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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Situation in Bakhmut. Yesterday UKR troops could retake railway station and push off Russians from bus station nearby, though couldn't take positions there, so bus station in grey zone. During the night Russians coducted several counter attacks and could regain some positions, but railway station still under UKrainian control. Fighter of 93rd mech.brigade in own video points out Russian artillery doesn't stop itself, when Ukrainian arty isn't heard
  2. Hellriders %) (fuses are mounted to mines)
  3. Diagram of Russian radars and EW assets, destroyed month-by-month. Look at peaks, they preceded to UKR offensives in next month. And look at number of destroyed assets in March of 2023. Looks like we are close, but probably weather and delays with heavy ammunition deliveries delayed the start
  4. Bakhmut report on 16:30 I retell brielfy long post Northern and southern flanks outside the city without changes - there was some quietly today. Main clashes are inside the city - especally heavy fights in city center and near railroad station. Russians have some success west from railroad station and now intensive skirmishes are going for grain elevator and along Chaykovskoho lane (from railway station to elevator) and Kolpakovoy str. (embracing elevator). Russians used on this direction Wagners from Syria and VDV. Situation is very fluent for both sides and changes every half-hour. Both sides don't give opportunity to gain foothold for opponents. The video just as illustration of small-arms intensity in Bakhmut And some combat work of 1st mech.battalion of 3rd assault brigade "Azov". Pay attention of small tunnel (drain pipe or under pass ), where soldiers could deploy two pick-ups until Russians shelled them with arty
  5. Some today's "cottons" Kazan', Tatarstan Republic, Russia. Huge expliosion on tank range. RUMINT claims ammo dump has blown up. As if 30 KIA, 70 WIA Military base was HIMARSed in Rubizhne, Luhansk oblast
  6. BBC, Mediazona and OSINTers up to 14th of April could identify names of 20 451 Russian militaries killed in Ukraine. Among this number 1090 of mobilized and 3080 convicts. BBC also published the same data for 3rd of March, but pointing out loses by branches: So on 3rd of March were identified names about 16071 killed Motor-rifles - 2021, tankers - 554, artillery - 411, VDV - 1574, Naval infantry - 574, spetsnaz - 404, Rosgvardiya - 422, some unmarked (Air forces/air defense probably) - 146, mobiks - 1366, volunteers - 1760, PMC - 650, convicts - 1619, other branches - 933, no data - 3637 Recently Deep State OSINT resource accumulated official information of so-called DPR about their losses from March of 2022 to 15th of Dec 2022 (there are no updates later). According to this DPR troops lost 4073 KIA and 17374 WIA. Obviously, this is understated data, because many DPR-related milbloggers complained that huge number of persnnel just considered as "missed" or just no any info. Especailly this touches mobiks, so theese 4073 KIA can be mostly "regulars". In 2017 DPR forces had 35 500 of personnel and in 2019 already 20 840. Despite there was info that many DPR fighters retired from service, many also enlisted - army was a single place (except coal mining) where you can get stabIe salary, so I think 35500 is more suitable for "full shtat" number and 20840 is more real Losses of LPR is unknown, but some Russian bloggers wrote in November-December that total number of KIA of DNR and LNR is about 6000
  7. T-84 Oplot fleet again changed brigade. Now they in 3rd tank brigade (before they were in 14th and 92nd mech.)
  8. Russian T-90M in Bakhmut city center. It fires toward cottadge area, laying south from railway station. The tank stands in about 750 m from railroad
  9. Prigozhyn has made a statement that Russia should claim victory and to finish "SVO" For authorities and society in whole it's need to put an end to SVO. Ideal variant - to claim about the end of operation, to tell everyone, that Russia achieved results, which were planned, and in some sense we really achieved it. We grinded huge number of AFU fighters and can account to ourself that objectives of SVO are completed. In theory Russia already got this bold end by the way of elimination of most part of active men population of Ukraine and by the way of intimidation other it part, which fled to Europe. Russia cut off Azov Sea and big piece of Black Sea, captured fat part of Ukrainian territory and established ground corridor to Crimea. Now only one remnains: to firmly gain a foothold, cling to claws on that territories, which already we have.
