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Everything posted by agusto

  1. That s pretty much the tactic that will lead to sucsess in most missions of the Troina campaign. Slowly recon until you find the german AT guns, hit em with arty, then kill defensless infantry with your tanks from stand-off range. I really would recommend you to finnish the Troina campaign. It is one of the best of the CMx2 ww2 series that i ve played.
  2. You do know that you can just open the scenario in the editor and remove all artillery for both sides with litterally no more than 5 clicks?
  3. I anticipated that arguement. However fear cant be, although it surely is a powerful emotion, the prime element that drives humanity "forwards". Fear is something that is learend by experience. Not itself, but what a person fears or doesnt. The little child does neither fear fire nor heat, only after it made the experience of the pain connected with beeing burnt it learns that this is something fearsome. This means that different people who led different lives will have different fears. However IMO this is not true for what people try achieve in their lives. If you look at societys no matter how different from each other, all by some mean or another pursue the ultimate goal to satisfy the human drives, only the ways they try to achieve that differ. Some societies do that better than others and some are so weird they dont manage that at all (wich are usually the ones based on fear, especially fear of beeing punished by for example a deity. The Jihadists dont blow themselves up because they are so crazy but because they either fear about or want to improve their afterlives. The latter even speaks for my theorie as the sexual drive may be adressed by the promise of the 72 virgins.). Actually beeing a person mostly driven by fears is even a recognized pathological state, its called neurosis. This is not contradictionary. We (or most people) know that eating as much as they can will kill them, that overpopulation can lead to an decreased livespan and beeing able to control the brithrate on a large scale by means of superfetation prevention is only something that we achieved in the last century and only in the worlds more developed countries. Only 200 years ago and in some poor countries still today it was/is absolutely necessary to have a high rate of reproduction because the life expectancy was/is so low. I agree with with you that our prior goal on earth should be giving everyone a decent life. However this does not contradict with exploration of space since huamity is a more resource hungry species than earth has ever seen and maybe at some point in the far future we will need to aqcuire other places where we can harvest resources in order too maintin a decent life quality for everyone. Even if opulation grwoth was stabilized we would still need more and more resources to supply us, since our drive to lengthen our livespans and further increase our lifes quality would keep techonological development at a high rate even if it was ensured that everybody can lead a decent life by todays standards. EDIT: Besides all of the above, i believe that even fear itself is motivated by the human basic instincts. Why do people fear beeing killed? They have the drive to survive. Why would someone fear hunger? He has the drive to eat. Why would someone fear living a life without sexual partners? The human sexual drive is a strong one. So obviously fear is not the prime motivation that makes humans act. It is only one side of the coin. You could also view life from a different perspective and say "I do it because it feels good" instead of "I do it because of beeing afraid of not feeling well". IMO the first one is the simpler and more direct explanation of motivation.
  4. "Fritz' wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last week. The bullet that killed him went straight through the unread letter from his wife wich he received just moments before the battle started and that he carried in the pocket right above his heart." "Fritz was only 17 years old and still a virgin." "Fritz' pregnant girlfriend commited suicide when she received the message that he died. She was unable to take the pain." "Fritz' favorite meal was Schnitzel with mashed potatoes and he loved to play with his Gold Retriever puppy before he was sent to the front."
  5. Take a bath of nice, warm water an add 15-20 pieces of piranhas. After 20-30 Minutes, no doctor will be able to confirm Alzheimers on the patient anymore, no matter how bad the disease was before the bath. Sucsess guranteed.
  6. You could download an existing sound mod like AKDs and check the file names there.
  7. Sounds good, the gunfire in the video too. I would especially very much apreciate a sound mod that uses the voices from Day of Defeat 2, they were really immersive if i remeber correctly (havent play DoD in ages, though). Also at least as far as i know, there hasnt been a voice mod for CMBN yet, so i am sure that many people would download that if you made one. I can help you with the german voice DoD sounds if you need a translation, just PM me.
