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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russians today again changed own version: - killed - critically wounded - first time appeared on video conference, but anyway - after serious injury %) Zaluzhnyi is really media person and this can play evil joke with society. His probable lose or long treatment is bad thing, but not critical for army control. Operations develops HQ, heading by lieutenant-general Serhiy Shaptala, completely non-media person. But because of constant presence on TV and internet and huge popularity of Zaluzhyi, society mistakingly believes that Zaluzhyi personally control each step of army (and even some part, followers of Poroshenko believe in consipracy, that Zaluzhnyi didn't allow to Zelenskiy and Yermak to capitulate and becaus of this they want get rid of him). This faith can seriously dismoral society if with Zaluzhnyi happen something.
  2. Video of yesterday or today's 3rd brigade push, some corpses of Russians, damaged and abandoned Russian BMP-2, burned pick-up
  3. Rare video of Strela-10 work. Two Russian UAVs were shot down
  4. UKR TG reports Russian armored column was struck by PARM / AT-2 mines near Andriivka village (southern flank of Bakhmut). Reportedly one T-80BV(M) was teared off by explosion, other T-80BVM and four BMPs are damaged and abandoned. I wounder, who made photos from the ground? Vehicles likely belonged to 10th tank regiment of 3rd AK, which was spotted severeal days ago near Andriivka
  5. 3rd assault brigade reports they gained next 700 m of ground on 1700 m of front by forces of 2nd assault battalion. Next units of Russian 72nd motor-rifle brigade were thrown back and lost 23 KIA and 40 WIA as well as some armor, including tanks. Reportedly UKR troops still hold small piece of Bakhmut in area of former MiG-17 monument. Reportedly some Right Sector unit entered to the battle inside the city and has small advance on three streets, but this is unverified in present time. This video probably from northern flank of Bakhmut front - 8th mountain-assault battalion of 10th mountain-assault brigade repelled armored attack of Russians, destroying three BMP of four.
  6. Russian ammo dumps were hit: Mospyne (Donetsk oblast) Oleshky area (Kherson oblast) Today's morning photo of expliosin in Berdiansk airport area
  7. Sometime I watch western twiterrs, so as most of people usually take firmly position of one of sides and very rarely their opinion can be changed. Those who support Ukraine (or just consider Russia like existential opponent and have position "enemy of my enemy is my ally") will support despite some things, which modern left-liberal ideology tought them to consider as "prohibited" (I'm not so much about symbols, like about national-oriented ideology). Those, who consider that aid for Ukriane is wasting of money, or "there is no war in Ukriane, this is TV-fake", or "western friends of Russia, with brains poisoned recently by RT" - they still with own opinion too. So, on current stage Russian propaganda already hasn't this huge strenght, as it was before a war.
  8. National idea is that, which makes fighters moral high and gives more understanding for what they fight. As you can see, more tough units, are those, which have some ideology in own circle. We fihgt not for abstract "bright future", not for "EU membership" and even not for "western liberal values". We fight for own survival first of all. Like a state and like nation. All other - membership, values, "shield of Europe" maybe also important too, but secondary. So, either somebody want this or not, in this war of senses we will use our senses and symbols, which will inspire and which will cause propagandists madness of our enemies. I think, 1,5 years was enough to see who is who and who is real nazi.
  9. Result of yesterday strike with at least 2 Storm Shadows on Mariupol western outskirts (though locals said about four explosions) This place was former UKR AD radar unit and had big bunker. Reportedly in this bunker could be large command center established, locals also write on this site periodically Russian AD assets concentrated. On day before Russian media shared a video how Shoigu visited some comamnd center in Zaporizhzhia oblast. It's unclear could he visit this center near Mariupol or other, but the bunker was hit and results now can be seen on the map: Before: Now (huge crater on presumably bunker place) Damaged "Tigr", which was evacuated, was spotted yesterday in Mariuapol, probably from that site City mayor advisor Petro Andriushchenko (UKR) told 24 occupant were killed during the strike and 37 wounded. Of course, it's can't be verified. Maybe most important victims appeared soon at Necromancer account.
  10. In their eyes we "fascists" anyway and forever. So, we are not inetersting how much more horns they will paint to us. More they name us "fascists", more white crosses will apeear on our vehicles in German WW2 style, more other mocking-up things, which will set fire their ***...les. I see, it's hard to understand to enough rational westerners, but this war is not only war of weapon, ideiologies and lifestiles, this is also a war of emotions, hidden senses, and memes. I already wrote about this, that mockery and humulitation of enemy by laugh is an old feature of Ukrainian mentality, worked out in continuos wars and hard life on their frontier.
  11. This is not wolfshungel (it looks similar, but original symbol has otehr direction), this is nomogram I.N. - Idea of Nation - which appeared in environment of young nationalists in early 90th, which later founded Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU). Author of symbol and its sense filling was Nestor Proniuk, PR-comissioner of SNPU. Gradually political platform of this party had been drifting from radical far-right to national-social-conservatism and since 2004 SNPU was transformed to party "Svoboda" (leader Oleh Tiahnybok). "Idea of Nation" symbol remained in use only among some marginal far-right movements, which formed a core of first "Azov" volunteer battalion in 2014. First commander of Azov was Andriy Biletskyi, former member of SNPU, which struggled against "party liberalisation" line of Oleh Tiahnybok, but lost and left "Svoboda", founding new organization "Patriot of Ukraine" with HQ in Kharkiv - second with such name, because first one was a youth wing of SNPU and it was disbanded by Oleh Tiahnybok. So, when "Azov" was founded, "IN" symbol became a symbol of battalion. And later because of good results and bright PR, "IN" became a "brand" of "Azov". Since 2019-20, when there was some criticism about "wolfshungel", this symbol was transformed to diagonal "IN", like three lines, striking from above. But old "IN" still in use to on some brigade's elements patches
  12. Probably the same attack or attack in other day - between Pisky and Pervomaiske. Russian armored attack attempt. "Madyar" is commenting ) Two Russian tanks destroyed by mines.
