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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Air raid alarm again. UAV approaches. Preliminary Kyiv was under complex simultaneous attack of cruise, ballistic and hypersonic missiles. For now only Kalibr debris were spotted on streets. Kalibrs entered from southern direction, and something, probably Kinzhal/Iskander, fron northern
  2. People In twitter write,TG already full of videos. Enough of them have uploaded foreigners ( This was most fierce attack on Kyiv for whole war. Even Day 1 was relatively "quiet" %), than THIS. Some people write that during repelling of attack the sky over Obolon' - northern district of Kyiv (my district on NE) was illuminated like giant fireshow
  3. Fu...k!!!! Sh...t!!! Damn!!! What a hell I just heard at 3:00 of night?! 22 loud explosions not far from of us! And about dozen distant boo-boom... Sh...t!!! Reportedly series of Kinzhals on Kyiv, also there were reports about Kalibrs launches. Well, I want to read good news at the morning
  4. Trench invention - 40 mm mortar %). Soldiers on video say they have enough defective 40 mm grenades, which can't be shot, so they developed special rifled sleeve to fire it from the barrel of 60 mm mortar. In the second video soldiers expain that the sleeve doesn't fly out during the shot, but remains inside mortar. It's unclear how precise this shooting, but they say the range is about 1 km. So, at least good thing for harrasment fire and .
  5. Classified cadres! UKR combat geese from secret US biolabs in action!
  6. "You won't need it anymore, bro!" Russians were bombed by the drone and one soldier was wounded. Two his comrardes just looted him, taking away his helmet and fled.
  7. According to reports the body was found in a state of decay. There were more close photos, but I don't wan't post it here. The depth of reservoir in deepest part is about 12-15 meters, so temprerature likely not enough warm that the body decomposed completely for 1,5 year
  8. How symbolically... On 9th of May the body of Russian pilot was washed up on the shore of Kyivan reservoir. Сrayfishes and catfishes eaten his head and hands, but the lable on the flight suit allowed to identify him - senior lieutenant Ruslan Mankishev. HIs Mi-24P was shot down over reservoir on 24th Feb 2022 during flight to Hostomel. Helicopter with the body of second crew memeber was lifted up recently, but this guy swam too long. Well, now his family has a chance to get new white "Lada"
  9. Somebody already posted this or similar article. I'm as eyewitnesses (hm.... better to say "ear-witnesses ) could say talks about "fired multiple missiles" is not true, because there was heard only triple explosion - first BOOM and than after several seconds more loud double BOOO-BOOM. If Patriot launced for example 10 missiles, we would have heard 11 expliosions at least. I suppose two missiles were launched.
  10. R18 or Matrice or other heavy copter drones, capable to lift more than 1-2 grenades are in use more specialized units with own specific of work. TERRA is mostly air-recons, so operate with most mass drones of "zero-line" - Mavics
  11. HIMARSes work almost each day. Most of targets - heavy industrialized areas in Luhansk oblast - Kadiivka, Pervomaisk. Three days ago Svitlodarsk was hit. I don't write about this, because this is usual work and not always visible results can be seen. Some of them became knowingly since several weeks. For example in late March there was a HIMARS strike on building in Donetsk, presumably using by military. Only now in May there were issued memorial photos of killed in this strile servicemen - 12 persons. This was logistic and supply HQ of Internal Troops Corps (ITC) of DPR. Among victims- the chief of logistic of ITC and several high-ranked executive officers
  12. This is a cut scene of longer video for April
  13. Direct communication with Wagner, bypassing official channels, likely exists in questions of POWs exchange. It's not a big secret, we exchange Wagner captivities directly to Wagner and Russian MoD doesn't participate in this. Wagner in own turn has own places, where they hold our soldiers, captured by their merceneries. If you have seen official stattistic of exchanges, the number of exhanged is almost always equal (except cases of VIPs or valuable officers). So, if you have seen that officially says 50 UKR soldiers were exhanged for 40 Russians, that indeed there was 50 on 50, but rest 10 were Wagners.
  14. Stricktly speaking, M-55S is complete NATO-standart vehicle, having except that a hull in common with T-55. And "55" in number )
  15. Summary of Bakhmut and around from UKR TGs Russians have recovered from sudden UKR strikes and moved additional reservers - both army and Wagner to recapture lost ground. They fiercely counter-attacking, especially on southern flank, but even despite this UKR troops managed to advance some further toward Klishchiivka and in Ivanivskyi forest. Reportedly for now UKR troops advanced on 1,7 km in forest and attached to it treeplant. Units of 5th assault brigade entered to battle (but maybe they were involved recently) on this flank. Northern flank: UKR troops attacking toward Berkhivka between eastern part of resevoir and railroad in narrow space, trying to capture tree-plants at the "bottle neck" entrance and along railroad. Also Russian strongpoint was captured on other section on northern flank, survived Russian soldiers surrendered. Bakhmut city. Situation still hard, Wagners continue assault actions and could achieve some gains in area near crossroads of Levanevskoho and Donbas Liberators streets. UKR artillery and sometime HIMARS reportedly caused some strikes on enemy arty. 45th arty brigade strikes at firing positions of D-30 near Bakhmut, destroying field ammo dumps
  16. What surpised you? Each UKR brigade is "mixed" - 1 (3) tank battalion(s) + 3 (1) mech + 1 mot.inf
  17. I suppose, 124th brigade is new number for 4th brigade after 2AK of LPR became a part of Russian army. 2nd LPR brigade, for example, became 123nd brigade. Russians claim both high-ranked officers (brigade commander and deputy "zampolit" of 2AK) were killed, personally repelling UKR assaults, but our sources say in one episode, personnel of enemy brigade rejected to move on positions without high-ranked officer, so brigade commander was forced to lead them personally and they all were hit by arty fire. Russians for now recognized only two officers, but even LPR TGs already recognized three - except this two losses they confirmed death of brigade's chief of staff and injuring of deputy commander.
  18. This is abandoned Soviet-time water reservoirs for watering of fields. Despite many small rivers and creeks around, Donbas is enough hot and dry place in summer, so in USSR times large "kolhozes" (state agricultural enterprises - usually they were in each village or on the base of several small villages) accumulating a water in these reservoires for the case of drought. But with collapsing of USSR and "kolhozes" infrastructure of such reservoirs declined. I think it could be filled with pumps and hoses system, connecting to closest source of water. And in the same way with pump and hoses the water then feed watering systems, placed on the fields.
  19. This. Maybe Shakheds route was along the border with Moldova
  20. One episode of war... Today my husband has conducted own 300th combat flight. This is biggest personal number among all Air Forces pilots. This is more, than conducted most famous pilot of WWII Ivan Kozhedub. But every time he emphasizes this it's not something he wants to be proud of.
  21. "Kalibrs" are launched from Black Sea. Direction - western Ukraine. Reportedly explosion over Ternopil, some missiles heading to L'viv oblast.
  22. LPR "cadre" brigade, which was moved there in recent weeks. Probably lossses will appear in Necromancer twitter after confirmation. Words of Shtefan "Klishchiivka is Ukriane" is just figure of speech - somebody already have interpreted it like "UKR troops liberated Klishchiivka", but this is not true. Likely HQ of 4th brigade was in this village and got a strike. SAMP/T were offered not early than in June...
  23. From talks in our twitter - dump of aviation FAB bombs was struck. HE detonated, but without significant scattering of fragments.
  24. Tu-95 are taking off in Murmansk oblast. Looks like retaliation for today's shot down aircraft
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