  8. Isnt it more like that everything we do in life is based on our drive to satisfy or most basic instincts? Every wish higher than that is just abstracted. When we send a robot probe to mars for example we do that not out of learned fear or insecurity but rather because we hope that the knowledge gained will one day help us to fill our plates with more food, make us live longer and give us the chance to increase the rate at wich we reproduce (ie have more sex).
  9. I am looking for someone who is still playing TacOpsv4 - Just got it the other day and its awesome, would love to play vs a human instead of the AI. Feel free to PM me if you are interested in a game.
  10. Ich suche einen Gegner für ein TacOpsv4 match. Beim interesse PM.
  11. You have to read the pictures in Sgt. Schultz' post backwards: the second pic is before i inhaled!
  12. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=108893
  13. Didnt have much time to write this afternoon, actually i wanted to write a sentence more or two about TacOps but instead i ended up posting about a flying toilet. Anyways, i think TacOps doesnt compete against CMx2 but is rather a great addition. When i consider tactics there i think like "What would i do/ What would it look like in Combat Mission?". On the other hand, TacOps made me a more considerate CM player as it tought me about the importance of keeping a mobile reserve. I had done that in CM before but the smaller CM battlefields usually make it not that much of an issue since for example the TOW missile launcher in CMSF can usually deliver effective fire from one edge of the map to the other, so you dont have to worry that much about whats a units ETA at some location. BTW if anyone of you is still playing TacOps, drop me a PM, i d love to try out playing vs a human opponent.
  14. My first thought was Napalm dropped on Marihuana field.
  15. Welcome back! Your absence was noted by the forum, there was even a thread about that.
  16. After trying out some of the single player scenarios i would like to play vs a human opponent - also because some of the more visually appealing/custom maps appear to be playable vs human opponents only. If you are inerested in a game, feel free to PM me. I also found a thread* about a map replacement pack that appearently (or at least i think so) replaces the stock map files. However these files cant be downloaded from their 2008 loactions. So, if anyone still has these files and would mind sharing them with me, this would be much appreciated. *http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=2485
  17. Fighting at night can be a similar experience. Those aweful moments when you can hear the enemy tanks charging (audio contacts) at you but cant seem them yet through the black of night...
  18. I would like a campaign pack. I also get most fun out of CMx2 games when i play campaigns, however there are still many CMFI/CMBN/CMSF campaigns at the repository i havent had the time to try yet. BTW thanks to everyone who is creating campaigns. I tried it myself last month but decided to stick with finishing the scenario i started to make. Way more work involved than i thought, especially playtesting and refining scenarios seems to eat up a LOT of time.
  19. BTW i just got TacOpsv4 the other day...really cool, currently my favorite besides CMSF!
  20. Read more about Operation Sani-Flush at: http://www.midwaysailor.com/midwayva25bomb/
  21. I wonder what happens in CMBN if a tank takes a direct hit from a Nebelwerfer. What is their calibre again? Up to 320mm if my memory is correct, isnt it?
  22. +1 (and in words: 'plus one', so i get beyond the 10 characters limit).
  23. That is the same song as the Destroyed in Iraq v3 posted by baron. If you look in the description you willl find translated english lyrics. Here are the youtube links to two songs i used in my mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg5X_SBBLHc (english translated subs in the vid) The last one (Daooni) has german subtitels in the vid. It is about whining how terrible, unjust and humiliating a world not ruled by Islam is, the bottom line is that the singer is going to commit Jihad and kill all infidels. BTW i am NOT a Jihadist or anything. I am not even religious. Just saying because i ve posted all those vids now. EDIT: free online youtube to mp3 converter (tested): http://www.audiothief.com/ free online anything to wav converter (tested): http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-wav With these two you can easily use any music as CM background/loading theme you want. Download, convert and rename them and put them in the Z folder. In my experience the game will accept any .wav file <90 MB in size. But could be my low end PC that set this limit.
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