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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This morning at 5:20 we had missile strike attempt on Kyiv, but 11 missiles were intercepted on approaches. Terrible tragedy in Uman' town, Cherkasy oblast. The town was hit with two missiles, one hit some store facility, other hit directly at 9-storey residential building. One section of it collapsed completely. In present time 23 bodies are recovered from ruines (among them 4 children), 18 injured, 17 resqued Also one missile destroyed private house in Dnipro city, young woman and her little doughter were killed.
  2. Situation in Bakhmut for last three days. Russians had success on the north. Now they hold Kraynia str. UKR troops still hold 2nd city hospital and musical collage. Though, this sucess cost so much casualties, that now Russians reduced activity on the north of the Bakmut and now switched to Ivanisvske, trying to regain own positions, being lost during counter-attacks of 3rd assault brigade. "Azov" could push the enemy further from Chasiv Yar - Bakhmut road both near Ivanivske and inside south-westren part of city. When on the north and in center mostly artillery and aviation (and sometime TOS-1) are working, that on the southern flank ememny MLRS is more active. Two days ago there was hard situation near Khromove, so Russian propagandists even claimed Khromove is captured, but this wasn't true. UKR forces again repelled enemy attacks and again cleaned positions near the road
  3. Quantity of UK armor, which bought three Ukrainian charity funds for donates
  4. Kreminna area. "When you will start your offensive at last?!"
  5. Next toy for new 37th marines brigade except Oshkoshs and AMX-10RC - 70 mm guided rockets APKWS. This is upgrade of Hydra rokets, equipped by semi-active laser guidance by BAe Systems. Germany handed over 20 pick-ups with APKWS launchers. APKWS, being integrated to VAMPIRE complex can be used also as SHORAD - USA claimed supply of these complexes as far as in August, but no one was spotted yet. On the video 37th marines brigade uses APKWS to hit a house and optical surveillance equipmnet on the mast.
  6. One more heavy interceptor MiG-31 crashed in Murmansk oblast. Pilots are ejected, but got heavy injuries.
  7. Ukraine today returned 44 POWs (including two civilians) This guy didn't see apples very long time...
  8. Starlink in the cage. But this is not against Lancets. Here is a story of minds battle in electronic warfare, which has written by UKR serviceman, one of enthusiasts of different communication and SIGINT/ELINT improvements. Russians have found a method to interfere work of Starlinks - UKR servicemen spotted so far that sometime some wrong with their terminals in some places. Since some time a directive of Russian command to some EW unit was intercepted, whith describing of this method. Russian EW equipments can't affect satellite frequensies of Starlink, but they found other weak point - GPS module. When it GPS is under supressing, Starlink terminal passes authentification very hard and even it can pass it, soon speed of channel quickly degrades down to almost zero. The problem is not that the module can't locate itself, but because sinchronization lose itself. If recently Russians hide EW assets in lowlands to supress commercial drones and in order it was hard to find it, that now they set EW assets on heights to supress Starlinks. In Bakhmut, for example, they locateds EW assets on the roofs of tall buildings. Also their complex "Pole-21" appointed to attach on cell base stations masts. UKR drone operators in zone of workk of such devices immediately spotted their drones stopped to see GPS signals even on the ground. So, now in UKR troops in "social network communication mode" the counter-measures are shared: 1. To make "Faraday's cage" around the terminal and it's desirable to ground it (like on the photo) 2. More simple method - just set terminal into the pit 0.5 m in depth. But to maintain enough wide open space under antenna in order it can see satellites properly. Also this method can allw to detect either your problems because of terminal malfunction or because Russian EW - just set terminal in the trench, if this solve the problem, that Russian EW assset is turned on somewhere. 3. To detect, find and destroy any Russian EW assets
  9. Enough rare Russian ELINT equipment was destroyed near Lymanivka village, Zaporizhzhia oblast (about 22 km from frontline). This is MKTK-1A "Dziudoist" ("Judoka" - who comes up with such stupid names? ). This asset is adopted in 2012 and appointed for measures of communication safety control, protecting important information channels, assesment of electromagnetic environment.
