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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. Same as I would handle it in single player: tracks only visible to the player who makes them. No spotting issues.
  2. It goes without saying that in the end, it's BFC's decision... I'm just a random player with a lot of ideas, and I like to share them. That doesn't mean I demand anything from anyone. Everybody is free to disagree or have other ideas. But it seems to me that many times, ideas are dismissed by players on the forum simply because people think they are too difficult to implement *perfectly*, when a limited implementation would still be very nice. Fire is one such idea. Vehicle tracks is another..
  3. Would be great to have vehicles leave tracks.. and to avoid FOW problems, you'd only see the tracks from your own vehicles. Problem solved
  4. I think you're arguing about perfect fire or nothing. But it really wouldn't need to be a perfect fire simulation. A little goes a long way. Let's say you fire a flamethrower at a building. That should make the building catch fire and become impassable and un-enterable. This would be compatible with the current AI. Why? Because we already have such effects that make a place un-enterable. Top stories of houses can be ruined and impossible to enter. Big bomb craters cannot be entered. Blown bridges cannot be crossed. So, what's to prevent BF in making a fire animation that continues to create smoke, marking the building as impossible to enter, and that's that? Would be great for immersion... feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. Based on my bug report from October? If so, then I'm happy to hear it was confirmed. I'll have to stamp a little kill mark on my mouse when they fix it
  6. I hope to see the Brazilians with their pipe smoking snake insigna. When they fire their mortar they should sometimes shout their motto about the smoking snake.
  7. The BAR is useful not so much for the total amount of bullets it puts out but for its bigger effectiveness at longer ranges compared to the rifles. In my experience that is. Haven't tested it.
  8. For armoured infantry, it's a range game. Each support element should be used at the proper range. Up to 300 metres you can engage with rifles but they are better at less than 200 metres. Up to 5-600 metres you should use your light machine guns. Up to 800 metres you use your heavy machine guns. For distant AT guns or important enemy positions behind non-flankable bocage you use your mortars. Resist the temptation to spend their limited ammo on the first target that pops up. Save them for things you can't kill by regular good tactics.
  9. Just remember at guns can take huge amounts of small arms fire and still shoot when armoured targets appear. When using mortars you need either at least 81mm or loads of ammo if the gun is in forest. My rule of thumb is to use double ammo if gun is behind bocage, three times more ammo if it's in forest with few trees, and probably five times more if in heavy forest.
  10. But Skwabie said he found a way to disable mantlet armour so only the turret armour would be a factor. Do I understand you right Steve if you're saying he was wrong about being able to remove that armour from the equation? Actually his test didn't work like he thought it did? Because it didn't seem from his test that there was a hole behind the mantlet.
  11. I think it's a pity that this thread has gone from finding and reporting a potential bug in the game to discussing cheating in multiplayer games. I'm just playing single player, and if I ever go up against a human opponent I will find someone I can trust to not cheat. So please let us just discuss the issue Skwabie brought up with the armour. I still feel I haven't seen his arguments properly responded to.
  12. It really depends on a lot of factors. Especially the map. A screenshot would help. But from your description, my basic idea is: Try to find an approach where you can get close (100-200 metres) from the position wihtout being seen, then pop up three teams at the same time and have them area fire on the position. The enemy MG can't fire on all of your guys at the same time, so before long they should be suppressed and from then it's basic fire and movement.
  13. Yes, you're right. I apologise to anyone who felt insulted.
  14. Thanks for the screenshots, @IanL. Looks good, nice screenshots always make me want to go for a walk Hoping for more additions like this in the future. With a bit of landscape contouring like you did, it really makes a map come alive as a real place. Even though the stream might be small, it would have had a lot of time to cut down through the landscape. On the other hand, drainage canals would be quite shallow and run in straight lines.
  15. Wow, what a story about the Barracuda tank and its crew. I wonder why their dog tags had information about their religion, to make sure they were buried with the right religious mumbo jumbo rituals maybe? Also, I had no idea a panzerfaust would make such a big hole (the hole in the rear of the tank is bigger than the 75mm hole in the side)
  16. Isn't that basically just the effect of the underlying tile though? Or does the stream boost the effect of terrain under it?
  17. I think the true value of the panzerfaust was not so much actually killing tanks. It was that when the enemy knows you might have the weapons, he needs to be much more restrained with his tanks. You might in fact have zero panzerfausts in the village, but just the fact you might means he won't be able to roll in guns blazing. It buys you time.
  18. I guess it's just meant to represent very small streams that any soldier and vehicle can cross. Not sure if it even has gameplay effects or if it's just a flavour thing, but I like more choices and options for the editor, to make more and more detailed maps.
  19. I'm always asking for new features, and here's a new feature. Great
  20. The illusion would be broken if the frozen "lake" is hit by shells though.
  21. Agreed, but you can make rural walls look more natural if you modify the underlying terrain just a bit, so it has a little bit of curviness to it. That also makes the landscape look more natural in general, even flat fields are not billard table flat after all
  22. And will panzerfausts finally be fired properly, that is, held under the arm rather than on the shoulder like a bazooka?
  23. Now they need to change the title of the game.. can't take it seriously any more
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