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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Yes, I heared about 60-70 % of applications are from current military units, most of them from National Guard. And many of this nunber are current servicemen of theese brigades, which have to make formal application to "new" (but indeed "re-branded") units. Several months ago Parliament changed size of payment for servicemen, so all who not on frontline or do not execute combat tasks inside the country (like AD and aviation, for example) became to get only 30 000 UAH (750 $) instead 100 000. This caused enough angry among servivemen, but from other side, many of those, who served in rear units got additional motivation to transfer to combat units. National Guard has many units of different purpose - from pure combat units like "Azov" or 4th Rapid reaction brigade, to Operative purpose units, law support units, convicts escort units, important facilities security units etc - so potential for new recruites was enough large. Interesting that Parliament yesterday turned back 100 000 salary to all servicemen again %)
  2. French TRF1 howitzer somewhere on Donbas
  3. Ukrainian "Offensive Guard" of National Guard will replenish with ninth brigade. Big number of recruit applications allows to establish new brigade - it will be named 13th Operative purpose brigade "Khartiya" (eng. "Charter") and will be formed on the base of existing volunteer unit "Khartiya" (about batalion-size). "Khartiya" was formed as DFTG detachment (Volunteer formation of territorial community - irregular unit of armed civilians) in first days of full-scale war mostly from citizens of Kharkiv oblast. The unit was given under command of 127th Territorial Defense brigade of Kharkiv city. "Khartiya" defended Kharkiv, fought in Rus'ka Lozova area, liberated Kharkiv oblast in Balakliya operation, participated in the battle for Bakhmut. Interesting, that founder and first commander of "Khartiya" was Vsevolod Kozhemiako - Ukrainian agriculture businesman, 88th position in Forbes top-100 reachest Ukrainians. Though, since in March "Khartiya" came under National Guard Command, new commander was appointed.
  4. UKR SOF with Switchblade 300. Later shipments include upgraded version of this kamikadze drone. I don't know what exactly was fixed, but UKR operators compained on poor flight control, which led to misses, poor quality of camera and poor charge.
  5. UKR Buk M1 still in action Before a war we had three AD regiments armed with Buk M1. Each regiment had three battalions. I don't know about current structure of battery, but according to Soviet shtat, each battalion had three batteries per two TELARs 9A310 and one TEL 9A39 launchers. So, full shtat for 9 battalions/27 batteries requires 81 launchers MilBalance reported about 72 Buk M1 on 2016 year, but unknown how much of them were in working conditions. According to Orix we lost 12 launchers (10 TELARs and 2 TELs)
  6. Russian on the video says "he was a mercenery", showing his body armor with scull patch, but that guy cried in Russian and was weared in common National Guard "summer olive" uniform. International Legion is under GUR About cutted hands, first time this was in Kyiv oblast in first month of war, but that were dog's paws. Buriats or Tuvians eat the dogs like Koreans, and maybe it was their "hunting custom", which could become as a"fasion" in some Russian units. Also you can recall that slur name of Russians "katsaps" has turk-language origins and means "butchers, slashers". Though also a version exists that it has Ukrainian origin means "like a goats" (because Moscovites traditionally had beards, often similar to goat beards, when in Ukraine, like and in whole PLC beards were rare and mostly among aged nobles)
  7. Some messages about Bakhmut On current stage of confrontation, fighters point out significant reinforcement of enemy troops with some special forces, probably of Wagners, moved here from Syria [Russian TGs wrote about month ago about transferring of part of Wagners "African Corps" to Ukriane]. The enemy combine combat tactics and its are different barely in each street. They are assaulting with small groups, or flying on the armor directly to a porch, flattening buildings to zero with aviation. Fighters reported about big losses not only from enemy side, but from our too. Yesterday one of National Guard detachment got into pincers because of friendly detachment of Armed Forces abandoned own positions. There are captured, killed and wounded. On the road Chasiv Yar - Bakhmut two days ago our guys slightly pushed enemy off for more stable defensive work. Today the enemy tried to breakthrough to old positions, but without result. Report of "Da Vinci Wolfs/Honor" company of 67th mech. brigade: "Da Vinci Wolfs" have retaken and could hold tree-plant of 500 m, which maintains last road to Bakhmut [propbably he meant Khromove, but maybe and Chasiv Yar - Bakhmut], With one battalion. And our neighbours held the tranches too. Beuties from 3rd battalion of 92nd mech.brigade! "Honor" carried out absolutely all skirmishes. We were outnumbered, but were killing motherf...rs, having number advantage with our rifles without losses [from small-arms fire]. There were days, when we were repelling per five assaults. All our losses from artillery. We are losing the best... White spot is a shot grouping of enemy arty work at our positions [in previous four days, including today "Honor" lost 10 KIA, five of them in one day]
  8. Well, new vehicle of "CMCW module" for CMBS %) - Romanian TAB-71 already in our service. Judging on a manner of tactical number writing, they belong to National Guard.