  10. New-formed 37th marines brigade got M-ATV Oshkosh and AMX-10RC https://mil.in.ua/uk/news/morski-pihotyntsi-opanovuyut-bronemashyny-amx-10rc-ta-oshkosh-m-atv/
  11. In today's article Mashovets gives other information about quantity of Russian troops and expalins why Russians actions now more similar to WW1 "infantry+artillery", because they have big lack of armor. And this is one more reason, why they make a bet on aviation, artilelry and as told today Budanov of mass missile strikes on UKR troops, when they will begin to grouping for offensive. So, as if according to his info "Russian Federation combined groupment of troops on South-Western Theater" (official Russian name of their army in Ukraine. Hm... if theer is south-western theater exists, then it's can be north-westren, for example, against Baltia) has: - 1764 tanks - 4289 armored vehicles - 2994 artillery pieces - 870 MLRS - 396 200 personnel (it's unclear this is MoD troops only or with PMCs and Rosgvardiya) All theese forces are in 48 brigades, 122 regiments, 95 separate battalions and 50 detachments of battalion-level. All 396K of troops is 655 conditional battalions, if we throw out artillery (approx 1:3), we get about 490 batatlions. But indeed with all available Russian armor can be equipped only 59 conditional tank battalion and 143 motor-rifle battalions - total 202. So, Russians have about 50 % of deficite in armor. Also because of this their new established tank/motor-rifle regiments of Territorial Troops in most case either have big lack of armor or almost don't have it at all
  12. Russian authorities claimed BSF repelled attack on outer harbor on 24th of April in 3:30 of morning, but indeed one drone exploded inside of Streletskaya Bay. So, it could overcame six lines of defense. Interesting, that Russian MoD initially reported about two drones (one was destroyed, other "self-detonated on outer harbor"), later they already claimed about three drones , but anyway still to tell about two destroyed, so where the third is gone? ) Other video of drone explosion in the bay and video how drones approached to the bay Geolocation shows as if explosion was on the mooring Also about why today? On 24th of April 1918 army of Ukrainian People Republic in result of dare attack entered to Crimea through Perekop. So it's just a symbolic greeting and a tip )
  13. I didn't translate all, what wrote Mashovets, but he counts in other way On his opinion zone of responsibility of FG "East" is about 175 km in a straight line. And if we take into account all curves of frontline this lenght inreases to 250 km. I doub't he is right about 250 km, because according DeepState map frontline from Shcherbaky to Slavne is 190 km. But well. Further he says most of capable troops deployed now on Vuhledar direction (and this is much more, than Vuhledar town itself - approx from Velyka Novosilka to Slavne). So on Vuhledar direction now involved 8 brigades (motor-rifle, air-assault, naval infantry), 4 regiments (motor-rifle, tank), 5 motor-rifle regiments of Territorial Troops (TT, most of them actually "motor-rifle on papaer only"), 4 rifle regiments (likely LDPR), 2 rifle battalions of DPR TD, 3 separate rifle battalions, 2 BARS battalions. In reserve: 1 tank regiment of TT, 2 motor-rifle battalions of TT On Orikhiv direction they have: 4 brigades (tank, motor-rifle, air-assault, naval infantry), 7 regiments (motor-rifle, naval infantry), 2 tank battalions (regular, TT), 1 air-assault battalion, 7 motor-rifle regiments of TT, 1 rifle regiment of LDPR, 4 rifle battalions (LDPR, TT), 12 separate battalions and combined detachments (Rosgvardiya, Wagner, BARS). In reserve: 1 motor-rifle regiment of TT So he says it's about one "FULL conditional battalion" for 4,5 km of front. BUT. This is for one-echelone defense! As I wrote in previous post, Russians now are regrouping own defense in two echelones. So they will be forced either to expand responsibility zone of theese "conditional battalions", but not full so far more that appointed 5 km, or build focal defense, having hope on own artillery, aviation and "Tsar-ditch"
  14. It's imagination that UKR "elite forces" involved on flanks (3rd and 5th assault brigades. 92nd mech. - at least one battalion, somewhere unit of 77th air-assault brigade was spotted), but inside the city just light infantry mostly (TD, border guards, Chechen battlion, rifle battalion of 93rd mech, some SOF etc) with some armor support of 93rd brigade.
  15. How looks from the back strange "heavy BMP", spotted several days ago in Bakhmut. This is usual transporter, made from likely damaged T-64BV with removed turret. Probably it uses for ammunition supply and evacuation of wounded
  16. Combat debute of Gazprom PMC, named "Potok" ("Stream") failed. As told one of Russian milbloggers, "Potok" was actually either former BARS battalion or BARS-type formation with all problems of their supply. "Potok" was attached to "Redut" PMC (under personal Shoigu control) and moved to Bakhmut to cover flank of Wagners. But because of lack of supply and ammunition they couldn't stand against UKR counter-attack and abandoned positions. Situation inside Bakhmut, meanwhile, became worse. Russians since 21st of April conducted heavy mass assault of northern part of city with almost endless artillery support - they could push UKR defenders to several quarters south. Now line of defense is alnog Kraynia str., but Wagmers in some places alredy have infiltrations further and has fire control along this street. Now main fights are around city hospital. In the center Russians seized meat processing factory and have minor advance along Chaikovskoho str. Southern part of city - minor advance of the enemy from east. One of main forces of Bakhmut defense now (inside the city) is 127th TD brigade of Kharkiv oblast as well as rifle battalion(s) of 93rd mech.brigade
  17. Wagners became to use experimental "trench EW" systems like "Strizh" jammer and universal asset "Repeinik", which is 3 in 1 - GSR, drone detector and drone jammer. This staff was developed from civilian purpuse devices for money of Prigozyn company. Russan MoD is also interested in this, so now manufacturers try to deploy production of this equipment in series. Of course, these devices can't be deployed immediately during assaults, but Wagners actively use it in own close rear and often close to important assault directions to detect and jam UKR drones. This equipment shows own enough effectiveness, so UKR side now tries to spot them and this is one of priprity targets. Theer were several videos, of strikes on this devices. Though, this equipment can supress only civilian frequencies 800 MHz/2.4 GHz/5 GHz, using by Chinees commercial drones. Against special Ukrainian developments like Furia, Shark, Leleka it usuless. I have no info about FPV drones.
