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Jack Ration

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Everything posted by Jack Ration

  1. As usual, very nice graphics and video accompaniment. Was the video cropped or is that using the full screen option in game? - very well done. Good luck with it.
  2. I have got some kills using "area fire" into an area I know there is a vehicle. And of course, sometimes you get a near miss, which usually results in the target reversing. In this iteration I understand that "buttoned" tanks have decreased spotting compared to previous versions, so I imagine buttoned tanks in an urban environment on the move would have further spotting penalties. It is a dangerous business being a crew commander! Good luck with it!
  3. What could have helped your situation was "unbuttoning" your Sherman crew commander with the "Open Up" command. Can you have a Stug Commander unbuttoned? When I am setting up a situation like that I highlight the movement order then use the Target command to the area where the target is. Don't leave it entirely up to the AI.
  4. That is the main limitation as far as I can see. Go for broke and get a pack. The more options you have the more likely you are to get an opponent.
  5. I watched an intro to the game by a player. While the graphics look good close up it is of little benefit during play because at the scale you play, the units are basically big dots (or a bit more). Of course, this negates any use of terrain beyond the broadest definition. I'll stick to WEGO I think. Thx
  6. Hi Modern Era Players, Noticed on Steam - Wargame Airland Battle. An RTS game. As players in this forum would be an obvious audience I wondered what your views were? Looks detailed and graphically it looks next generation compared to CMx2. I'm more a WEGO player and a WW2 tragic so it is a little out of my ballpark. But it does look interesting. If anyone has the game I would be interested in your thoughts, thx. http://www.wargame-ab.com/?rub=shop
  7. Hi Bil, Great contribution to the CM Community. Thx for your effort and enthusiasm.
  8. I'm blogging my first foray on a huge map in a H2H game. The scenario is the CM:BN CW "My Honor is Loyalty". Access via this link, or the homepage link in the sig block. http://www.raafsquad.com/cliffs/battlefront/bigmaps.htm
  9. Good luck finding a PBEM player. If you are keen checkout "We Band of Brothers Online Gaming Club." CMx1 and CMx2 I'd offer you a game but I have a bunch going at the moment!
  10. Thanks for the positive feedback! I have a copy of Photoshop 6.0 (released in 2000). On the inset layer properties I use Inner Glow and Stroke for the black border. The border on the entire image via Modify - Border. Juju's UI Advancing on Brettevillette CM:BN CW Scenario: My Loyalty is My Honor
  11. Thanks for the extracts Chops. Juju mentioned his mods exclude the matchup "shapes". Juju also mentioned that he thought the matchup was "fixed". I had a look at this and believe he is correct. In summary, the matchup cannot be improved. It reflects a "time band" (response time) it takes for the artillery piece to get rounds onto the target. Where in the "time band" depends on the factors of the calling unit. I presume it can degrade, if the FO is downgraded from OK, a member of the FO team is killed, etc.
  12. Thanks Juju - presumed the mod would have the default behaviour. Nice UI Mod BTW, I think it should be adopted by Battlefront as the default.
  13. The above image is for the German FO in the CM:BN CW "My Honour is Loyalty" scenario. The matchup for the Nebelwerfer is poor, the 105mm is satisfactory and the 81mm is good. The obvious question - how do I improve the matchup for the Nebelwerfer and 105mm? Initially I thought the FO may have broken the C2 link, but there are no superior HQ listed (normally this appears below the image of Protzner). I am presuming the scenario author has implemented the matchup this way to manipulate the time delay between mission request and arrival on target? The CM Game Engine V2.11 manual also mentions different shapes for the matchups but I presume this idea has been dropped.
  14. Hi MajorProblem, Sounds like you would fit in with WeBOB. The standard WeBOB game is at Elite. Tournaments, etc.
  15. Steiner, Interested in the WEGO Co-op concept. Be interested to see what you came up with.
  16. well done, not an easy scenario to get a TV as the axis
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