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Everything posted by delliejonut

  1. I read through the linked threads, for the most part. I don't think you're at all wrong in critiquing John when you feel that he has said something untrue. Everyone should be open to critique- it's necessary and healthy. However, critique is not my problem. Caustic behavior towards other individuals is. If someone posting a rebuttal does so negatively then logic is displaced, and there can be no genuine discussion. At that point, because of negativity bias, all discussion will become paranoid, defensive, and aggressive. I know you guys have a history I don't fully understand, but both parties are valid, even if one side is sometimes incorrect. I'm not asking you to stop fact checking or become apathetic. Just try to pretend that other people on the forums are actually people. Source
  2. If he's wrong about something, wouldn't it be better to say as much and debunk him with evidence? I'd much rather read that coversation. Your current system of downvoting and bullying is a little lacking for all parties involved. Don't fear, it's just the internet.
  3. Wow, John. I just looked through your posts that received reputation. Looks like you attracted the ire of a very select group of individuals including JonS, 4 posters to be exact. I'm not sure why, since I find all of your posts very helpful and good natured, including the posts that were downvoted. Can't please everyone, I guess
  4. NVM I just heard about this thing called FRAPS ::facepalm:: EDIT: Actually, NVM again. FRAPS isn't fully interactive the way the 1 minute replay in WEGO is.
  5. Wouldn't it be cool if you could watch a battle you just completed from beginning to end, skipping through the dull parts (if necessary)? And then save said video for future playbacks/video AAR's? Is possible, or no? If it was, would the file size simply be too huge to be practical?
  6. Care to point me to some of this speculation? I'd like to drool over it
  7. That all makes sense. The HE explosion coupled with the collision should be enough to shake a real human crew. Hell, if I were in that Tiger, unable to maneuver for some reason and deaf from an explosion, I would bail too. They must have been confused as all get out, and assumed something catastrophic had happened, even though the Tiger was probably still fully functional.
  8. I don't know about BFC, but I wouldn't win a game without a virgin sacrifice or two.
  9. Meh I just realized my friend already made a bug report in the technical forum. I didn't want to be that guy who posts in all the wrong places He made me resend my turn to him without taking advantage of the breach in the hedgehogs, which I think is a bunch of hooey Seems to me that since you historically should be able to blast hedgehogs, the game is becoming self aware and rewriting its own code. We need to accept our new master and be grateful for his benevolence. Slim, thats also a good point about the terrain mesh. Seems like most small objects completely disappear when crater big enough appears under them.
  10. This is a redundant thread. Would a mod be so kind to close it?
  11. Lol no worries. As long as the home has decent internet, you should be alright
  12. Very true! But this thread is about hedgehogs, ie those large iron bars welded together at right angles.
  13. I am playing a large QB against another player. He placed a few hedgehogs in the middle of road between some buildings. Not realizing they were indestructible, I placed a blast command on one of the hedgehogs adjacent to a building and lo and behold, the hedgehog was destroyed. I know you can't place blast commands on hedgehog tiles per se, but are they meant to be destructible using my method? Thoughts?
  14. BF better have insurance for all the brain damage these dumb posts are causing. LOL
  15. Yay I just might have saved everyone that reads this thread two wasted turns
  16. It appears that if you try to mount a driver into a truck that isn't his, he'll just hop in the back like normal infantry. Drivers can only drive their own trucks.
  17. That's my assumption. Another test could be switching drivers to different trucks, and seeing if the original trucks still bite the dust. I'll try that now and report my results.
  18. What what .... what are you talking about? Not sure if I had a stroke while reading this.
  19. I just easily recreated it and have the save file uploaded to my dropbox. Let me know if you can't recreate, I'll share you the file.
  20. That's entirely possible, but IIRC, I closely watched a turn in which my truck had been destroyed. I drew the connection between the driver and the truck itself when the driver bought it, then 5 or 10 seconds later the truck became knocked out. To clarify, the trucks were actually knocked out with a red X and everything, but appeared to have taken no damage.
  21. +1 this The kickstarter idea could only work in BF's favor. More than a few guys in the community are willing and have the means to contribute. Not so sure about the last two paragraphs though. How would you ensure certain weapon systems had the right ballistics?
  22. I'll see if I can recreate it or I might still have a save file for you guys to look at. The only thing I did differently was allowing the truck drivers to man the halftrack mgs.
  23. @womble Really not looking for a flame war. I do enjoy CMBN quite a lot, and I wish nothing but the best for Steve and the rest of the company. I know they are a small team, and cannot do everything they want to as quickly as they would like. That's fine. When I said I "personally can't justify" myself paying more money, I meant just that. I can't afford it. If you want to spend more, do so. I'm not really objecting to BF's pricing model. I fairly simply stated that I can't really afford to keep giving BF money to keep playing the same game. I am mostly interested in H2H play, so if an upgrade package did come out that cost up to $60, I would have to buy it just to be able to play PBEM's. The 3.0 upgrade was only $10, but it was the same situation. Buy or be unable to play. I just don't like the feeling of being forced into something like that. The reasons that I only bought one HOI is the same as why I only bought one CM game- money, and the amount of time I'll actually be able to spend playing. I research, play demos, and then pick the one I think I'll enjoy the most. It's not a question of whether something has been good enough for me so far. It has been good so far. The thing is with CMBN, all the way from 1.0 to 3.12 (expansions aside) it IS just one game, but I'm sure someone will explain to me how an upgrade and a patch are different things. Sorry for not using quotes, didn't feel like using them. I don't have any magic solutions for BF to increase their revenue stream. I appreciate all they do, but I'm not going to pay $60 for an AI upgrade. Period.
  24. I voted 0 dollars for both, because as much as I enjoy CM, CMBN plus its expansions cost me nearly $150 already. I fully understand the reasoning for charging for the upgrades, but I personally can't justify spending any more money on a single game. If BFC were able to implement these features in the original release, would it have been twice as expensive? I don't think so.
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