  10. Also Bakhmut - Russian got a tangent hit of sniper bullet on the helmet
  11. Bakhmut Demon: For today we captured 40 Russians. Yes, this was a result of our several local assaults. Our arty worked so cool, that they were completely in fu..g shock, crawled into cracks like rats, lost communication and fell in our hands. We will not cut their heads, but would love to very much... Interesting, that in some cases Wagner veterans commanded by squads of Russian regulars. Did Prigozhyn made peace with Shoigu? [I think, that were not "cadre" regulars, but mobiks - this is now usual practice, when mobiks are attached to Wagner or LDPR units] Batch of today's captured Russians in Bakhmut. Looks like guy in multicam is "core" Wagner, other in dirt-olive uniform are mobicks or convicts Though, Russians probably captured railway station - their group was spotted west behind railways in station area.
  12. Sloviansk. Several S-300 were launched on the city. One hit residential building. 6 dead (including a child) and 15 wounded. At least 6 can be under ruines This photo illustrates how deep can penetrate even HE-FRAG missile. The buildng is late "khrushchovka", assembled of concrete panels (initially its were of bricks)
  13. Situation in Bakhmut according to Bakhmut Demon Apr 13 day There are heavy clashes for railway station and territory around. Russians hammered all around with heavy arty and airstrikes, so UKR troops couln't be keep positions. There are many local clashes with variable success. Everything is changing continuously. Some good news from central part of the city - we have successful counter-attack, but details shouldn't be issued. Southern part of city - we have success along Korsuns'koho str. - clashes are continuing, guys are holding, we even slightly push forward, but not so much, just retaken several previously lost positions. Northern part of city - situation is more tense, but controlled. Orcs are throwing to Bakhmut more and more own meat. Apr. 13 night Nothing good.... Russians are crossing railway, alas. Apr. 14 (late mornig- noun) Russian artilery is working very tough. We still hold corridor to Kostiantynivka, do not allow motherf...rs to cross railways, their assaults of Ivanivske and Khromove failed again. We have won one more day, but what will be further, I'not predicting Apr 14 (mid of the day) We are advancing along several streets simultainously in northern and southern parts of the city. But this is tactical offensives we didn't break nothing yet. Just our artillery succesfully worked out at orcs, depriving them of support. Railway hasn't been retaken yet [unclear what he meant] Apr 14 (two hours ago) The road through Ivanivske still holds by 5th assault brigade. Motherf...rs are trying to breakthrough, but proper approach to defense organization of this extra-important "way of life" doesn't allow to do it for them. More even, our guys are fighting them back in small forest southward from Ivanivske. Also we are attacking the enemy on the north of the city in garages area near railways. The road to Bakhmut (probably from Kostiantynivka)
  14. Unnoticed but permanent small war on islands and in Dnipro delta... A raid of UKR troops on left bank of Dnipro - the deployment of Russian troops was spotted in one of numerous recreation facilities along the river. This one is near Stara Zburyivka village 25 km SW from Kherson. UKR group reached the oppose bank with RIBs and shelled the facility with 60 mm mortar
  15. "The forterss Bakhmut"... This guy is Ukrainian, who recently served in French Foreign Legion A company, what remained of it has retreated from position/fled. We have received an order to find them and retake lost position. We found them in basements. They were scared people, which alredy dindn't want to fight. We have bursted on this position ourselves, captured it and held by our 10 men group. Two days under shellings. Yesterday three of us were evacuated with shell-shocks. This is a miracle that my sworn brothers weren't slashed by mortar shells. They were exploding in several meters. Next an assault, sniper... And the shelling again. In conclusion: small trench and burned sector, only basements around. I will remember "Neptun" [position name] for all life
  16. Captured Russian soldiers, locations unknown