  9. Rare episode when the armor crossed the water obstacle on own wheels
  10. PzH2000 of 43rd high-power artillery brigade (PzH2000 + 2S7) has destroyed with huge fireball two Russian T-80BVM near Dibrova (Kreminna direction). Recently some sources claimed it was HIMARS strike in several other places, but this guy from 43rd says this was their work.
  11. 100 % old Soviet stocks. We hadn't own SA-missiles production. There were some projects like a missile, based on R-27 AA, but it wasn't realized to serial production. So, we can only to extend resourse of existimg SA misiles.
  12. Russian Volunteer Corps today again conducted a raid to Briansk oblast to the village Sopychi-Sluchovsk in 1,5 km from the border with Chernihiv oblast of Ukriane. The video was issued after Russian officials made a statement, that Russian troops repelled enemy diversion group probe in Briansk oblast. PS. this area around Russian Starodub town are historical Ukrainan lands, joined by decision of Soviet government to Russia Federation in 20th years of 20th century like and Taganrog city on Azov Sea. So, we have a right to make reconquista
  13. K-2 battalion of 54th mech.brigade destroys Russian MT-12 gun near Zolotarivka (Lysychansk direction). Russian crew abandoned the gun and fled after first distant impact
  14. Ah, maybe I passed the start of flame ))) Though, we tried in 2006 and 2008, but France and Germany stood firmly in "NATO open doors" for us and Georgia.
  15. FT: US opposes offering Ukraine a road map to Nato membership https://www.ft.com/content/c37ed22d-e0e4-4b03-972e-c56af8a36d2e US, Germany and Hungary. Some our experts already say that for Ukraine is more easy to win the war than to win a peace [means afterwar conditions, which will maintain guarantees of our security in future and ].
  16. Strategic course on EU and NATO membership was fixed in Constitution since 2018. Zelenskiy initially was forced to balance between NATO supporters and NATO opponents, saying "Nobody waits us in NATO, we don't be like poor relative, we have to do everything in order to NATO countries invite Ukraine themselves". But both camps criticized him for such vague position.
  17. Situation in Bakhmut "Metalurg" stadium [in the center of city] as a mortar position for moth...rs. There is a slaughter on Korsunskoho str [one of main streets, which limits the city from SW and begins from the destroyed monument of MiG-17] - moth...rs can't breakthrough through Ivanivske village, so they want cut off the city from the inside from Kostintynivka. We are hold.
  18. To the questions "Why UKR tanks don't use machine-guns". Here is T-64BM2 of 92nd mech.brigade, using main gun + tureet HMG (remoteldly controlled). As if after shot out tree-plant, UKR troops found there destroyed Kornet ATGM and teared off arm of operator.
  19. Long post of some Russian anti-drone operator, which was directed to Vuhledar. There is no sense to make full translation, just most inetersting details: On his opinion, UKR success on this direction based on such things: - exellent observation of battalefield from two areas - from 9-storey buildings of Vuhledar and from the tall headframe of 1st South-Ukrainian mine north from Mykilske. He believs, Russian can win only if flatten all tall houses in the town and headframe. He is perplexed, why Russin command doesn't see such clear things - UKR have full control over battlefield with daylight, NV and thermal observation devices - Total superiority in drones. UKR drones in swarms continuously in the air, espacially over dachas. UKR could manage clear scheme of launching and returing of drones with exhausting batteries. - UKR use simultainously many types of drones for different purposes, which work in variuos frequency ranges (many of which beyond the opportunities of anti-drone rifles and "trench EW") and support each other. This was making alsmost useless his anti-drone rifle. Because as soon as he tried to jam one drone, his position almost immediately was spotted by several other drones and he was forcing to retreat. - He was overhelmed how quickly UKR drone operators spot their positions and how short time passes from spotting to opening fire.
  20. FV430/432? First mentions were in January, but about their arrival became knowingly in the mid of February.
  21. On LostArmor somebody writes he spotted first BTR-50s near frontline. Despite old age, Russians in whole say this vehicle is better that MTLB, because can embark more people.
  22. LostArmor talks about lossing positions near Avdiivka (indeed this is some further to north near Novoselivka village) - he says units of DPR's 11th brigade "Vostok" were substituted by mobiks on this direction and this caused lossing of some positions. There was a video two days ago how 71st jager brigade assaults a trench - this is that. Interesting, Khodakovskiy told, 11th motor-rifle brigade "Vostok", which in DPR belongs not to army, but to internal troops, now will be re-formed into special brigade of Rosgvardiya and Khodakovskiy also will receive a duty in security structures of "libereated Donetsk oblast"
  23. Units of UKR 25th airborne brigade repelled Russian armored attack somewhere on Svatove direction. -3 armor.
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