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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Next missile attack. Kramatorsk already got four Kh-22. Kh-101/555 are expected due to Tu-95 over Caspian sea allegedly launched missiles about hour ago (If its weren't imitations and EW tricks). Air raid alarm in Kyiv now.
  2. Air Forces Command reportedly really angry about this leak from Defense Express. That's why wasn't official report about types of targets shot down over Kyiv in night on 4th May. Air Forces now officially claimed there wasn't "Kinzhal" tracked in our airspace in this night and Defense Express info is fake. But all Kyiv heard in 2:40 this triple explosion in the sky and this of course wasn't Shakhed. Today one serviceman of some radar or SAM brigade wrote a post in twitter (already is deleted obviously on demand), where told if Defense Express issued this info, then he also can confirm that their unit tracked "Kinzhal" on US radar, which have 600 km range. Also he told Rissians considers "Kinzhal" as hyper-sonic missile, but in real this not quite right. This missile launches when it carrier achievs hyper-sonic speed, further the missile is gradually losing own speed and on final section of trajectory has a speed higher, that usual ballistic missile, but already not hypersonic, so it can be intercepted with some probability. Looks like, AF command didn't want make publicity this info, that now we can successfully shot down "Kinzhals". I think, US side also should be surprised.
  3. I think, it's in order in this particulary unit, setting a norm of ammo waisting for each task accomplishing. If crew had a task to shell position with waisting 90 % of ammo load, but used almost 2 ammo loads, they formally violated the order.
  4. Despite sanctions Russia keeps opportunity to produce at least light armor in enough numbers. Russian army got third batch of BMP-3, produced in 2023 year. "Kurganashzavod", manufacturer of these vehicles works 6 days in week per 12 hours in a day and produced in first quarter of 2023 year the same number of BMP-3 as for whole 2019 year. As told Ukrianian tank expert Andriy Tarasenko, in 2019 MoD signed contract with "Kurganmashzavod" for 163 BMP-3, so presumably in 2019 they could produce 50 vehicles.
  5. Officially. This was UKR TB2 Bayraktar, which lost control during mission and entered to airspace of Kyiv. Because it uncontrol flight could be dangerous for citizens there was decision made to shotiy down. But interesting. Since air raid alarm anouncing to shot down about 30 minutes passed. In HQs all this time discussed what the f....g going on and what to do with this mess? At last, when UAV turned out over city center they ordered to shot it down, though shooting with MGs and missile explosions over the city could be much more dangerous, than "uncontrolled flight". Hundreds of people filmed this "show" and if fragments of missile and UAV fell down on them, this can be too bloody. Flaming TB2 fell on abandoned facility and caused light fire. Lucky that not on residental building. As for me, stupid decision.
  6. UKR tank crew shot out position of Russian company in tree-plant and destroyed at least 6 armored tragets. But the crew got... rebuke, because of shells overexpenditure %) Commander wrote in TikTok, when he has seen such fat target he couldn't reject himself to make small armageddon on Russian position. Allegedly he spent 78 shells (likely in two raids). Probably Russians after first attack abandoned position. So as a punishment, crew was sent to unload 2 trucks of shells.
  7. Next T-90M goes to hell. 5th assault brigade at work. Likely Bakhmut area.
  8. Hm.... This drone has three-blade propeller, when Korsar, PD-1, PD-2 have two-bladed. Own TB2? (has three-blades). If so, somebody will be fu...d in all holes...