  13. Russian BMP-3 was destroyed with three hits by FPV drones, armed with PG-7 warhead. Location - near Mykilske (Vuhledar direction) Two FPV-drones of 59th mot.inf.brigade hit abandoned Russian tank near Pervomaiske (Avdiivka direction). "Madyar" is commenting ). First likely hit ERA, but second - at engine compartment.
  14. This guy has written UKR troops inside Bakhmut received an order to withdraw from last position "Plane" in the city. Similar posts or hints about this I have seen on some other accounts Prigozhyn claims he will begin withdrawal of PMC Wagner from frontline for R&R from 25th of May. Part of most experienced merceneries will be moved to Sudan. In Ukraine in semi-seriously / semi-jokingly discussed theme that after the war we can establish own PMC, which will be moved to Africa to chase and destroy Wagners and Russian influence in Africa
  15. Video already is gone, but looks like this was new 31st mech.brigade, which fights in Kremiina area. Also new formed 37th marines brigade, due to Russian milbloggers reports substituted 79th air-assault brigade in Maryinka area
  16. During Russian assault of UKR positions in Pervomaiske area (Avdiivka direction) Javelin operator of 59th mot.inf.brigade can't lock Russian tank on about 300 m, because LOS was closed by dust and smoke. Only when dust curtain scattered enough, operator could lock on target and launched missile
  17. This night I could see interception of "Shakhed" over neighbour quarter - projector beams in the sky, machinegun traces, zzzzzzz - "Shakhed's" sound in the air, then flash (likely missile hit), light boom and debrices in flame, falling onto someone's yard. 18 "Shakheds"were destroyed over Kyiv this night.
  18. Despite Russian troops were pushed back from Chasiv Yar - Ivanivske - Bakhmut road it still under shelling and anyway dangerous. Data of video is unknown, but obviously this is May - two burning BTR-4 Author of this post - one of westernres, who suports Russia (or probably Russian, who lives n Germany) %)
  19. This was about southern flank of Bakhmut, not about the city itself. UKR troops repelled huge assault on 19th May, but this night Wagners after next push completely seized western part of city and came on easterm outskirts of Khromove village. UKR troops still hold small piece of Bakhmut in area were was the monument of MiG-17 Russians has thrown in the battle on southern flank part of Wagners and 10th tank regiment of 3rd Army Corps, which was transferred from Avdiivka area and fiercely attack trying to push our trops back. Despite this UKR troops captured enemy strongpoint SW from Klishchiivka - last one before main obstacle - fortified strongpoint in the hill west of Klishchhivka.
  20. They mistakingly took 72nd motor-rifle brigade for VDV. There was a remark in twitter
  21. No. Never. If we invite Russians in mass here, we will get new 5th column soon and "mini-Russia" inside Ukraine. There are can be exceptions for those, who really have been supporting us and resisting Putin's regime since 2014, but not "10 millions" There is proverb "scratch Russian liberal and you will see usual imperialist" and "Russian liberal finish himself on Ukrainian question". I see behavior of those Russians, who escaped to Georgia, Kazakhstan or Armenia from economical crisis and mobilization. Russians - no matter they are "vatniks" or "liberals" believe "where we are, there is Russia". Their behavior toward locals mostly swaggering and arrogant. They resent, why no signs in Russian on the streets, why service mostly in local languiages, they already begin to demand Russian-speaking teachers and Russian classes in schools where their kids go. Those, who will give a shelter to alot of Russians will receive soon own Eastern Estonia, own Germany with organized agressive post-Soviet pro-Russian community, own Brighton Beach. Russians consider they are "hub of universe" and they can do anything in any country, they don't respect local style of life, local culture, they rare will teach local language, they just believe that anybody around them must know Russian. I see what write many of so-called "liberals" in Russia now about Ukriane and war and can say - only a wide ditch with crocodiles and Great Wall with turbolaser guns have to be between us, but not inviting of millions to live in Ukraine.
  22. Kalibres launched from the sea, first explosions in (over) Mykolaiv. Air raid alarm in Kyiv again. Hm... Will Russians repeat combined strike? Well, I go to sleep. Wish good hunting to our AD.
  23. City mayor told about losses about 9-00. Most serious accident was in south-western district, likely Kalibr part fell on garage with buses - gareage and four buses burnt. Also large part of missile fell in zoo. Several dozens cars were damaged with fragments. Three civilians got light injuries. According to updated data AD shot down 6 Kinzhals, 10 ballistic missiles (S-400, Iskander) and 9 Kalibrs (4 of them were shot down over Mykolaiv oblast, 5 in Kyiv oblast and over Kyiv), also two S-300 hit Kostiantynivka town in Donetsk oblast
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