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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Hey, Dennis, we need some with a Belgian or Luxembourg flavor! Muy rapido!
  2. Dig in and await the counterattack? Or haul a$$ back to Belfast?
  3. The panthers used in the Bulge that had the disk camo scheme were painted at the factory. I suppose because it was a complicated camo scheme with templates. I would imagine in the German military there would be a regimental, battalion and company instructions on SOP for the camo schemes to limit any crazy camo schemes. I say limit because I have those same series of softcover books and obviously some really odd camo schemes were applied, "...maybe a Picasso admirer..." the one photo caption read...!
  4. Hi WOKI, I think that a platoon of tanks would most times have a similar camo pattern with some slight variations in placement. I think it was not so often a wild variation in one setting within the same unit of the same model tank. Especially for a prepared offensive like Bulge, panthers were painted at the factory and in batches issued out to units. Maybe you can try to make a platoon (zug) of panthers in the ambush scheme with a variation in turrets using numbers 01, 02, 03 at the ends of the file names. The turrets would have same pattern but different tank numbers and maybe add some nicknames of "Elsa", Gertrude", etc. Maybe add unit insignia But for the hull and wheels, make a few variants but try to have them all the variants visually compatible with any of the turrets and the bmp file selection randomness will not end in a bad result. Just my suggestion.
  5. The players are brought along a conveyor in extreme comfort with murals depicting peaceful Mediterranean scenery. The rotating knives are located here, here and here. The last 30 feet are heavily soundproofed. Troughs and a series of pipes carry away the...
  6. Wow, that is very, very good job Woki. Maybe you can also do the same thing for some Ardennes shermans....whitewash and such? Please!
  7. OK, you're on the list. <Only name so far, lookin' good!>
  8. I am so sorry Taylor! The only reason I knew that song was because it was in that "Interview" movie...
  9. My first vehicle mod was "Daisy" a snow camo US half-track. I modtagged it [snow] and dumped it into my z folder. Forgot all about it for a year until I played a CMFI snow battle and there she was courtesy of the modtag silent sentinel system. 24/7 watching your z folder. I bet the Bulge game will ship with [snow] modtagged vehicle bmp files. The modtag silent sentinel system IS transparent. Scenario has mud? Bang! Muddy vehicles. Scenario is eastern europe? Bang! appropriate house architecture and signs in Polish. Many examples for the brand new player who knows nothing to very little about mods and such. Wow. Like I was years ago! But according to you, I needed the crutch of someone to tell me what mods to use. Maybe we stupid players can't be trusted with the mod tagging and it must come ONLY from BFC official scenario authors.... A brand new player to CMFI, 67 years old called me at home and I walked him through how to do this stuff over the phone in an hour. ENDE!
  10. I have a Hungarian mod in progress. Every bmp I think I should modify to look Hungarian I just tag with [Hungary]. I put them all in a folder in my z folder named Hungarian mods. Then I created a text file with the word hungary in it and named it hungary.txt Now I just make any scenario I wanted with my Hungarian mods and import that modtag file into each scenario in the editor. And if I ever release the mods, then others can have the text file and dump the mod folder into z and tag the scenarios as they wish. And if someone wants umlaut's factory mod in there, they just have to do a new modtag text file and go into the editor. And it is nice to do this quickly by text file import or delete to see if things work or look nice or do not and you delete the text file tag. Versus copying more mods into another subfolder. Total chaos? Vo? Please go and make another thread and you can tell your idea and not bog down this Bulge Concert Tickets sleep in line all night to get them in the morning party....zzzzzzzzzz
  11. If I am a fanboy then maybe Carl is a banboy? Somebody who got banned and is now back with a new profile and new axe. My 1st thought is a guy named I think Volksgrenadier... .
  12. Hi Carl, I am seeing your point but it is coming across as sub-optimized for you personally. Born from your understandable frustrations with finding mods and determining which ones to use. Which is real personal based on taste and maybe a mod management program would help you? I recommend Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler. Oh, and a repository upgrade might sure help in mod search frustrations. I only use GaJ site. I also think the majority of scenario authors never produce special mods to go with their scenarios. I have often done a special mod to go with a scenario. If my procedure is lacking then that is on me and not the modtag system. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. The game ships with no mods in the z folder but the modtag system is in use beyond the z folder tagging and your subfolder system proposal would not seem to solve things such as snow or mud or location and some specific units or types of units. Scenario writing is hard enough as well as campaign writing and more work to go and scrape up the proper versions for the scenario rather than the modtag automatic system doing it. I am glad we have the modtag system. It does what I want just by the scenario author importing a modtag text file. I can even edit that scenario and add to the modtags text line to call up my own special mods. No special subfolder. And for those folks who enjoy a QB... mod tags allow the proper stuff to be there without a special subfolder. I just remembered someone already tried your system with a huge mod pack download subfolder to allow his scenario/campaign to have its own special music, special tanks, etc. dragonwyn maybe? "In the fields where the poppies lie"... Maybe run a poll and see what number of folks would go with that approach versus what we have now. This should be a separate thread if it is indeed a passionate issue with you. Take care!
