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Posts posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I can no longer find any German flamethrower teams listed under specialist teams.  I've checked different months / years under German Army, SS, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine.  Am I just somehow missing them?  I'm working on a scenario where I have some that I'm pretty sure I added from specialty teams several months ago.  Yesterday I went back to add more and can't locate any.  The Soviets still have them. 

    Did an update remove German flamethrower teams from specialty teams???      

  2. 21 hours ago, czarejs said:

    I am working on a campaign. The first three scenarios ("First Battle", "If You're Gonna Come...", and "Counter Attack at Objective LOG") are complete and I think they do a good job of giving a "Team Yankee" feel. Currently working on the map for scenario four, "The Defense of Hill 214".

    Always nice to see new scenarios & campaigns. 

  3. From the briefing:


    In the southwest area of the map are four “AI Plan Buildings”.  The buildings have no doors or windows.  The buildings are labeled AI Plan One, Two, Three and Four.  To reveal which Soviet AI plan is active a friendly unit is moved next to a plan building.  The plan building which displays a tentative Soviet contact inside is the current AI plan.  A friendly scout team is in the area and can be used to identify the AI plan if desired.  If a player does not wish to know which AI plan is active the buildings are easily avoided.   


    This feature may assist with the replay value.  Since this is a mini-campaign instead of a stand alone scenario it is more complicated than just opening the editor to turn off / on AI plans.  In the above example if a player has already fought against Plan #3 he can choose to start over.  Starting over is a little of a PITA but might be easier than trying to use the scenario de-compiler and then opening the editor.  Even after all that you would still need to know which plan to turn off.

    As the briefing states if a player does not wish to know which AI plan is active the buildings are easily avoided.  

  4. 7 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    Is it "simply" a question of needing to rename the mod for the SS, or something else?

    Yes.  It can be modified for other German branches and nationalities.  However, I have tried to use something similar to remove some of the hats on the partisans and ran into problems.  This would be cool but have not been able to get it to work correctly, consistently for partisans.    

    The mod was originally made for the CMRT scenario Alarmeinheiten.  The majority of the German troops in the scenario are German Army.  Only one platoon of SS that can be activated for a price in VPs.  Also a very small detachment of Luftwaffe at an airstrip.  So the mod focused on the Army. 

  5. 20 hours ago, Zveroboy1 said:

    It includes twelve new buildings; eight that replace the default ones and an extra four as a bonus. These four extra buildings shouldn't appear in any existing scenarios. They are designed to be used by scenario designers or map makers in their future projects and will require the players to also have them installed in their mod folder to be visible. Otherwise they will just be replaced by the game with a random building texture.  

    +1  Very nice.  Thank you. 

  6. 19 hours ago, dbsapp said:

    No hemlets mod looks cool, but, unfortunately, doesn't work with CMFR as a majority of other mods created for CMRT. 

    Hmmm, some of the previous screenshots in this thread displaying missing helmets were taken in the Combat Mission Red Thunder / Fire & Rubble module.  Below are a few more.  The helmet removal is for the German Army.  It will have no effect on the SS or Luftwaffe.  It will also work on the Kriegsmarine.  There is also a tagged and no tag version of the mod.  If using the tagged version the scenario will need to have the tag to activate the mod. 

    Or maybe you are saying the mod does not work in CMFB?  I just double checked and it still works in CMFB. 

    Kriegsmarine in CMRT Fire & Rubble



    SS in CMRT Fire & Rubble (mod is not intended to work for SS)  



    German Army in CMRT Fire & Rubble.



  7. 15 minutes ago, KGBoy said:

    I just want to get to know the equipment not build a scenario yet the equipment doesn't load. Flak heavy loads if I'm in INFANTRY but not if I'm in ARTILLERY. Very confusing.

    In the scenario editor under Formations most artillery (IIRC exceptions are medium mortars) and all aircraft will not show up on the map.  They are off map assets.  Often in Infantry, armored infantry and armored formations you will have a choice if some mortars (usually medium) on map or off map.  There is sometimes also a choice if infantry is mounted or dismounted.  If you choose dismounted the infantry transport vehicles will not show up (halftracks, APCs, trucks, etc.). 

