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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Jack Ration

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Everything posted by Jack Ration

  1. Also check We Band of Brothers if you are interested in H2H play.
  2. Agree! FI/GL was a breath of fresh air after BN/CW. Another WET after MG maybe a title too far!
  3. Disagree somewhat with Blackcat's pessimistic view. A key factor is the morale of the unit. If it is rattled, it is unlikey to act like a hero unit! In a recent game I had an anti-tank gun with LOS to a target but I could not get it to fire. Moved a HQ unit to it and with a little friendly motivation it started firing. Unrealistic to expect all units to act in kamikaze fashion. Also if a member of the gun crew has been killed or wounded, the remainder will be a little nervous. If it fails to fire, get a HQ nearby to offer a little friendly advice - get that f*$##@g gun firing! Especially when playing as the allied player.
  4. If you are into H2H play, have a look at We Band of Brothers (CMx1 and CMx2)
  5. Data Mining can only scratch the surface. Take the 9/11 situation. Looking backwards, data mining can find some facts about situations, ie the terrorists getting pilot lessons, their movement, etc. Note - backwards! When you have solid data to start from. Forecasting/predicting is in another galaxy as far as difficulty goes (try forecasting the stockmarket, a far simpler task). As mentioned previously, the amount of data that could be (probably is) collected is massive. The usual situation is too much data, not enough information. Data Mining can be useful of course. For instance, consider the tax office. If a cities average claims by plumbers was X, you could search for plumbers who claim 2 time X. Why is plumber A claiming this much? Send to investigation department. Simplistic example but I'm sure you get my drift. The problem with these "govt are watching you" scams (IMHO) are that they presume the govt is executing these operations at "perfection" levels. LOL! We are talking about the govt! Public Servants worrying about their 401K, the same ones that are running Detroit into the ground. Like the poster Childress! Maybe change Thought to Political Correctness Police!
  6. GAJ - I'm more of a Sun reader PM Jim Hacker: "Don't tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers: The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country, the Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country, the Times is read by people who actually do run the country, the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country, the Financial Times is read by people who own the country, the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country and the Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is." Sir Humphrey: "Prime Minister, what about the people who read the Sun?" Bernard Wooley: "Sun readers don't care who runs the country, as long as she's got big tits."
  7. Me thinks a lot of these "the govt is watching you" scams must come from people who don't work in the govt! The bureaucracy is flat out paying its own exorbitant salary never mind scanning game turns in Dropbox! GAJ - re the Guardian (otherwise know as: The Prada-Meinhof Newsletter) A joke sometimes made about the Guardian is that it is just as dishonest as any other UK paper...except the Guardian distorts and lies for ideological purposes rather than commercial ones, which make it slightly "purer"
  8. Too consistent to be purely luck or good fortune! Nice detail image at post #112.
  9. Just because they say you are paranoid, does not mean they are not out to get you! However, in this case, too many bangs on the head can cause paranoia! Cannot see how any Western nation can extract a win situation in the Syria mess. Best to tut-tut and leave them to it. I thought the USA wasn't the world policeman anyway! Maybe Cameron is playing to his local al-Qaeda constituents!
  10. An interesting topic. It may seem odd, but if you examine the U-Boat campaign you can map the rise and fall of the axis war effort. Initially, the Germans had superior equipment backed up by excellent training and competent leadership. But it was a force for a short campaign. You could argue by 1943 the allied side had caught up in most fields and had surpassed the Germans in many - intelligence, logistics, electronic warfare, notably. Plus the allied side had a superior training system that could provide quality replacements, particularly in the more advanced combat systems (airpower in particular). The general consensus in the post WW2 literature is that "Barbarossa" was the critical mistake. I wonder if that is history written by the victors. The alternate view was that Hitler beat Stalin by two weeks in pulling the trigger, ie Stalin was preparing to invade Germany but was beaten to the punch. What if Hitler had not delivered a pre-emptive attack?
  11. Then again perhaps LOS/LOF is a bit more sophisticated than we think. Sometimes I don't think I have LOF to a particular area on the map, but, when a vehicle turns up in the area, I then get LOS. Maybe my imagination but does LOS/LOF rules take into consideration the height of a vehicle?
  12. black and white treatment to one of Bil Hardenberger's images.
  13. SGT Hodges survived the mission! 17 en casualties 3 Pz VIE (mid) Heavy Tank 2 Pz VIE (late) Heavy Tank
  14. Hi Guys, Not a screenshot but a little movie I made of the last 4 minutes of a H2H game. Hope you find it a bit of fun. Can you embed videos on this forum? PS the stills above came from this game.
  15. a bit of localised blur effect, and burning in the bottom left. Also slight sharpening of the "straight" edges of the vehicles (over-sharped the Tiger). Liked how the Firefly came up. Aris skin mod. Morning attack in the top image? Nice sky from an "image" perspective. Most of the time bland skies.
  16. Hi Guys, If you are interested in H2H play, checkout We Band of Brothers!
  17. I'm no expert, but I think it is more difficult to be a good defender than attacker because it requires a different skill set. A lot of the defender's work is done in the setup phase. Not as exciting as moving your attacking force. A well placed defence should have the "spotting" advantage, i.e., they should be stationary. How often have you setup a defence only to make some moves early in the game and lose the spotting advantage, i.e., the stationary spotter has a higher probability of achieving "a spot" than the moving spotter. As Rommel says, "he who fires first wins!"
  18. Hi Juju, Excellent work! The v2.0 download indicates Dec 2012. Has the underlying file been updated to Jun 2013? Or am I looking at the wrong file. thx
  19. So the Brummbar was set to area fire, then spotted the M10, and was "intelligent" enough to target it! Pretty cool coding under the bonnet! Very nice setup. I also like the shot of the half-track in post #647 nailing the M15. Looked like a keyhole firing position, with defilade cover (buildings and foliage), providing enfilade fire. Not bad achieving all that in one shot!
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