  13. Carl, It says you just joined on 29May and you have 14 posts. Can you please hang out a bit and then maybe post a separate thread to raise your new idea? anyway Have you made any mods and put tags on them and placed them in your z folder? Maybe a cool tank with "Carl" on the side that took you months to finish and of course it is tagged [Carl] at the end of the file name. Now you upload that beauty of a mod to the Gaj site. ...and then tell everybody to download simply tag their scenarios with the text file Carl.txt and then they see your tank! Or would you want them to copy 100 hundred copies of the mod all clogging the hard drive? if your tank mod is super awesome then it gets saved without a [Carl] ending and then it is the player's choice to load it to z to ALWAYS see it if it is indeed a worthy everyday use mod as the default PzKpfXXX UberMaus. And what if you want a cool scenario I have? It can be a small file to e-mail, maybe 100kB or maybe with a bunch of francy briefing maps it grows to 1-10MB? Then with your system, you'd also send a giant subfolder along? Oh boy. No good. Do you see it from our POV yet?
  14. Who is interested in being the CO for each of the sides? Step forward and identify yourself.....Name, rank and zodiac sign!
  15. It is not exactly an addition/module/add-on to CMBN, it is a whole new separate stand-alone independent game.
  16. I think for the Woki posts for Kingtiger 222, you could rename that vehicle's bmp files with [222] at the end and then tag the scenario with 222.txt and you are a nephew of Robert! aka Bob's your uncle.
  17. Hi NIgel, Great to see you again. I remember you from over at FGM website. You did those Dubonet ads on the building walls also, correct?... you also did those contorted mouth open "action faces"... To get your images live on screen in your posts here: log into your flickr account, left click on your desired image and then it should show several options for copying the info to make a forum post. I have photobucket and it has 4 options and I simply click the one called "IMG" and it then flashes "copied" and then go to my forum post and ctrl-v and it dumps in that image. You should make an account at GaJ's site and upload your stuff. Let me know if you need help with that, though it is quite easy. Especially compared to the BFC "suppository"....!
  18. Fizou: I took a mouseketeer roll call back a turn or 2 ago and it is of course subject to final calculations/processing but FJ Schule Kompanie started at around 98 and now are at around 78. Fliegerhorst numbers are 122 and 102. +/-.
  19. Status on all of the CMPzC operations: CMPzC "The Road to Eindhoven": (CMBN) Turn 2B is almost to a close as the Irish Guards assault into the southern suburbs of Valkenswaard has about 12:00 left on the clock. They may end the battle with a small toe-hold and await further reinforcements. It has been bloody and losses on the allied side have been significant among the infantry. http://community.battlefront.com/to...e-road-to-eindhoven-cmpzc/page-5#entry1613420 http://community.battlefront.com/to...e-road-to-eindhoven-cmpzc/page-6#entry1612842 CMPzC "Bloody Ortona": (CMFI GL) Turn 2A is almost to a close and it looks like the Canadians have successfully gained a bridgehead over the Moro! As to be expected a vicious German counterattack is most likely soon underway. http://community.battlefront.com/to...oody-christmas-ortona-43/page-14#entry1613046 Note: Bloody Ortona is umpire team vs allies so we don't have a thread to watch the axis side of things. Sorry. CMPzC "Nyakleves": (CMRT) Maps are being made by several talented folks and we have the OOB's and backstory ready to roll. Roster looks full and we will kick off on 1 July. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118796-cmpzc-operation-nyak-leves-budapest-45/ CMPzC "The Bloody Bucket" (CMFI GL): I am just an impatient kid and cannot wait for the new Bulge title. We will put together a small operation around Hosingen, Luxembourg. Still looking for players... http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119774-cmpzc-operation-the-bloody-bucket-bulge-44/ I sincerely appreciate everyone's support and encouragement and participation. It is not a perfect system and we will hit stumbles and bumps along the way.
  20. Idea for BFC consideration: Maybe time for a repeat customer discount program . It says a big thanks for helping us keep the lights on and the game mill turning. X% for every game of BFC's you have previously purchased and maxes out at Y%.
  21. @ironsturm Thanks for that link! I would love to buy that DVD just to see the uniforms....
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