    When there is a choice for on map or off map, for certain equipment, the option is at the bottom of the unit purchase screen.  Click on the purchased formation in the top right column (example: 1st Armored Battalion).  Then at the bottom of the screen are four boxes.  The left box will contain a list of vehicles, sub formations etc. when appropriate.  Click on medium mortar (or anything).  Now the next box to the right will show more information.  For medium mortars there is usually a choice for on or off map. 

    If your still having trouble after reading the above, what game title, nationality and equipment type refuses to appear on the map?       

  8. 5 hours ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    Jungle/dense forest fighting works as well as any other CM infantry fight, guys. It has its own unique and interesting tactical challenges. It's really no more (or less) of a micro hassle than fighting urban scenarios

    I made extensive use of gapped low bocage segments which truncate LOS and allow lots of sneak and peek.

    Yep.  This!!

    Also using gapped bocage is an interesting idea.  

  9. 1 hour ago, Falcon_the_Slut said:

    I found a spot that said follow the trail south, so I did. I found some  manned emplacements and killed them all - I just happened to notice a piece of barbed wire, so the engineers demo'd it. Is there a message if you destroy a base?

    Sounds like you found a Separatist base camp.  No message for finding/destroying a base camp.  However a base camp will be in the woods, have some combination of foxholes, trenches, sandbag walls, a security element and maybe a vehicle or two.  There will also be the barbwire keeping the AI from moving into the AI exit zone.   

    AI reinforcements will still spawn in this base camp for the AI group assigned there.  However,  now that the wire in that base camp is destroyed the AI reinforcement movement orders will take them into the exit zone and off the map.  So this base will not cause you anymore problems. 

    A word of caution.  After destroying the wire I would move friendly units out of the area so they don't take casualties from spawning AI reinforcements.  The AI will shoot while in the process of going to the exit.  


    2 hours ago, Falcon_the_Slut said:

    Also, that was really hard to see and the only reason I saw it was because I was so zoomed in. Are all the insurgent bases so difficult to spot? Is there a better way I should be searching?  

    The fortifications that make up base camps are protected by the fog of war.  So you need LOS to confirm an active camp.  Intelligence and foot trails through the woods might lead to a camp.  Separatist AI groups will also return to a base camp for reinforcements before another attack.  Kind of risky but you might try to follow a group back to their camp. 

    Alt T will also turn the trees on/off.  This makes it easier to see trails, units etc. in the woods.    

    2 hours ago, Falcon_the_Slut said:

    Also, I think I killed the physco. It says 2nd platoon found objective F.  

    Hmmm, trying to remember.  You may have located Tactical Site Exploitation (TSE).  The actual commander Psycho has a security detachment (he is part of a HQ team).  So there would have been a firefight, bodies etc.  Was there a grid location and maybe a time given along with the letter F?  As an example if the TSE read, F 12345678  1800.  That would indicate that Psycho might be at grid 12345678 at 6pm.  

  10. On 7/22/2021 at 5:07 AM, Dr.Fusselpulli said:

    Nato had several mine laying devices to delay a Soviet attack and deny an area.

    minefields can also be prepared by artillery

    Tanks with mine rollers to deal with those mines, and prepare a still dangerous, but somewhat safer route through a minefield for the following vehicles and infantry. Can we get tanks with mine rollers later on to fill this gap?

    +1.   IMO it would be very useful to have mine roller vehicles in game for both NATO and Warsaw Pact.  Breaching obstacle belts were often trained and planned for.  Many real world NTC rotations featured obstacle belts.  Maybe a similar game mechanic as already exits in CMBN with the flail tank could be used.  But with rollers or plows or whatever would work best instead of the flail.  @Geoff-Ludumpress It would also be cool to have some type of mine clearing vehicle in CMRT.

    To a certain extent obstacle belts and FASCAM can be made to work now with creative use of the scenario editor.  However mine clearing vehicles would make these scenarios much better.  The four CMCW Kriegsburg scenarios feature FASCAM minefields and obstacle belts.  The FASCAM and obstacle belts appear in different locations depending on which AI plan loads.  This is accomplished by assigning the mines and wire to AI groups.           