  17. The war for long-range artillery has some differs from the war for infantry %) Serviceman of 44th artillery brigade: The weather is f...k, there are no targets, I will lay and boost blacksmithing in Skyrim We were delighted tonight, because Excaliburs are coming, we will shoot And about some issues with Excaliburs detonation Not all [Excaliburs] explode... We know, we hope this batch will be better
  18. Year ago. It's claimed on this video the same launch of "Neptun" missiles, which thanking to lucky coincidence of many factors could sink "Moskva" cruiser Recently, about four months ago only photos of this launch were issued. PS. Name "Moskva" is unlucky for Black Sea Fleet. in June 1941 Soviet battle group of light cruiser "Voroshilov" and destroyer leaders "Moskva" and "Kharkov" has conducted a raid on Romanian port Constantsa. During duel with coastal battery and two Romanian destroyers, ships of battle group received damages and were forced to withdraw. During maneuver they sailed on minefield - the cruiser was damaged by explosion, but leader "Moskva" has blown up, broke in two parts and sank. On the photo leader "Moskva" (project 1 type)
  19. The story of first day of war, how Russians seized and occupied Chornobyl nuclear power plant. Short takes, based on theese two long articles (UKR only): https://graty.me/uk/hlopczi-vi-serjozno-vi-rozumiєte-kudi-їdete-istoriya-rosijskoї-okupacziї-chornobilskoї-atomnoї-stancziї-ta-zoni-vidchuzhennya/ https://graty.me/uk/monologue/ya-skazala-choloviku-shho-zroblyu-vse-shhob-jogo-i-hlopcziv-povernuti-monolog-golovi-obєdnannya-rodin-zahisnikiv-chornobilskoї-aes/ Chornobyl NPP is guarded by 1st National Guard separate battalion of especially important objects security. It's dislocated in Slavutych town (the town of plant personnel, which was built in 1987-88 for evacuated inhabitants of Prypyat' town). Battalion had two special commandant services (eqv. of companies), special purpose platoon and different support&supply units. Battalion had several armored vehcles - Kozak-2, BTR-70, MAZ trucks with armored cabine. Due to radiation safety servicemen guarded NPP by 12 hour shifts. Like and personnel of NPP they came to NPP by EMU from Slavutych. Interesting, that in Soviet time railways were put from Slavutych to NPP through "salient" of Belarus territory, so in order to reach NPP, EMU had to cross twice not only rivers (Dnipro and Prypyat'), but also Belarusian border. Ahead of probable invasion, the enchanced security mode on NPP was introduced as far as at the beginning of February. So, in the day of invasion in Chornobyl zone were 178 National Guard servicemen, 90 of NPP personnel, fire department, medical personnel of Chornobyl's medical center and... four so-called "stalkers" - illegal tourists, who often sneak to prohibited zone (especially it became popular after issuing of S.T.A.L.K.E.R game) - later, they being scared, had found a shelter on NPP and spent a month in occupation. Together about 300 of people. At 5:24 Feb 24th chief of the shift #3 decalred emergency situation readiness and ordered to turn off NPP backlighting. Later he spotted two missiles launched from Belarusian territory, flying south. At 7:00 next shift of personnel and NGU servicemen had to arrive by EMU, but it didn't depart from Slavutych, because the bridges through Prypyat' and Dnipro were blown up. Russian forces started own advance toward Chornobyl from two directions - from Vil'cha cross-border point and from "salient" - from Komaryn. They spent some time to supress some UKR screen forces of Border Guards and AFU, so first Russian troops reached NPP at 14:00. This was combined forces of VDV, motor-rifle units of 35th CAA and Rosgvardiya special forces from Syberian Rosgvardiya troops district. They had armored vehciles and at least tank platoon - one tank approached to administrative building. Unlike their colleagues from 2nd sep. EIOS battalion from Enerhodar, which later engaged Russians in Zaporizhzhia NPP, commanders of 1st battalion didn't order to fire and accepted Russians offering to negotiation - after three hours of talks UKR garrison lay down the weapon, but was achieved an agreement that Russians shouldn't enter to working space of NPP operators. On the NPP territory Russians captured