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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. Happy to hear I'm not the only one with this problem, but I don't want to turn off shadows - they mean a lot to the immersion. I reported the problem through the official channels.
  2. You're welcome. Not all quick battles have scripts, it depends on the designer. And since the designer doesn't know what kind of troops will fight on the map, it's extremely difficult to script anything useful. Because if you script AI group 1 to assault the town, what happens if AI group 1 turns out to be a couple of AT guns?
  3. In most quick battles I've played, the AI troops just sit and wait for me to attack them. But sometimes, the designer who made the scenario has added some orders that make various groups of enemies advance at certain times. A bit like a mechanical toy that you wind up and then it walks forward banging its drum.
  4. I'm not moving the camera behind anything, just turning it a bit back and forth. Also, shadows seem to change direction sometimes based on camera angle (instead of being based on the sun's location).
  5. If foxholes were spotted afer infantry it might look odd, firing away at a guy and have a foxhole pop up around him and then sometimes disappearing. The kind of foxhole in the game seems to be with a pile of fresh soil around it, and topped with sandbags, which would be pretty visible in the landscape.
  6. With the camera close to the ground, looking straight ahead, turning the camera at certain angles makes shadows disappear. So if I look towards, for example, a house, all shadows disappear, both from the house, trees, bocage, etc. Turning the camera to face away from the house makes shadows come back. Anyone else has this problem and knows how to fix it?
  7. I also enjoy playing missions about attacking fixed positions. It can be challenging, depending on the scenario.
  8. " Battlefront’s AI will be left to choreograph the American AFVs " Do they even know there's no AI in the game?
  9. Yeah that's why I wish they would make the troops themselves decide not to fire their rifle grenades unless the target is close enough to have a chance to hit.
  10. It's because they fire them at too long ranges, so once you close with the enemy, they haven't got any left. The TacAI should (arguably) be less happy to use them at range. At close ranges (less than 100), they are really good weapons, especially against buildings, and also against light armour.
  11. Be careful, once you start doing that, you get hooked. I just played one of the defensive battles of the Scottish Corridor campaign against the computer, and it's just so boring to 'shoot nazi fish in the barrel' compared to the really tense games I had against human opponents. Knocking out another player's armoured car feels like a much bigger victory than destroying two elite Tiger Tanks against the computer.
  12. Would be the easiest map in the world to make in the editor - probably 10 minutes work, tops. But who would have fun playing it?
  13. I love the smell of confirmed and reported bugs in the morning.
  14. Well I guess you could appreciate it as a kind of modern poetry..
  15. I meant if he just bought the base game without the modules. Then he would find most maps and scenarios that come with the game deal with bocage situations.
  16. I'm running the basic game without mods... which are you using?
  17. I would say first of all play the demo(s), then buy the game that covers the time period you are most interested in. You don't need to buy any bundles. About size of maps, you can also find Normandy maps that are big. But due to bocage terrain, many Normany maps are somewhat infantry centric, and even small maps can be a pain in the neck to fight in. So yes, it might only be 500mx500m but getting from one end to the other will take time and good tactics, especially against a human opponent.
  18. I'm seeing the same thing. Rain stops and starts constantly. It only seems to happen at some zoom levels above the ground.
  19. Well I am pretty sure it makes a difference. I just bought and started playing the CMBN Commonwealth module, and it's raining non-stop in the first missions. I noticed that quite a few of the mortar shells I'm firing seem to be duds, they make just a small puff on the ground and fail to explode. I never noticed this effect before, despite playing regular CMBN for more than two years (all missions in dry weather). So, I'm inclined to believe that rainy conditions makes ground more soft, which increases the risk of shells failing to explode. However, this is about regular "grass" terrain, under rainy conditions. I am not sure if muddy terrain becomes more muddy during rain, or if it's just a general modifier to all terrain while it's raining.
  20. That made me laugh, it's funny cause it's true (and kind of horrible) In any case, maybe being great at baseball wouldn't necessarily help you throw a grenade through a window, since in baseball, you want to throw a powerful ball, which is a different skill than putting a grenade through a window at 8 metres range?
  21. I agree that procedure would be highly effective, but if I had AFV support with LOS to the building, I would never try assaulting
  22. This is all well and good for HMGs like you have in the opening of the Road to Montebourg, but have you tried rifle infantry? Can't remember the engagement range for the glider infantry mission, but if you're close enough to hit with rifle grenades, you're probably quite close.. In any case, I don't argue that it should not be possible to shoot at bunkers, but that it should be up to the player to give the targeting order. I believe most infantry teams should prioritise staying out of sight from bunkers at ranges where they can't do anything to them anyway.
  23. Apparently, once something is uploaded to his webpage, it can never ever be updated, changed or removed. What you do in life echoes in eternity...
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