    Paraphrased from the CMCW Kriegsburg BluFor briefing:

    FASCAM MINEFIELDS:  The Soviets have deployed an artillery deliverable FASCAM type minefield.  The mines are generally deployed in high traffic areas and choke points.  The minefields are both anti-tank and anti-personnel.  3rd Battalion Intelligence advise there are four possible locations where the Soviets deployed FASCAM minefields.  The locations are marked on the map (the location of an active FASCAM will vary with the AI plan).

    Paraphrased from the CMCW Kriegsburg RedFor briefing:      

    OBSTACLE BELTS:  The US will often employ obstacle belts to slow or channel attacking Soviet units.  The obstacles belts generally consist of wire and mines.  They are approximately 50 meters deep with four rows of mines and two rows of wire.  They may be up to 600 meters long with the ends tied into restricted terrain.  The obstacle belts are covered by both direct and indirect fire.  Often a lane is left through the mines to be used by US scouts conducting reconnaissance.  The wire is closed but the lane through the mines is still open.  Engineers can locate the lanes allowing friendly vehicles and personnel to breach (cross) the obstacle belt.  Location of obstacle belts will change with the AI plan.         

    In the scenario breaching an obstacle belt is simulated by breaching the two rows of wire (or crushing with tracks) and then finding a cleared lane through the mines.   This is as close as we can get without mine clearing vehicles.   

    Below Soviet scouts locate a US obstacle belt blocking a Soviet Avenue of Advance (this was on scenario author test mode so the mines are all visible).  Now the Soviet commander must decide to breach (find the open lane) or take a different Avenue of Advance to the objective.  So recon also matters in the Kriegsburg scenarios.    



    The flail tank mechanic (below) but with rollers or plows would make the breaching of obstacles much more realistic and interesting.   


  11. 21 hours ago, Falcon_the_Slut said:

    That looks super cool. I have CMSF2 but only the USMC and NATO packs..so I don't think I can play it since the description says all modules are required.

    Sounds like your only missing the British module.  The British module is needed because a British SF unit is in the scenario.  This SF unit may become available for use by the player if certain conditions are met (explained in the briefing).    gbQEvHEh.jpg 

  12. On 7/18/2021 at 4:19 PM, Centurian52 said:

     I like the idea of having some victory points being dependent on winning the battle within a certain time-frame. So while you can take as long as you want if you are content with a tactical victory, if you want a total victory you need to keep an eye on the time. 

    This is an interesting idea and is possible with the current editor when building scenarios. 

    The CMSF scenario Coup d'etat has this feature.  The scenario starts at 0400hrs.  The briefing advises that the AI player is awarded 200 Victory Points if the human player continues past 0614hrs.  The human player may fight on until 0800hrs (the 4 hour engine limit to scenario length) at the cost of the AI opponent earning the 200 VPs.  The briefing also advises that regime supporters will take to the streets sometime after 0645hrs (variable timer) which, of course, causes more problems for the human player attempting to consolidate and hold onto gains made during his coup attempt.  So the human can play on past 0614hrs but the longer he plays the more potential consequences there will be that can effect the final Victory Point score.  :ph34r:  :)



  13. On 7/16/2021 at 9:56 PM, dbsapp said:

    What AD in the beginning of the scenario name stands for?

    See below.  :)

    On 12/23/2015 at 6:34 AM, kohlenklau said:

    By the way, what does the AD mean in front of the scenario name? Your initials?


    On 12/23/2015 at 11:28 AM, SeinfeldRules said:

    It is my initials - I started doing it as a quick way to find scenarios I was testing, but I liked the way it grouped all my content together at the top of the scenario list... so it stuck. :)


  14. On 7/18/2021 at 10:59 AM, dbsapp said:

    It's not a standard animation, is it?

    Just some mods in use.  I think the mods that displayed in the screenshots were; Aris vehicle mod, Aris graphic FX mod and MOS remove some German helmets mod (which includes @benpark helmet mod).


    This mod results in some helmets being removed.   


    Combined with Aris dirty, wounded faces.



  15. On 7/15/2021 at 5:11 PM, Falcon_the_Slut said:

    Is the scenario random or will it essentially be the same 38 minutes as my first game? Also, lets get crackin on that cops n' robbers thing.

    Some things are random based on triggers and timers with variable time.  Other things like the HUMINT intelligence feed and TSE (Tactical Site Exploitation) will be the same. 



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