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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Donbas in deep snow again now. This is Bakhmut Though, Russian territory also affected with snowfall - "Don" highway in Rostov oblast was paralized with 60 km traffic jam.
  2. In previous part ), when the tank chased retreating Wagners )
  3. On 3:40 Wagners shot with ATGM "Fagot", but in the same moment tank gunner shot HE in front of the tank and the smoke on the moment hide the tank from field of view of ATGM operator - the missile passed through the tank. Next, the tank approached to distance, where "Fagot" can't be used - less than 70 m. What surprised me - how Wagners could survive after several almost direct hits in trench area. Of course, they were shell-shocked, but kept opportunity to move and even to throw grenades
  4. This Humvee crew was lucky! Their vehicle has ran over TM-62 mine in milimeters from the fuse. The driver disembarked all and turned around - the way further is too dangerous.
  5. And about weather. Northern cyclone brough snow to most part of Ukrane and below zero temperature at the night. And if in central Unkraine snow already almost gone, that on Donbas situation is next:
  6. We sold these 12 helicopters to Macedonia in 2001. Now they will turn back. Alas, part of them have to be reparied or will be donors.
  7. More longer and detailed video of eliminating Russian armored advance near Vodiane, Avdiivka area about week ago. Unit of 36th Marines brigade just shot out Russians with Javelins
  8. New ATGM in UKR service. Silent support of Sweden. PS. This system is out of service in Sveden since 2013. Wire-controlled missiile with magnetic and optical sensors. Tandem warhead, activating on 1 m aboove the target and striking hollow charge stream under angle of 30 degrees, so the stream need shorter way to penetrate glacis armor. Estimate penetration beyond ERA is about 550 mm
  9. Despite General Staff reported the number of enemy attacks is reducing and was 57 for last day, but in Bakhmut Russians continue own desperate assaults and even increased number of artillery fire. So all talks about "shell hunger" is BS, PsyOps of some inner political tensions. Soldiers say Wagners increased number of own "core" troops in assaults According to today evening report of General Staff, Russians again had "partial success" on Bakhmut direction
  10. Probably on 25th of March UKR troops of 110th mech.brigade repelled Russian assault of recon company of 10th tank regiment (I dunno either this some Russian territorial troops unit or renamed unit of DPR forces) and conducted own counter-attack, seizing lost UKR positions near Spartak settlement south from Avdiivka. Later Russians wrote all their attempts to push off Ukrainians back failed. Two videos of this fight: Russian tank was hit by Javelin (?) Russian armor attack and seizing of Russian trenches (video speed up)
  11. Very rare Russian armored utility vehcile GAZ-3937 "Vodnik" - only 54 in service of Rosgvardiya. One was captured and now in UKR service. This vehicle was designed for transportation of personnel, ammunition, fuel, military cargo in hard terrain conditions.
  12. Some UKR mech.brigade somewere... No western vehicles, though.
  13. Power substation also was hit in railway depo area. Most part of Melitopol and several villages around were without electricity. I don't know what is situation now. On LostArmor local collaborant from Melitopol writes about 12 impacts. Likely two packets of HIMARS.