  9. Huge BOOM was at 2:40 of night today. Preliminary not only Shakheds attack on Kyiv was repelled, but some missiles were shot down - no official info to this time. There are rumors, that ballistic type missiles were used on Kyiv this night, but they were intercepted by Patriots in first time. But this is not confirmed yet. Air raid alarm was announced hour ago. Some recon drone was shot down over Maidan half hour ago. But it suspicious looks like UKR PD-2, but it could be and Mugin-5
  10. Yes. But. Any society in case of war divides on six groups 1. I must go at war immediately to defend my country. This is my obligation like man and citizen. 2. I will go as I will be ready (to have additional training, to finish some projects etc) 3. The war is terrible, I fear, but I understand this is my obligation to defend country in case of war, so I will go, when I will drafted. 4. The war is terrible, I fear, I don't want go at war, I never served in army, but the law is law, I have no choice if I will be drafted 5. The war is terrible, I fear, I don't want go at war, better I escape aboard illegally or for bribe 6. Law? Сonstitution? Country? "F...k on all this! Nation is social construct! I'm "citizen of world"/ "let stupid plebs die in trenches - I'm too high educated (or rich) person for this dirt!" / "what f...g obligations! Let the state maintains my rights initially!" / "I'm pacificst" Since first two already at war completely, we have only 3-6. Our Constitution says that defending of the state in case of war is obligation of everybody citizen. Our drafting law allows to issue summons to army in any place. So nothing illegal if you get in on ski resort. But this article describe this in some apocaliptic way. Ski resorts weren't so empty as they write. Our order of summoning is next: 1. Issuing the summon to enlistment center 2. Cheking of your data in enlistment center. If you havn't milityary ID you will get it. 3. Medical checking 4. If you are recognized as fit of partially fit for service, you have two ways after p.3 - either you get mobilization issue and go to training center (40-60 % of probability) or you go home and wait when you will be need (enlistment office can call you through two weeks, two months, or can don't call at all) But most of people of categories 5-6 (and many among 4th) thing that after p.1 they will be immediately sent to Bakhmut trenches. This, Russian and local "anti-drafting" propaganda from some "human rights activists" make own work among these people. So all "violent drafting" incidents has the same scenario: - Greetings! We are representatives of X enlistment office. According the laws and Constitution of Ukraine we give to you summoning to enlistmemnt center. Please, show your passport and military ID (if you have latter) - Whaaaat?! You have no rights! I read in internet!!! You must to visit me at home!!! But I will not open the door to you, moth...rs! Fu..k yo off!! Go from my way ! - Citizen, you are vilolate the law. You must show your documents and put a sign on summoning! - Fu...k off!!! You, bastards! Guys shed own blood on frontline, but you are catching usual people in deep rear! Catch a son of oligarch! Why me?! I don't want go at the war! I have <1000 reasons> to stay home! - Documents please! - AAAA!!! Fu..k you! You will not force me!!!! You have no rights! Get this! *try to punch* - *radio* bring a bus here, we have a client, will be pack him now. Latter is not regulated by laws clearly. Militaries probably can't detain civilian by force, but police can do this, so they should call police, or policeman should be in their patrol. But on video you anyway can see only last part of dialogue, but never from what all started. This caused illusio of "mass violent mobilisation". Though, problems with mobilization exists. Many of those, who have money and havn't conscience already bought "white tickets" in the same enlistment offices or medical committees. Medical commission is often very formal, especially in district centres. From villages and small towns enlistment offices take almost all - and then commanders have many problems with unmotivated and drunken personnel. But if you have a money and you turned out in army at all, you can pay monthly "tax" to your commander and you will sit in place of unit dislocation or at leat in "third line". Drafting is going continuously. It never paused since Day 1. In some month it can be mass like in December-March of this year, in some month it can be almost inconspicuous.
  11. One today's deep strike wasn't mentioned here - Russian airfield Seshcha in Briansk oblast (this oblast again!) - 180-190 km to the border of Ukriane, Chernihiv direction. 556th airlifting aviation regoment. Single transport aviation unit in Russia, having An-124 Ruslan. Reportedly 5 UAVs atatcked airfield. Two were shot down with AA-guns and small-arms, two struck airfield, one UAV couldn't find. In result of attack one disabled (due to Russian sources) An-124 was slightly damaged.
