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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. There weren't "multilple launches of Patriots" at Kinzhal. All theese "multiple missiiles" had to explode in the air, but I heard triple explosion sound. First one and since less the half of second double loud BOO-BOOOOMMM like a rolling thunder.
  2. More than a year of war, but Russian General Staff continue to use old maps. In today's Russian MoD statement was meant "Maloilyinovka direction", toward which UKR troops attack in Bakmut area. But you will not find it on modern maps. Maloilyinoka was a village, existed until 1963, then was included into Artyomovsk city (former Soviet name of Bakhmut), now this extreme northern district of the city with name Stupky (like railway station). But despite village ended own existance in 1963, it still depicted on military topomap even in 1989 (this was really good and precise map, it in free acees now). And looks like Russian General Staff still use 1989 map to this time
  3. No, all "Offensive Guard" units of National Guard are fomer special purpose regiments and since 2014-2015 - operative purpose regiments/brigades, which had more combat than law-protecting role. 4th Rapid reaction brigade was established in 2017 like completely combat brigade in National Guard composition (existed 100 % combat units like "Donbas", "Azov", Kulchitskiy's battalion weren't independent units and belonged to different regiments and brigades of mixed pupose). Operative pupose regiment typically had two battlions - armored on BTR and on armored cars. Brigades had three battalions. Now all these units "rebranded" to "assault brigades" - actually they got third battalion, brigade's set of support&supply units, so probably these brigades will be very similar to Army air-assault brigades for tactic and usage
  4. 21:55 Melitopol. Powerful explosion. After this electricity is gone in the whole city.
  5. Locals also isuued a video, where some large UAV was flying before the strike (lower video)
  6. One more video from Luhansk. Local "authorities" claimed the strike was conducted with "Hrim-2" LoL )))
  7. Su-24. Works with adaptation had been conducting since November 2022 in Poland on one experimental bomber. There is a leakage took place in media about these works, but all rumors then were refuted.
  8. Russian text says drone has flew directly in the open hatch
  9. On new video, where some Russian military told how "fascists have struck peaceful city, where no military", we can see destroyed facility in more stable picture. This is territory of abandoned "Donets" plant (produced heavy equipment for mines), locals also name it "100th plant" - "Poly-pack" is across the street. Ruined building is a part of business consalting center, which use several buildings of plant. And judging to the panorama of explosions - both hits were on territory of this plant. Though, some of locals say about three missiles, but the third probably could be ADM-160.
  10. Here is locations of Luhansk objects, being struck today (interesting that 12th of May is "Republic Day" in LPR) The mark close to city center is former "Poly-pack" factory, turned by Russians into vehicle repairing facility and logistic center. Sounthern mark - fuel depot.
  11. The hundred of UK armor, bought by Serhiy Prytula charity fund, hadn't armament, so now these vehicles arming due to wishes of "clients". On the hull of Spartan on the photo is logo of "People's armor" project of Prytula foundation. Large part of Spartans got 1st mech.battalion "Da Vinci Volves" of 67th mech.brigade - 33. Among them 15 has "Honor" company of this battalion.
  12. Situation inside Bakhmut UKR troops has retaken Industrial college. Heavy clashes for sсhool and kindergarden on Korsunskoho street. UKR troops pushed off Russians from part of Ivanivskyi forest SW Ivanivske village (southern part of forest was under Russian control). Wagners threw there own "core" units to stabilze situation Also in Bakhmut area was destroyed Pantsyr-S1. First strike missed, but probably slightly damaged it, secons was successful
  13. Russian convicts mobilized by Shoigu to army. Reportedly 10 000 of prisoners already mobilized. One of reasons, why Prigozhyn so angry on Shoigu - he deprived him of the human resourse, which can be useful for Prigozhyn's political efforts. PMC Wagner and Prigozhyn gained large popularity and aureole of "invincible troops" in Russian society on the blood of southands of convicts. Now his dreams can be ruined.
  14. New collage of R18 night bomber work of SBU "Alfa" special forces
  15. Some Russian milbloggers explained succes of armored attack of Azov on 8th of May against 6th and 8th companies of 72nd MRB, because they "were betrayed and thrown to zero line without ATGMs and even RPGs". But today Azov stormers issued a photos from captured positions, filled with TM-62 mines and ATGM Fagot missiles. Likely Russians either didn't have a time to set minefields or didn't expect attack and were too relaxed. So, when UKR troops suddenly attacked, they already hadn't spirit to engage them with ATGMs under direct tank fire.
  16. Well, because of our sources keep silence, I will post further panic of Russian TGs Last update - 9th motor-rifle regiment lost much more ground to this time (PS. Wagners map in some location is very optimistic) Reportedly MoD transferred mobiks to hold flanks of Bakhmut. And this against hardened battalions of VSU! If this is true this is "pizdets". Tuvian circus in its best! [hint on Shoigu, who is Tuvian]
  17. Russian milbloggers today is alarming: This is part of long post of Kots, where he guesses what can mean transporting of UKR tanks on trailers toward Russian border - demonstrative maneuver to distract troops or preparation to attack, but where - Svatove? Belgorod? Or cut Svarove group logistic, bypassing line of defense through Russian territory? Local bereakthrough of UKR troops on Soledar direction, "situation is hard" Troops of Russian 9th motor-rifle regiment (lykely new formed unit of 18th motor-rifle division of 11th Army Corps, coastal troops, Baltic Feet) abandoned positions near Khromove and Bohdanivka (blue marked zones), losing areas about 650 x 600 m Mid of day. NW from Klishchiivka units of 4 motor-rifle brigade (LPR? ) and 374th separate motor-rifle battalion (I don't know what is it) abandoned positions after atatck of UKR troops. But positoins were returned with Wagner counter-attack. Local successful attack of UKR forces near Mayorske, Horlivka area. Russians counter-attacking, in attempt to take posiotions bvack
  18. First three seasons were enough good, but than further, than more and more terrible. My eyes can't watch last season with flights over Kyiv, standing on flat land %) Lagerta is really cool, but her taekwondo and BJJ-style fights in the movie looks strange %) "The Northman" is more cool from my re-enactor point of view )
  19. President Zelenskiy made a statement today that Ukraine should wait with counter-offensive, because our military need more time to got all Western equipment, arriving with small batches. "With [what we already have] we can go forward, and, I think, be successful. But we'd lose a lot of people. I think that's unacceptable. So we need to wait. We still need a bit more time. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/05/11/7401660/ In that time Prigozhyn said today that Ukraine started own offensive around Bakhmut and again blamed MoD units, that their coward withdrawal from positions could put Wagner in very hard situation. He blamed again MoD in ammunition sabotage (as if PMC got only 10 % of own demands). Then he issued for Wagner "no one step back" order.
  20. Unusual application of T-54B according to words of one Russian soldier: T-54B, Southern direction. A month ago up to the company of such vehicles (T-54B and T-55) was handed over to howitzer battalion. They work from close positions, the crew has 3 men. Crews were assembled from tank battalion and artillety, after this they had week training. I can't say about whole theater, but we had usage of them as SP-howitzers Looks like Russians in some units have critical lack of artillery, probably in motor-rifle regiments of Territorial Troops, so old tanks are given to them instead artillery.
  21. Russians strike with guided bombs some facilities in Beryslav, Kherson oblast, like potential place for ammunition storages and personnel deployment
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