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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Kostiantyn Mashovets writes that Russian repairing units encountered with problems with field repairing of damaged vehicles of new types As if according to Russian reports situation is next: - repair of T-90M both remote-controlled MG turret and commander's panoramic sight almost impossible in field conditions - substitution of devices of control, interlink and commutators as well as R-168 radios is impossible without specialists of manufactureres, especially if software setup and settings required. - gunner's thermal sight "Sosna-U" needs upgrade for better armored protection - it takes frequent mechanical damages during enemy shelling, which doesn't allow to say about it's full-fledged exploitation in combat - deficite of foreign electronic components for timely repairs - low level of parts unifiaction
  2. Chineese ambasador in France made a statement that ex-USSR countries don't have a soverreign status. BTW in Russia since autumn of 2022 signature campaing has been lasting under appeal to Supreme Court to recognize USSR desintigration by Belovezha Accords as illegal. Also there is some concerning in Ukriane about France efforts to use a China to convince Ukriane and Russia (but Ukraine first of all) to cease fire and start negociations.
  3. Russian MoD said about "accidental munition dropping". Initially was knowing about one bomb, now turned out there are two %). Maybe a short circuit or false command in control line of jet...
  4. I doubt reason in gliding kits. Many usual FABs had problems with fuses - there were many photos of unexploded FAB-500, for example in Chernihiv oblast and near Avdiivka. Old bombs...
  5. Ukrainian sociologists criticized methods of some pollings (GfK, Gullop) because they polled only in towns with 20000+ population and only via stationery phones (most of their users are people 50+). Many of Crimean Tatars and other citizens more loyal to Ukraine lived in rural area, so results of 1000-2000 not enough representative polling extrapolated on whole Crimea. In 1991 during Independence support referendum 67,5 % of Crimean Autonomy Soviet Repuplic participated in referendum and 54,19 % voted "yes" (42,22 % - "no"). Separately in Sevastopol (the city had own constituency) participated 63,74 % and 57,07 % voted "yes" (39,39 % - "no"). Such result in Sevastopol, the city filled with many of retired Soviet officers, who moved here after retirement from all USSR (mostly from Russia) turned out like cold shower for Soviet and later Russian authorities. Alas, Ukraine up to 2014 had been remaining in Russian orbite of influence, so it can't provide own policy in appropriate way in most of south-eastern oblasts, giving situation to local "elites", borning from alloy of criminal business and so-called "red directors" (chiefs of industrial eneterprises, who often didn't hide own soviet nostalgia), who exploitated idea of "Russia is our all, evil L'viv nationalists and NATO want to enslave us" among miners, metallurgists, engineers in order to keep own power in regions and to rise these people if central power will do something against. Crimea, having own legitimate authonomy turned out under almost direct influence of Moscow. And Russian propaganda was making own work properly. Especially ridiqulous were statements about "violent ukrainisation of Crimea", where only three schools with education in Ukrainian language existed in 2014. Most high peaks of anti-Ukrainian hysteria was in 1994, during first Crimean crisis, when in some cases it came down to shooting and entering Ukrainian National Guard to Crimea to cool separatism. Second peak was in 2008-2009 on background of Georgian war, attempts of Ukriane to interfere of using Crimea as base of aggression and plans of combined trainings with NATO on peninsula. Victor Yushchenko, turned out very weak politic and didn't risk to challenge influence of Russia. Most of pro-Russian moods in Crimea is a result of Russian agenda, their propaganda and "stomach interests". Most of pro-Russian Crimeans just though with Russia they will be wealthy. Now most of them dissappointed in very tough way. The same with pro-Russian moods you can observe even in some districts of western Ukraine. For example, inhabitants of some districts of Rivne and Ternopil oblasts have some "anomaly" pro-Russian sympathies. Even now many of them didn't recognize Russia as aggressor. Reason? Activity of Pochaiv Lavra - largest "influence point" of Russian Church (formally Ukrainian Orthodox Church, but it anyway under power of Russian) in western Ukraine. It's lucky its influense expands mostly on rural population of several districts. But if we take Transcarpathia or to some less degree Bukovyna (Chernivtsi oblast), where influence of Russian Churh is also enough big we maybe can't see such pro-Russian religious fanatism, but more degree of indifference about this war. "Give me a people and I will turn them in a herd of pigs" (Goebbels).
  6. Taras Chmut, the head of Back-and-Alive volunteer fund, commenting the news about Latvia handed over to Ukraine all own Stingers, said that MANPADs now is one of biggest deficites in troops.
  7. Constitution of Ukraine clearly says about this case - any secession of territory is possible after all-Ukrainian referendum. I think, Florida also can't claim neither independence, nor rejoining back to Spain or Cuba. 35% of neo-sovoks and pro-Russians, as well as just Russian citizens, who arrived to Crimea to participate in "referendum" in terms of actually occupation, who voted several times in different places is not reflect "the will of Crimeans", which I repeat were in mass indifferent which flag is over Simferopol.
