?       

  6. 19 hours ago, Zveroboy1 said:

    Okay I think I finally nailed it.


    IF civilian density is set to NONE or SPARSE everything is fine :

    - Any unit except spies, whether the unit is regular or uncon counts for the purpose of determining both occupy and touch terrain objectives.

    - Spies count for touch terrain objectives like other units do but they can't occupy.


    So far so good.


    IF however you set civilian density to LIGHT or HIGHER, here is what happens :

    - Now combatants don't count for terrain objectives set to occupy.


    Test 1 - Civilian density set to SPARSE :




    Now same thing but with LIGHT civilian density :



    Just to make sure I also did these two tests with a regular Syrian unit present on the map in case it had something to do with mixed regulars/uncons forces. But it didn't affect the results.


    If you want to test it yourself, select the scenario under battles, pick red attacker, give a quick movement order to every group of uncons towards the terrain objectives right in front of them. After one turn, once they have all reached the objectives, hit cease fire and check the victory points. First try the scenario with SPARSE civilian density then try with LIGHT civilian density and compare the results.

    Uncons terrain objective test.rar 6.14 kB · 0 downloads

    Hmm, I wonder if the old behavior, of occupy objectives not working for combatants, is baked into older maps originally created in CMSF1.  I tested this on a map originally created in CMSF1.  The combatants are still not getting points for an occupy objective.  I deleted and re-purchased the combatants but they still did not get points for an occupy objective. 

    I then tested on a map created in CMSF2 and occupy objectives worked for combatants with civilian density set to none.............. :unsure:

  7. 8 minutes ago, Zveroboy1 said:

    Okay I think I finally nailed it.

    IF civilian density is set to NONE or SPARSE everything is fine :

    - Any unit except spies, whether the unit is regular or uncon counts for the purpose of determining both occupy and touch terrain objectives.

    - Spies count for touch terrain objectives like other units do but they can't occupy.


    +1.  Good job!!!  Thank you! 

  8. 15 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    LOL!  :D

    For those interested in the potential riverine combat aspect of 'Heaven & Earth',  (@General Jack Ripper) we have crossed what I believe is the last significant hurdle before making it happen:


    That's a scout platoon disembarking from their gunboat (BMP-2), onto a bridge that gets them ashore.....There's still absolutely no way for that gunboat to crawl out of the water onto any part of this map.

    Probably sounds trivial, but it took a lot of experimentation to get it to work.  :wacko:

    PS - Now I have to make all those islands climbable, they're kind of steep.....I have a cunning plan, but no idea if it will work.....Yet!  :ph34r:

    +1.  Cool stuff. 

  9. 38 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    Looks a bit too orderly TBH.  ;)

    The Northern Alliance in Panjshir under Saleh & Ahmed Massoud have declared their intention to continue to resist the Taliban.

    Most of those screenshots were taken before the OpFor entered the city.  The city now has the northern end of an airport (most of the airport is off map).  Below when viewed in daylight.  Chaos is inevitable ..............   :D  :ph34r:




  10. 18 hours ago, Zveroboy1 said:

    So I had been planning on making this post for a while but I haven't really had time to do it properly until now. I wanted to showcase some examples of how I tried to incorporate real architectural elements into the mod to make it as true to life as possible. All the photos below are from Syria.

    First all of I wanted to talk a bit about mosques. Some of you probably saw the in game picture of the mosque with a greyish silvery looking dome and might have asked yourself "but Zveroboy aren't the domes of mosques all colourful with flashy teals, greens or gold?" And of course you would be right, some are just like that. But actually in Syria in particular plenty of mosques have this silvery or greyish looking dome as you can see in the photos below. But I included two alternative dome textures that you can use if you don't like the default colour.

    The first picture is actually located in New Aleppo, just 100 m to the west of the area I mapped, alongside that large avenue in the southern part of the map.


    Aleppo mosque details :


    A school I based an extra building on :


    A roll down door :


    Balcony and facade details :


    Window :


    Doors :

    (Almost all the door textures are based on real Syrian doors)



    That's all.

    +1  Great looking mod. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

    Sgt Joch posted a link to an Afghanistan discussion at the A few Good Men website:


    TGFM is a good club if you are looking for MP games as well...


    Probably best we don't start another here. It's not as if anything will be resolved.

    IIRC however, there are some Afghanistan mods and scenarios for CMSF.

    +1  Yes, to all the above.  Also, I may have to start on a Consulate Evacuation Redux.  :)






  12. On 8/13/2021 at 7:15 AM, stikkypixie said:

    I just encountered this during a PBEM game, I tried to hide my tank behind a barn but the enemy panther managed to not only spot it, but also put a hole in it as well.  I am very curious as to how this happened.

    As others have said above it was most likely an AP round which is able to go through buildings.  An AI opponent generally can't do this (no area fire unless scripted in the AI orders) but a human opponent can.  I've done this intentionally in PBEM games using an M10.  When the HE was gone from the M10 I area fired into a building with an OpFor vehicle hiding behind it.  Worked very well.

    An interesting question might be, did your human opponent intentionally fire AP to hit your tank through the building.  Or was he just trying to drop the building to get at your tank and as luck would have it, ran out of HE and and the tac AI used an AP round.  You might just ask him when OpSec allows it.   

    See if your opponent claims it was an intentionally skillful move or luck. :D  :lol:   

  13. 2 hours ago, Erwin said:

    This will work in all WW2 titles?

    It is only intended to work in CMRT.  If it happens to work correctly in another title that is just luck.  I didn't test it in other titles. 

    1 hour ago, Erwin said:

    Ah... To clarify... If the scenario does feature numerous telephone poles, we may instead see a BF109 replace every telephone pole(?)

    ie:  This BF109 mod should only be used in scenarios where a single telephone pole has been placed specifically so that the BF109 mod can replace it(?).  

    The BF109 mod takes an extra, unused slot.  So you now have an extra telephone pole slot (slot 7) which is a BF109. It does not interfere with the original six slots. 🙂

  14. 1 hour ago, FogForever said:

    The problem with adjusting the fire is you need LOS to plot the fire.  Rolling barrages are timed adjustment of fire not required any observer input.   Myself, I think they definitively fit within the game.  

    Have you tried using Target Reference Points (TRP)s?  Might also have to add more long duration artillery batteries.  

  15. 12 hours ago, Modernrocco said:

    it would be a interesting venue for some scenarios, new vehicles and troops, related to the cold war. 

    +1  The more nationalities, vehicle types and years BFC adds to CMCW the more options there will be for independent scenario design of proxy wars etc.  The awesome, talented BFC modders will also add their magic to whatever BFC creates.  :)      

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