  12. Russian artillery, MLRS and aviation with guided bombs heavy shelled Kherson and villages along Dnipro today. They targeted large building hypermarket and railway station. Total number of victims - 21 killed, more than 40 wounded
  13. Russian TGs alarming about hundered convicts from Samara oblast are encircled in "Bilohorivka indusrial zone", Luhansk oblast (probably means water pump stattion SE from village), which they could seize about week ago, but because of absens of support, UKR troops encircled them. Many of convicts already killed and wounded, but their brigade comamnd doesn't resque them. They were attached to 123rd motor-rifle brigade (former 2nd motor-rifle brigade of LPR) Convicts human resourse became one of apples of discord between Shoigu and Prigozhyn. Now Shoigu and MoD disrupted a monopoly of Prigozhyn and almost pushed him out from this "slave market". But in in Wagner convicts got minimal, but intensive training, which allowed to solve them primitive tasks, that convicts in regular army have very formal training. And much worse, when they are attached to LDPR troops. In these units they are "third sort people"
  14. British equanimity of UKR soldiers when the bullet has flew in their car
  15. Russians already in hysteria. I will not post screens, but Volodin wrote "we will demand to use such powerful weapon, which will destroy fascist Kievan regime" (he meant nukes), Medvedev said "now we can and must hit important administrtative buildings in Kyiv and eliminate high political and military leaders of Ukraine". In Russian publics is apocaliptic messages are sharing that on strategic aviation airfields already gathering armada of bombers and mass retaliation strike will be conducted at this night. And allegedly two "special ordnances" delivered to Engels airfield.
  16. There were beaver, polecat - now also very rare and very angry small animal - blind-mole rat (in ukr. "slipak"). This one like a beaver has sharp strong teeth, so he can easy inflict heavy wounds if bite
  17. I think at former UKR field fortified position, captured several months ago, when Wagners seized Kurdiumivka area
  18. Third version told David Arakhamiya, head of "Servant of people" ruling party parliament fraction. Accorfing to his opinion this attack was sponsored by "club of offended" - Russian oligarchs, who are not close to Putin and suffer large financial and other losses, cuased by sanctions.
  19. There is two versions 1) this is not two men on cupola, but small flags on background. While drone was flying, "men" didn't appoach to the flag despite on their "movement" 2) This can be men, but they were sent to cupola agter first hit Here is allegedly result of first drone attack. The secons appeared since some time
  20. Deadly beauty - UKR UR-77 strikes on Russian positions. Looks like canal in SW from Bakhmut
  21. Bakhmut. Russians still don't attack in mass, just continue to shell the city and outskirts. No "shell shortage". Ukr troops conducted some local counter-attacks, pushed of Wagners from some buildings, but don't gain a foothold, so somewhere grey zones appeared. All atatcks on Khromove, Ivanivske area are repelled. Korsuns'koho street in most part still under UKR control. Way to Bakhmut through SW road According to UKR TG, against us in Bakhmut area operate 26500 pf personnel, 65 tanks, 450 armored vehicles, 154 artillery pieces, 56 MLRS. Video collage of 228th TD battalion of 127th TD brigade (Kharkiv city) of combat actions in Bakhmut. 127th TDBr currently is backbone of city defense together with part of 93rd mech.brigade
  22. Russian TGs openly say Russian pilots drop guided bombs mainly as training and tests of new weapon before future strikes on UKR reserves. Tramslation: not working school in Lyzunovka village, Chernihiv oblast was destroyed today with FAB-500M62 with UMPK kits (=JDAM-ER). In this way MAF RF continue to work out curernt and future potential objects of AFU deployment at frontier. In result of this strike one kid was kileld. Also several guided bombs were dropped on one of Dnipro islands near Veletens'ke village. Reportedly 3 civilians were kileld, 5 injured.
  23. Next railroad diversion and again in Briansk oblast (Russian Volunteer Corps at work?) Locomotive and 20 train cars were derailed as result of rails explosion. Reportedly a spill of sulfur and saltpeter is happened.
  24. Meanwhile UKR trops, according to Russian TGs became to push back exhausted Russian/DPR units in Avdiivka area, striking in northern section of upper Russian "claw" In southern "claw" area UKR troops also pushed back the enemy near Vodiane (again, according to Russian TG). Ukrainain source both official and "trench" keep silence.... or almost silence %)
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