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Posts posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I have both CMFI and CMBN with the updates / expansions. They are both good tactical simulations. CMBN has one more expansion than CMFI right now. If I had to choose I would probably go with CMBN.

    The solution for you may be to get CMBN for Christmas and then get CMFI for New Year’s, East Front for Valentine’s Day (If you have V day where you are from) and then Black Sea to celebrate the first day of spring. Of course if you follow the above course of action and are married you may end up celebrating the first day of summer with a divorce.

  2. Very interesting post. I hope you find the time to post an AAR of the system. It would help to understand it if we could see it in action. I started to incorporate some of your rules into a battle against the computer. (For PBEM I still just use the provided C2 system) Your system makes HQ units behave more realistically. Using runners was a great idea. Also very relevant to MG due to the radio problems that were experienced. I have questions about rally points and the withdraw button in your system.

    Rally points. Do you designate a rally point in the set up zone or do you make the various units move to a designated rally point further into the map after the battle starts? Or maybe a combination of the two? What is the significance of rally points in your system? I think a unit may return to its rally point in an attempt to reestablish C2 and maybe to get resupplied. Are rally points used for anything else?

    You refer to hitting the withdraw button. How does that work? For example do you give a fire team the move command quick and have it move X meters away from the enemy to a place of relative safety? Thanks.

  3. I am finding my machine is showing its age. RT I am finding to have too many Lag problems, Only noticed this with MG after installed, so I am forced to play only WEGO for the moment, no problems there. It functions well, even on the big maps.

    But 5 years on my machine, so I am not complaining. Getting excited to get a new one. It sure would be nice to know how to spec my machine to run BF the best possible way for the future. Any input out there.

    You bring up a very relevant topic. There are probably dozens of people on this forum every month who are trying to decide what computer to upgrade to next. I wish there was a sticky thread in tech support or somewhere that was updated on a regular basis with the best / most compatible computer set up to run CM on. It could contain info for the PC and one for Mac. I know the BFC web site has minimum requirements. What would be even more useful would be detailed and updated information like the top two recommended graphic cards or sound cards etc. I bought a new laptop this summer and if I had it to do over again I would probably get something different. It runs CM okay but I could have done better. I would first consider getting a desktop PC where graphic cards and other hardware can be changed out. Maybe next time…

    I hope you get some useful recommendations. Might want to consider posting this in a new thread as the topic of this thread would probably not lead people interested in your topic to your question. I just happened to stumble across it.

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