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Everything posted by WinOrLose

  1. Have the CW TC bullet magnets been turned off in 1.11/2.0?
  2. Just need some lead saddles and soakers where the spire goes through the roof - unless it has been stolen by pikeys!!! Only kidding excellent work - all these mods really add to the the atmosphere of the game.
  3. How about spotting through half a dozen tree canopies at 500m plus away and spotting vehicles in shadows too easily?
  4. You would think so. The British SOP is to crawl sideways a few feet after going prone so if the enemy target your last known position they are less likely to hit you. However inspection of casualties after the Falklands showed a lot of impacts on the top of the head, shoulders and spine indicating being hit whilst prone which would suggest they were not complying with this basic drill.
  5. You can piss $10 up against a wall in less than an hour. This represents real value for money. If you want the game to survive and grow then we need to support the developer.
  6. The other problem with hunt is even if they spot an enemy that poses no threat they stop and hit the deck.
  7. Interesting link -thanks. It seams that armour quality was more important than the rounds used. Does any one know if this is modeled in game?
  8. It can take a couple of minutes to pack up the gun; are you sure its not just a time delay?
  9. I'm surprised the question hadn't been asked before or that there is no data on it. Thanks for the help anyway.
  10. Just wondered at what sort of ranges the 17lbr can KIA a panther from the front? Regards.
  11. +1 When on the attack I try at least to split off the scout element of each squad and keep them one bound ahead of the following squad until contact. Depending on the composition of the remaining squad I may split again or rejoin and split. On defence I try and split everything down and spread out to avoid arty casualties. I do try and keep them in C&C though.
  12. Removed the barbed wire in the editor and it seems to be working now.
  13. Trying to play this as a PBEM as the german defenders. I have completed my deployment twice now and each time the game crashes. Is it the "barbed wire" bug? Has anyone else had trouble with this one?
  14. If you want "gamey" game play there are several titles that spring to mind such as Company of Heroes and Men of War that might be better suited to the more gamey orientated player....
  15. Gamey. Easiest way to stop it - a VP is only counted as contested if you have, say, at least 25% combat strength of the defender.
  16. Visible damage to tanks and other vehicles.
  17. Cheers for the replies, I will divert some troops to rally them.
  18. If troops surrender is there any way of getting them back in the fight?
  19. Nope I couldn't see the tank at all, it had been hidden behind the buildings for a couple of minutes. Until Pete sent me the screen shots I had no idea the tank had even been hit!!!
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