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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Several kilomiters from Bakhmut. Stabilization point. Medics are working 24/7. This guy was returned back to life after his heart stopped.
  2. AIr Forces report Destroyed: - UFO over Kyiv )
  3. Like in English - ork (sing.) / orky (plur.) @masc Among soldiers this name "orcs" is not popular, it's used mostly among civilians and bloggers. Soldiers really name them "pidory" (Russian also often name in this way UKR soldiers). In whole, translation of dialogues and commands during this fight is VERY approximate because of many obscent lexic and jargones.
  4. Strange huge green flash in the sky in southern-eastern part of Kyiv was spotted. Initially it's was reported about AD work (after the flash air raid alarm was announced), but later information has appeared this could be parts of NASA satellite, burned in atmosphere. Alot of memes have appeared immediately )
  5. More interesting - this is the same bunker, which you can see on the video, when "Honor" fighters threw with grenades during assault and shot a Russian, who tried to crawl from the hole on the backside.
  6. Looks like UKR artillery brigades now have heavy MLRS unit, like in Russian artillery brigades. Turkish TRLG-230 230 mm MLRS on armament of new-established 49th artillery brigade TRLG-230 allows to shot with both usual unguided and laser guided rockets on 70 km. Last modification of rockets can shot on 150 km, but Ukraine got in November 2022 only 70 km version
  7. Lucky guy, good UKR Talan boots ) Hm... The image of bullet is "sensitive content?"... The times of snowflake-people %)
  8. Burning Russian tank drives across south-western part of Maryinka
  9. Looks like 59th mot.inf brigade had some advanse in Avdiivka area (likely on Pervomayske - Pisky direction) - "Madyar" on Russian BMP-3, destroyed by arty strike, being targeted by their drones
  10. Situation in Bakhmut. Russians activated today on northern flank, attacking on Bohdanivka village and near Khromove. Multiple infantry assault groups attacks with heavy artillery support, enemy has minimal advance along one of tree-plants. Heavy clashes along Rose Alley [north of the city - Russians can't cut the road west ftom Khromove, so they now try to cut this road inside the city from its northern part]. Russians Along Levanevskkoho str. and Hliba Slobodina str. Wagners and VDV advance, UKR forces conducted maneuver defense. Heavy situation west from railroad station area - Russians advance along Kolpakovoy str. and to north-east along Pushkina str. On the southern flank is relatively quiet - UKR arty shells Russians behind the forest. 2 hours aho We have retaken two streets, by reasons of safety I will not tell what exactly for now.
  11. This fight took place on 9th of April. Probably this is fight for the road near Khromove, "Honor" company of 1st mech.battalion "Da Vicnci" of 67th mech.brigade. Dead soldier "Norman" at first minutes of video is Oleh Kornay Also in the same day "Honor" lost other soldier "Tyomych" - Artem Berezniuk
  12. More and more videos how militaries of different countries honorably see off UKR soldiers after their training course... Now Norwegian instructors on Polish training ground One man, mobilzed and trained in UK (he is still in UK) told they have very hard and extreme course. Interesting how match NATO trainings to Ukrainian war realities...
  13. 47th mech.brigade with Slovenian M-55S and Bradley
  14. Minister of Defense Reznikov introduced AMX-10RC for service in Marine units.
  15. Episode of Bakhmut fighting (in three parts), likely week or more ago On first video UKR soldiers evacuated wounded Russian mobik, further severeal corpses of mobiks with red tapes are visible.
  16. Some number of UKR losses was announced by Oleh Kotenko - the commisioner for issues of persons, missed under specific circumstances According to his words slightly more 7000 of sevicemen considered now as MIA. He hopes about 60-65% of them can be alive and in captivity. Recently 130 UKR soldiers were exchenged - 48 of them were considered as MIA. Total from captivity were liberated 2235 persons (including civilians)
  17. They are burning mostly mobiks, which now attaching to Wagners
  18. Situation in Bakhmut Last night and morning Fierce fights on 1000 x 1000 m quadrate. Wagner all pulled to the center. They can't pass. It's not possible to shove endless number of troops in 1 km of front. Only, establishing reserves in close rear, being shelled by artillery. Northern and southern flanks without changes. Mid day We have stabilized railroad for now. The city is not encircled, we repelled them near Ivanivske and Khromove. Mother....rs ran down into the "Rose alley", but we knocked out them back, though they have there small gains. 2 hours ago. Aviation, artillery of mother..rs is working heavy, they assault from the north very tough, all very hard.
  19. Bakhmut. Russians tried to attack on Khromove and Ivanivske, but without success. But they continuing to mass troops inside the city, during this day they could slightly push off our forces in railroad station area again. Russian aviation used high-caliber bomb for strike - huge "mashroom" was visible from Kostiantynivka. Vuhledar area. Russian TGs reported about intensive artillery fire of UKR forces, which hit even small groups of soldiers. Fighterbomber TG wrote as if UKR forces tried to attack with armor, but Russian army aviation repelled attack, using "Vikhr' " ATGM missiles - as if destroyed two tanks, BMP and many infantry.
  20. It reminds me some conspiracy sh...t, when somebody of Trump-followers, showing the photos of building in Kyiv struck by missile and being rebuilt since year, claimed "there is no war really in Ukraine, it's all TV fake, because 1) it's impossibe to rebuild tall building in term of warfare, 2) it's doesn't seem any sense because it can be hit again, so it's wasting of money, 3) there is building materials crisis in the world, where collapsing Ukraine could get so much materials?"
  21. Russian tank, driving across Maryinka was struck by FPV drone, armed with PG-7 HEAT projectile, but likely the hit was in ERA block - tank has survived and continued own mission.
  22. Drone recon unit "Signum" adjusts with drone thermal camera 60 mm mortar fire of 93rd mech.brigade unit on Wagner group in Bakhmut.
  23. UKR UAV has struck power subsration in Belgorod this night Btw, Prigozhyn is alarming UKR offensive can be targeted to Belgorod, Kursk or Briansk. 2023 year is 405th anniversary of PLC campaign on Moscow, where cossacks of hetman Sahaidachnyi were significant force of PLC army ))) Then PLC couldn't take Moscow, but forced Moscovites to sign a peace on profitable terms for PLC.
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