  18. Russians increase number of bomb strikes and try to conduct such sorties already not only by single jet or pairs, but with flights. Four Su-35 dropped five UPAB-500 bombs (ER-JDAM analog) on village near Kherson. On the video probably aftermath of this or recent strike - the bomb hit the ground near private yard, damaging buildings. It's unknown what a reason to bomb a village without troops, but this can be just training of mass usage of avaiation for repelling of Ukrianian offensive. According to Kostianntyn Mashovets, Russians in own preparatins to UKR offensive made main bet on mass of aviation and artillery Troops Grouping "East", which appointed to meet UKR offensive on southern direction from Orikhove to Vuhledar is regrouping now in two echelons battle order. Grouping in about 87300 of personnel has 392 tanks, 1238 of light armor, 763 artillery pieces over 100 mm, 216 MLRS and 12 ballistic missiles launchers. But looks like even this enough number artillery probably can play not a main role in comparison with aviation groupment, which Russian continiue to gather for operation on southern direction: Nearest airfields in Crimea (Russians also, if possible disperse aviation among airfields) Gvardeyskoye: 10 Su-24M, 12 Su-25 Belbek: 6 Su-35, 6 Su-34, 1 Su-30, 28 Su-27 Dzankoy: 4 Su-25, 4 Ka-52, 8 Mi-28, 2 Mi-24/35, 23 Mi-8 Saky: 9 Su-24M, 6 Su-30, 5 Su-27, 4 MiG-29K Kirovske: 6 MiG-29, 3 Mi-28, 3 Mi-24/35, 2 Mi-8 Kacha: 1 Mi-8 Strilkove (Kherson oblast): 5 Ka-52, 3 Mi-24/35, 3 Mi-8 Total 97 combat jets (12 UPAB cariers Su-34/35) and 57 helicopters (i.e. 28 attack) AIrfields in south of Russia and occupied Zaporizhzhia oblast: Berdiansk (occupied Zaporizhzhia oblast): 6 Ka-52, 5 Mi-8 Primorsko-Akhtarsk (Krasnodar region): 6 Su-34, 12 Su-25 Krymsk (Krasnodar region): 15 Su-30, 35 Su-27 Kushchevskaya (Krasnodar region): 7 Su-35 Yeysk (Krasnodar region): 4 Su-34, 6 Su-25, 2 Su-30 Korenevsk (Krasnodar region): 1 Ka-52, 2 Mi-28, 3 Mi-8, 5 Mi-26 Rostov-on-Don: 2 Ka-52, 17 Mi-8, 5 Mi-26 Taganrog (Rostov oblast): 9 Su-25, 3 Mi-28, 5 Mi-24/35, 6 Mi-8 Zernograd (Rostov oblast): 6 Ka-52, 7 Mi-28, 1 Mi-24/35, 26 Mi-8, 13 Mi-26 Toatal: 96 combat jets (17 UPAB carriers), 113 helicopters (i.e 33 attack) Russian recon and ELINT aircraft actively monitoring southern direction by 2 A-50 AWACS, using as aerial communication center and ELINT four Il-22 and 2 EW aircraft Il-22PP. Operative-tactical recon/SIGINT/ELINT conducts with 6 Su-24MR and 2 Su-34 with UCR recon pods
  19. On background of story how GUR planned to attack Wagner's base in Syria, interesting news from Mali. Some fighters attacked military base near Sevare town, where Wagners are deployed. There are three car-bombs were exploded, then armed fighters attacked the base. Local officials initially said about at least 10 killed and about 60 wounded. Other source says already about 29 KIA. It's unknown about who exactly were killed during this attack.
  20. UKR soldier uses satchel charge to blow up the enemy in blindage (he put HE in usual supermarket packet). There was other video several days ago how 3rd assault brigade trains to use sathcel charges in trench assault, but I can't find it. So, this not single usage, but "old but gold" series %)
  21. Ukrainian, of course. If Wagners dig something long-term, they do this is own close and far rear. Close to the enemy Wagners either use natural terrain cover or dig deep and often multiple foxholes for one-two persons, where they can take cover from artillery shelling or await for burst on UKR positions. Because of this Madyar called them "khrobaky" - "worms", which became one more names for enemy.
  22. I've seen original tweet about this. In comments one soldier told this clothes doesn't prevent thermal spotting, but can blur figure outline from distance. PS. it's good for not hot weather, when temperature will grow up to 20+ to move in this "thermos" will be a torture
  23. Drone unit Code 9.2 of 3rd mech.battalion of 92nd mech. brigade eliminates Russians with high precise bombing during the fight for position near Khromove Soldiers of 92nd brigade claen up probably the same trench
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