  8. Very rare video of UKR Tor work. Unknown it's captured one or Ukrianian. In 1991 Ukraine got as Soviet legacy 24 Tor SAMs. Though, they were of very first batches , so had many technical issues. There wasn't technical support and opportunity for maintenanne or repairing, so in mid of 2000th all Tors were decomissioned and stored. Since war began in 2014 there were attempts to reanimate some Tors and missiles for it. First Tors appeared in ATO zone in 2017, but only in 2019 officially was announced that battery of Tors returned to service. In 2020 L'viv radio reparing factory has mastered maintenance of Tors. By Soviet shtat Tors should form SAM regiments for tank or motor-rifle divisions. Each regiment should have 4 batteries per 4 launchers.
  9. "Predator", hero of famous video got light wound and filmed this. During he reloaded PKT, reworked for shooting with bipod, some sort of AGS burst exploded near him. He got four small framents. The video probaly for second part of March
  10. More wide picture of this place, filmed by "Honor" company with drone (but turned upside down). Alsas, after "Honor" has withdrew to rotation, their positin, which they recaptured and then held was again captured by Russians.
  11. Who are "people of Crimea"? It's a nationality? Maybe Crimean language exists? Crimea? Really? Not Russia?
  12. Range of throwing 100-400 m. Length of HE charge - 120 m
  13. Moment of bomb explosion in Belgorod. At 0:10 the bomb hit parking pocket near the road and penetrates relatively deep to the ground. At 0:29 it blows up and throws a car on the roof of supermarket. Citizens were really lucky that bomb exploded in the depth - only two people were injured, nearby buildings got some damage, several cars were destroyed or damaged
  14. In 2014 real number of referendum participants were not more 30-35 %. Many of populaion in Crimea, like on Donbas were indifferent Ukraine or Russia. Many thought Russia would give them Moscow level of salary with Ukrainian level of prices. Naive. New "masters of Crimea" for nine years completely killed medicine, barbarically destroyed unique Crimean nature in many places, gave many coastal territories under elite real estate building, closing access to the sea for locals. So many Crimeans maybe not enough like Ukraine, but obviously silently hate Russia and many of them in local chats recalled with nostalgia for Ukrianian times, when foreign cruise liners came to Yalta, many rich tourists visited Crimea etc. So, when UKR troops will come to Crimea, most of Crimeans will do nothing due to their conformism. Russians, who settled in Crimea after 2014 will flee in panic. Who will not do this will be deported. Of course, there will be some "idea fighters", who will try to make guerilla, but this will not be "total resistance" PS. Just NEVER judge by ethnicity in Ukrainian question. This is almost doesn't work here.
  15. Russian command recognized that explosion in Belgorod happened because accident dropping of munition from Su-34 %)
  16. Before this explosion in Russian TG there were anounced Russian jets with KAB-1500 are on route to bomb Ukraine. Maybe one bomb missed %) Though not enough damage around, but the bomb could went deep to the ground before to explode... Here is street camera - on 0:07 whistle is heard and on 0:26 the sound of explosion
  17. Russian milbloggers alarm that UKR forces already two week ago crossed Dnipro and seized positions in dachas on left bank oppose to Antonivka village (Antonivskyi bridge there), Kherson suburb - red square is as if UKR-controlled land. As if local Russian command didn't do anything to throw down UKR forces in the river, so Ukrainians almost without counter-actions can supply own bridgehead garrison by boats, also they actively use heavy dron-bomber, which bring many troubles. As if only now command noticed in time to organize counter-attack, but UKR already have there good positions, so they beg to drop in this place some guided bombs.
  18. Situaion in Bakhmut Russians could push off UKR forces slightly south from some parts of Rose Alley in northern part of city. Heavy skirmishes around grain elevator, which still under UKR control. One of two streets, which UKR troops have recaptured yesreday, again was seized by Russians. On southern flank, as became knowingly from Russian sources, UKR forces on 18th of April have retaken positions around old quarry between Stupochky and Klishchiivka
  19. Epic turret tossing or how Perseus (name of BMP-2M on the hull) became Icarus Video from Vodiane area
  20. Looks like "Honor" company is withdrawing for rotation. Serhiy Filimonov, the commander announced big movie similar to that was issued two days ago. Also he told the company for 1,5 months of fight lost 5 KIA and 40 WIA. Also he told in average "Honor" had been killing per 10 Wagners for a day. He regrets he hadn't time to award his soldier "Myron" for killing of 8 Wagners in one fight - he could buy AR-10 rifle for him, but "Myron" was badly wounded on 4th of April. He will award sqaud leader "Tykhyi" with AR-10 + sight Vortex Razor 10x for defending of position (that was on the last video)
  21. These drones are assembling in Ukraine in numerous quantities for donates. For example, here is a part of 500 FPV drones batch, named GOIDA as a mockery of known Russian call "Goida!" on the mass meeting, calling to rise at "holy war with evil West". And there are many similar drones have been assembling now.
  22. Russians SU-35, carring own ER-JDAM analogs already became enough bozzering. Each day they drop its on Kherson oblast and sometime on Zaporizhzhia oblast and north-eastern oblasts. Most of hits are on civilian objects or some abandoned facilities. There is an opinion in such way Russians want to attract our long-range SAMs like S-300 or may be even Patriots to find and destroy it. Also would be intersting to know what version of Patriot we have received... There are rumors from inhabitants of Crimea, that Russians are gathering many aircraft on Belbek airfield - much more that on 24th Feb 2022. As if they prepare to mass preventive strike on UKR troops and ammo dumps in close rear before they will start offensive.
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