  14. 1. Smoke screens used by mortars and with smoke grenades for local purposes. In this war we have seen multiple clashes of relatively small units (maximum 1-2 reinforced companies, very rare whole battalion at once) on relatively longer front line, than in WWII and as it was intended in Cold War times. In order to set so large smoke screen you have to concentarte enough number of artillery pieces - maybe even a battlion. This is too risky - to gather many assets in one place for long time. So, on battalion level usual mortars or armor can set smoke for local needs. Though, I have seen one video with artillery shot several smoke shells. Usually videos are filming to show elimination of the enemy, but smoke is not interesting. Except artillery there were in use special vehicles smoke-generators like TDA, from composition of CBRN-protection units. But they have speciphic tasks, for example to cover the bridge or crossing or some object. 2. We discussed this question as far as in 2014-2015. But in this time enough number of UKR BMPs and especially BMDs, have driven with launchers on the top. But gradually ATGMs were almost desappered. Just specific of this war turned out them mostly useless. Also in 2014 many mobilized BMP gunners had poor training in ATGM shooting (the same thing was in separatists forces and often in Russian army). In current war is no sense to keep BMPs on first line to repelling of tank hordes. Even no sence to set portable launcher from it pack. The role of close AT-weapon crossed to infantry AT-assets like NLAW and Javelin, which have much more effectiveness, than old Konkurs. Also during ATO/OOS we probably used lot of Fagot/Konkurs missiles (and then so far many of them were outdated and often didn't work properly). Though, we still see Fagots and even Metises in the hands of infantry. Russian side doesn't use launchers on-the-top by the same reason. Though, I've seen several times they used portable launchers of BMP/BMD pack. Since 2014 and to present time I've seen maybe about dozen+ videos of ATGM usage by light armor and only in two applications - a launch from covered position when there is enough guaranties that you wil not be spotted first and attack of bunker or truck (some shots were in the night). But I never seen that BMP shot ATGM in "cavalry-style" meeting engagements or being in LOS of enemy tank or hypotetical ATGM in tree-line.
  15. @sburke Lt.colonel (old photo in major rank), Dmitriy Lisitskiy, 2nd air-assault battalion commander of 234th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assult division (mountain), Southern military district. He participated in Ilovaisk massacre in 2014 and after this was awarded with the title Hero of Russian Federation. Allegedly shot himself in own appartments in Russia on 26th of March 2023. Information about his death in combat is not true. Reportedly because of heavy losses in his unit he had conflict with survived personnel of own battlion and as if some investigation was started against him for such style of command. As if because of this he was in deep depression and had commited suicide
  16. General Zaluzhnyi personally awarded the soldier of 22nd mot.inf. battalion of 92nd mech.brigade Ruslan Zubarev ("Predator") for his epic fight. He received Golden Cross - honorable sign of Chief-in-Command. Also Zaluzhnyi gifted him with name weapon - AR-15 rifle. "Predator" said this was his dream to buy this rifle, but he couldn't do this, because according to the law it could be possibly only in 25 y.o., but he has 22 only.
  17. Ukrainian cemetries unlike in CM maintain enough protection from small-arms fire because of tall granite gravestones. Though many graves except granite contour have also metal fences (not shown here) and this hinders movement of infantry and light vehicles. The fihght in cemetry in SW outskirt of Bakhmut. Likely old video, because it already under enemy control or we don't know something.
  18. A jar with termites will be more effectively ) But in Ukraine they are not common and live only in southern regions
  19. Or will be build a dam, gnawing wood of blindages covering )
  20. The beaver in the trench. Background sound will be familiar to Poles
  21. @Battlefront.com I can't find your post with reddit video with assault of Wagner blindage - you wrote, that's amazing how much grenades they need to use to eliminate all Russians inside. I've seen today interview with soldiers, who conducted this operation, they told Russians had there mattresses for slipping, its were enough thick to protect them from small fragments of grenades. There were three men in blindage. All operation took three days - in first day there was only recon from drones and it was too hard to find all enemy foxholes, because its were narrow and masked with fallen branches. Even on the second day, when soldiers entered to tree-plant, one of them suddenly encountered on foxhole and by miracle could avoid a shot (there was on video) On second day, infantry mopped-up almost all positions around blindage - Wagners by unknown reason didn't spot entering the group to tree-plant and even didn't hear their steps on cracking branches! But after skirmish, Russian mortars opened fire and "Honor" group has withdrown. On third day blindage area was shelled with snipers, mortars and tank fire. Probably Wagners were mostly shell-shocked, so they just hide in blindage, so assault group could approach not spotted again.
  22. In annotation to video says "6 meter wide, 30 meters long. Seven days of continuous fights for this small patch of Ukrainian land"
  23. Writings at the end of video "Despite of heroical resistance we lost this position in next night attack. But it was turned back again during next days by K-2 battalion. Watch our next videos"
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