at least 2 Kozak-2 and 2 BTR-70 UKR soldiers were moved to the two facilities and initially even continued maintain security of NPP together with Russian Rosgvardiya, but without a weapon (Russian media wrote about this as example of "partnership" and that Russian army as if fights only against "nationalist battalions", but not against usual soldiers). But already through some time all UKR soldiers were prohibited to leave their places. On 20th of March there was agreement achieved about rotation of NPP personnel, 46 volunteers from Slavutych have to substitute 50 of personnel on NPP. 40 workers of shift #3 made decision to stay on NPP. Personnel from Slavutych was moved through the Dnipro river by one boat for several crosses. Next they were embarked to buses and under guard of Russian BTRs moved to NPP. Except 50 employees of shift #3, Russians allowed to leave 9 National Guard servicemen (8 women and one man with oncology), one woman from fire department and four "stalkers" Before withdrawal Russians captured Slavutych town without any tactical reason. The town was in deep rear of "O" grouping, attacking on Brovary (eastern suburb of Kyiv) and Chernihiv. Since 18th of March Russians became to shell periodically town outskirts and on 26th of March began advance. Weak DFTG unit couldn't stop Russians and after the short fight, losing 3 KIA abandoned own positions. Russian eneterd to the town and arrested town mayor. The chief of shift on NPP had a talk with Russian commander and said personnel stops any contacts and interaction with Russian troops until Russian unit leave Slavutych. Russian officer called to own HQ, but got an answer "There are no our troops near Slavutych". But on next day Russian troops abandoned the town. Since 30th of March Russians were preapring to leave NPP. They took away EW complex with 35 m tall antena and also took away ammunition. On 31st of March they brought Rosgvardiya "avtozaks" to NPP and became to place UKR servicemen to its, violating an agreemennt, that they will not take prisoners. Before withdrawal Russians severly looted and crashed almost all in administrative building and even one soldier took radioactive material from laboratory. UKR soldiers were moved to Belarusian Mozyr city and deployed on abandoned farm. Since some time they were moved to Russia. One of soldiers, reliazed from captivity told after arrival Russians made them so-called "meet" - jail security beaten everybody to unconscious. They were kept in small prison cells 3х6 meters per 10 men. In the cell - the table, bench, washstand and fenced toilet. To sit on bench allowed only when you are eating. In other time you can either stand or walk in the cell. No heating, so the tempereture in the cell almost the same, like outside. They had poor ration of spoiled vegetables and some porridge. Best "dishes" were semi-welded fish one time for a week, raw potatoes in boiled water, and some bread and tea. They had three meals in the day, but portions was so as just not to die of hunger. In present time only 39 servicemen of 1st EIOS battalion from 169 captured liberated from Russian prison
  20. This decision had a logic if our army would be supplied on proper level. But when unit leaves frontline for rotation, it need to restore of own combat capabilities. For which money soldiers can get new pick-ups or to repair damaged, to buy new uniform and gears, to get new optic, radios, drones, often even a fuel for their pick-ups? The state gives only a weapon, ammo, uniform (not always suitable and good quality, now many compleins from those, who received UKR uniform, made by order in Turkey), some rare Motorolas, gears and optic, and fuel for "shtat" vehciles. All other soldiers buy - not only for crowdfunding money, but also for part of own salary. Because when some unit launches some money gathering, mostly they already have 30-50 % of money from own salary and rest come as donates. Minus 70 000 is turned out huge strike at combat capabilities. Because soldier now will forced to chose between to send money to family or to use it for own purposes and purposes of own unit.
  21. I don't understand how the same deputies, who voted for reducing of salary now has voted for it turning back %)
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