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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Dummy Kh-555 missile wreck were found near Bydgoszcz city in Polland. It was nuclear missile, having inert charge in warhead and served as false target.
  2. Today in Briansk oblast in result of railway diversion, a fuel train went off rails
  3. Yesterday hit on Pavlohrad chemical plant 2 killed, 40 wounded. Damaged about 100 buildings, some of them (private houses) destroyed completely.
  4. Occupied Zaporizhzhia oblast. Typical behavior of "liberators". Old women was kicked in jump with two legs in her back
  5. One more T-90M knocked out or damaged at least. Somewhere in Luhansk oblast
  6. I never take in serious our GS reports. Main interest is their reports were most significant actions took place. They already two weeks say about "heavy clashes in Bakhmut" and "minor advance of Russians on some streets", but in real UKR troops now controls last small SW part of the city. Though, todays GS report about some successfull counter-attack actions inside city confirmed by "trench news". But it's only because Wagners almost stop active assaults and now probably their commander await for new batch of meat - to bring a sign victory to Prigozhyn on 9th of May, that will strenghen his position in Kremlin "games of towers"
  7. This is former Ukrianian trench. It just was long time under shellings, rains, it was changing hands many times, so this one and many other can't look properly. Wagners dig only foxholes and use captured UKR fortifications. They havn't any engineer vehicles and havn't time to dig trenches. One of reason of enemy slow but successful advance according to our soldiers words - thrences, being dug hastly, often with shovels or battalion-level engineer equipment. If the command cared to build new line of really fortified positions, like it were near Kurdiumivka - Russians would suffered much more losses assaulting it.
  8. This was a "preview". Full episode there is further.
  9. Thanks ) One more reason to use "as if" because it write itself short )))
  10. In this sad new some interesting statistic of typical "Starstreak" tasks: Andriy Liniychuk (callsign "Celt") has died at the war - most effective AA-shooter of AFU. On his count 16 Orlans, 1 Zala and Kа-52 helicopter. Andriy was first, who has performed combat usage of "Starstreak". For three years of service he was wounded twice and twice has returning back to own unit. He served in 95th air-assault brigade. He was killed in artillry shelling of out positions.
  11. Pavlohrad is important industrial city for defense industry. Chemical and mechanical factories involved in producing of HE, some ammunitions, missile engines etc... PS. Locals told about 4 hits (other write even 6) almost at the moment of air raid alarm was anounced. Probably one of defense factories was hit, because one explosion was especially huge
  12. I just thought form "as if" is more corersponds to our more common equivalent, which means more wide and unpersonalized "allegedly". Because latter, I think, relates to some clear source "according to words of smbd.", when "as if" it's some sort of "rumors/many talks/some opinions talk about something". But maybe "as if" is just rare or obsolete form - I don't know such subtleties )
  13. Russians have found T-64A somewhere and bring them to fromt. I suppose, they will go to LDPR units - they had small number of these tanks recently along with T-64B/BV. Interesting, in what conditions these tanks... Russian stocks of combat ready or repairable in short time T-64B/BV weren't enough large - so, they couldn't supply LDPR forces with these type only and were forced to give them T-72. Military Balance data for 2017 gives 2000 stored T-64 of all types, but I think 80-90 % of them is scrap metal. Ukraine also had hundreds of T-64A and T-64R (T-64 upgraded to T-64A), but most of them had the same conditions that in Russia. Though, several T-64A were spotted in the role of mine plougs (main gun was removed)
  14. Not only Ukrainian. Russian too. Brigade structure implies bigger level of autonomous actions than regiments, forming a divisions. So, all Ukrainan and Russian brigades have "separate" in own titles. In Ukraine they subordinated directly to Operative Comamnds. In Russia - directly to Armies HQs.
  15. 80th air-assault brigade. Part of them now somewhere in Bakhmut area (but some SW from city). But this Marder battalion probably on training aboard.
  16. Maybe local collaborationist, serviceman of local volunteer battalion. Maybe Russian. It's unclear from TG post. When I write "as if" I mean "allegedly", reposting personal opinion of writer which reflects just his point of view, but it can't be proved. "It'seem that", as for me, I should use, when I guess something from MY point of view and opinion. Isn't it? )
  17. 1. "Russians don't surrender!" 2. Effect of cornered rat 3. "Magic drink" for Wagner's convicts, suppressing feel of fear and danger
  18. It's claimed UKR MiG-29 launches HARM missile
  19. Explaination of incident and other video (because already voices "UKR nazis killed peaceful fisher" have appeared) Brief translation from TG screen: 1. Sailing on boats is strictly prohibited for civilains by both sides. So, if this guy was a fisher, he is a nominant on Darwin Award 2. But he is not a fisher - this is well-known person with name Sergey, which have a dirt work - he changes own closes to civilians and sail on rubber boat without engine between islands. His task - to set boobytraps but more - to cut fingers of killed Russian soldiers, which lay in big number on the islands and nobody evacuate them. FIngers are for DNA tests, that soldier can be officially recognized as dead. 3. In his boay you can see some sort of RPG or PRO-A 4. When he spotted our drone, he became gesticulate like "don't kill me" and point out on UKR bank of river like "I want to surrender" 5. But he was unlucky and sail over numerous mines. The end.
  20. Silent war in so-called "plavni" (wide floating thikets of reeds) among islands on Dnipro near Kherson. Russian ruber boat hit. Mocking song "Sink the Bismark" on background )
  21. Rybar claims UKR performed mass attack on Crimea with several groups of Mugin-5 UAVs total about 10. As if except oil base other targets were Gvardeyskoye airfield and some objects near Yevpatoria. He claims one UAV was shot down with gunfire over Sevastopol, one - with Pantsyr S1 near Gvardeyskoye and all other were supressed or landed on the sea by EW assets. The latter claims is doubt because Mugin-5 hasn't contol channel on such big distance and uses likely inetrtial system. On the video shot down Mugin-5 nar Zernove village, probably it tried to approach to Gvardeyskoye airfield Inetesting that on 24th of April the same type of UAV has struck oil base in Roven'ky, Luhansk oblast
  22. Russians used Kh-555/Kh-101 cruise missiles in this raid. A day before they have launched four ground-based "Kalibr-K" missiles on Mykolaiv. Russians obviuosly targeted wide area of military facilities and territories (mostly abandoned since 90-2000th) on the north of the city. One missile reportedly exploded there. The house, being struck, stands in 500 m from the fence of military territory and was built in 2008 - judging to Google Earth before there were aither private garages or a barren at all. So it can be three reasons: - old map data - incorrect determination of coordinates/or incorrect input of coordinates in the missile - deliberate strike
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