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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I can invite her for a head to head hot seat probe mission....?
  2. I never used the word tournament. I don't even like tournaments. The suggestion to Dennis is to go beyond the feedback loop and get what I see he is seeking, to know your creations are being used by being the person managing the Operation. For his broadbased CM creativity and involvement, I see it would be right up his alley. It would bring him a great feeling of satisfaction. My opinion of course but based on my own experiences.
  3. I will try and take some screenshots later and mock up what it could look like. Maybe my description above was too long winded.
  4. I hope we see the hooded reversible type garments...
  5. These are my crappy discount horizons where I just took CMBN Normandy horizons and colored in some white for snow. I sure hope we don't get the disocunt approach for CM Bulge. We should see some new horizons for Ardennes and for earlier like around Aachen and such.
  6. I hope they get us some skeleton files to get this in 3D.
  7. roadsigns. I hope they don't do the random roadsign system...
  8. Here was another snow camo project I never finished. The idea was from a photo in a book.
  9. here is my first and only attempt at ambush scheme using photoshop "rubberstamp" technique. And a cross-hatched brush stroke experiment with the kubelwagen.
  10. and here is a picture of Kate Upton (no there isn't)
  11. A better shot of Mark's Bloody Bucket helmets.
  12. I know there was another guy who did some snow vehicles but I can't remember his username, started with a T. He did some recoloring type mods. I tried a recolor of a kubelwagen but maybe my version of photoshop is too old.
  13. Hi Dennis, I think you should give a try to running something like a CMPzC Operation. You get to do many of the same creative expressions as in scenario writing, mod making, map making, etc. You get to NOT have to do any AI plans! You get to see the maps used. In the wake of the Operation you can release any maps or mods or even a scenario if you added AI plans. You could utilize the great stuff you've already made and interweave a story (I know this is up your alley!) and then take a list of who will play the 2 sides. Not a solution to your thread's issue but maybe getting you in a better more enjoyable place for the hobby. Which maybe is the future of user made scenarios?
  14. ...and you gotta know when I talk about the real pro's and umlaut in the same sentence it is kind of a joke, because if he is an amateur pro, then the real pro's, ok, the "real pro's" better knock our socks off!
  15. The effort to turn CMFI into a Bulge placeholder could not have been done without mjkerner. Thanks Mark! Mark also tried some funky white coats and white gloves. For formal occasions I guess! The below is Mark's Bloody Bucket helmet mod on Los's map/scenario "The Stand at Noertrange".
  16. Maybe somebody already thought of this? Or whatever. Anyway, I was on the treadmill and was thinking of the AI triggers and how FIRST you create an objective with your green squares and then you do the drop down for objective type, one of those types now fairly recently being your various AI triggers. And then and only then does the game internally tell your AI orders sections that you have those to work with. OK, so that whole general idea keep in your mind but now we go into the purchase screen where you eventually have your unit purchased and can change experience and motivation and at the very bottom you have "appearance". "appearance" now is a dropdown menu that I guess is waiting for its big day to shine. It is only being lightly used with greatcoat, shorts (shorts! hilarious! those ugly white legs, who was the model for that? ) and a few others. How about you have a "user mod" selection on that dropdown and then this initiates the naming field to appear and accept, like in the naming of the AI triggers objectives, some alphanumeric, let me say 28ID for example? This then creates an internal look for that unit/platoon/team to be decked out with the mod in the z folder with the associated [28ID] tag. Errors could be returned as "incompatible mod" or "mod not found" or screen results show the usual "The Thing" type freak and player must go back and fix it. What this would get me is more granularity in the scenarios and it seems aligned with the mechanism already in place. I am speaking of uniforms on soldiers but I think it would be well appreciated to do this with vehicles as well, We could then have specific vehicles in a platoon pointed toward the specific modtagged files and see a platoon of 5 tanks each with a different hull number and nickname, kill rings, etc. I sincerely appreciate your consideration. And of course the devil is in the details...etc etc
  17. ...and soon lots more to show from other folks. Gotta hit the gym and fight my own battle of the bulge.
  18. Screenshots? Yes sir... These are NOT alphas or anything from what is coming but I am sure you see the point that this type STUFF is probably now being worked on... Winter garments, gloves and such. Can't wait to see what they do for a hood or parka type effect. <pardon the CMFI boots..> This is US Airborne in a greatcoat a la Bastogne....we had to rename mdr's to get this... umlaut's Frosty the Tiger and that was just the tip of his winter wonderland line of mods he did for the Wacht Am Rapido campaign I farted out a while back. Can't wait to see what the real pro's create. and maybe some Belgian buildings once umlaut knows if they change up the building bmp files... My humble first vehicle mod ever and a sign mod. "Daisy" is tagged for [snow] so she only shows when it is snow on the ground, (except patchy snow!). and old Sloppy Joe.. Not the best rendition of Aris's Ardennes horizons but he deserves a case of vino tinto for the great stuff he has made. I can't wait to see the horizons that the pro's deliver. [ and some ambush scheme stuff? (WOKI's handiwork after 30 minutes of photoshop training. )
  19. Request. Please don't do that random roadsign subroutine. Please go back to sign 001 is added to the map as "Stoumont" (for example) then that is what you will see for every loading. Merci!
  20. You can learn a lot by playing with yourself too. Hot seat.
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