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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. You have an assignment in Hungary soon I think. Nyakleves!
  2. ...in tonight's dream we have to bug out when Sergeant Upton screams "It's a Tiger!" <<I look and it is a PzKpfW III... >>... Later on in the hayloft of a Belgian barn I have to keep her warm and prevent frostbite. Skin to skin contact it says in the field manual... Anything for you Sarge!
  3. I have narrowed down the exact PzC hexes for my map. It will be centered around the town of Hosingen, Luxembourg. Screenshots later tonight....
  4. This topic was for 2 against AI. Though not vs AI...this topic interests me as I am now having fun in a 2 axis players vs 2 allied players big PBEM although it is over at CMFI. I am "allied player 1" and we are the "watch and then enter orders" side in this battle. I arranged with my "allied player 2" partner that I would enter all my unit orders first and then save the file. The opponent turn shows up and we both can watch what happened but he then must quit and wait on me. So, I watch the action from before and then when it says done, I can enter all my orders and remember not to touch the big red button!!!! Only save the file. When you hit menu-save file it indexes up the numeric file name so I add in the word "save" at the end of that new filename. Normally you see this... Battle Yadayada 001 Battle Yadayada 002 Battle Yadayada 003 on and on When you hit save it does index the filenumber up again but add in save Battle Yadayada 004 save We have a main dropbox for the battle files and another folder in there for the saves. Allied Player 2 sees the file there and loads it. He does his orders and hits the red button and the game tries to index the file name by adding 001 but he backspaces that away and the word "save" I added until it finally is where it is supposed to be. Then he hits ok and it goes on to axis player. Battle Yadayada 004 save 001 backspace til just what is normally there and hit ok Battle Yadayada 004 Note: We goofed a few times before we had it all ironed out. File name number got out of synch, etc. The axis are the "enter orders and then watch" side. I will ask how they exactly do it...standby.
  5. mjkerner and now also snake_eye on the Axis team is no problem. Merci Greg! burroughs on the allied team.
  6. Thanks for picking up my slack! (To show some screenshots for my sector...)
  7. Ciao Marco! Come stai? Va Bene? Ok, you are on the list. We will get things organized and maybe a little delay to get started. We ordered so many Soviet uniforms that the costume shop has us on backorder! I have asked for a 1 July start with distribution of the Battle Booklets and org charts and map hex key. We shall see what Stavka and OKH have to say about that.
  8. A 45 minute battle could take months depending on how busy the players are in their real life. Goals are set for completion by a certain date with some "in game reward" to those who finish early! For the example below, the battles in another Bulge related Campaign all kicked off about 15 May and the organizer requested we be completed by mid-July, so the curve shows the time remaining in the battle (clock in lower right of game screen) for a few snapshots on the calendar. When a specific battle gets behind, then everyone else must wait, so we have some emergency measures to solve that. Another player might be sent in to take over the battle, etc.
  9. Moro Valley The attack was launched on December 6th. The slopes were steep; heavy winter rains had swollen the river and turned the ground into thick mud that bogged down armoured vehicles. The enemy was well entrenched and each inch of ground had to be gained the hard way. Counter-attacks followed and the Canadians were forced to retreat. It took two days, December 8th and 9th, to capture San Leonardo. In spite of numerous obstacles, the Seaforth Highlanders, riding on the tanks of the Calgary Regiment, were able to get close to the village. On the narrow road, two tanks plunged down ten metres into the ravine after missing a sharp turn. Violent artillery and mortar fire hit the armoured column and the infantry as they were approaching the Moro River. On the other side, the lead tank struck a mine as it was climbing towards San Leonardo and was stalled, blocking the road and forcing the other vehicles to find their way through the olive groves. Only five tanks were left when the Canadians entered San Leonardo. The Seaforth Highlanders engaged the enemy and silenced their machine gun positions, killing or capturing many German soldiers. Twelve enemy tanks drove into town from the east but in spite of the difference in strength, the Calgarys held fast and destroyed or drove back the German tanks. On December 9th at 1740, the Canadians were solidly positioned in San Leonardo.
  10. PBEM = play be e-mail. A head to head battle where you (I and many others use dropbox and CM Helper) send the game files back and forth to fight the battle
  11. For folks that see this "recruiting ad" and do NOT feel interest to participate, could you kindly PM me on what aspect does not appeal to you? I am astonished and bewildered there are not more folks wanting to get into an operation and play some PBEMs. Add to that how so many people say they want a special game made to augment their CM with an operational layer. Please provide some feedback when you have time. Thanks.
  12. Say a certain uniform has 5 files with the same name just the different numbers at the end. Note that the first one actual has no number, then the 2nd one says 2 at the end of the file name and on and on... Every single file has to be your same uniform image and just renamed and then the game should have no choice but to show ONLY that same image of the exact uniform that you want. If you screw up and type a name wrong then the game gets a chance to recall the original from the stock brz folder. Same with helmets. Same with faces.
  13. 6 June! Keep the sand out of your rifles and I will see you on the beaches.
  14. Not sure exactly what you mean. But assume you mean the colors are slightly altered for 2 or more different versions of a uniform and the modder has 01 02 or 03 at the end of the file name. Variety is the spice of life! Was every soldier's uniform faded exactly the same? Was every soldier's uniform from the same dye lot at the same textile mill? Edit: If you want to have another phone chat, give me a ring this weekend to go over any questions you have. I will help you to the best of my ability sir!
  15. Well, I am seeing the light and I think the idea that people can fly for such a small gathering is obviously stark raving mad! http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119788-globalcombatmissionday/#entry1611636 But perhaps in small local cells we can meet and so I have declared October to be our timeframe for a #GlobalCombatMissionDay and I have set up a group on meetup dot com International Combat Mission Meetup Join it and let us form those meetups all over the world to gather together handfuls of CM players. It can be great and hardly cost much money.
  16. OK, here is the basic summary of feedback for my Combat Mission Convention idea. TFCC = too far can't come So, I will still aim to gather in October with my key PBEM buddies and any other interested CM fans in my "armor target arc" radius of say 100km? So, maybe all over the world we can declare that weekend in October as #GlobalCombatMissionDay ? Draw a 100km circular target arc around your hometown and find a bar to gather up in. One with a big screen TV and MAYBE we will get a special event from BFC? If not, drink a toast and meet your opponents. I am working on creating a meetup group online so possibly it could be at your disposal to assist in locating CM folks near you versus using the BFC forums. I am learning exactly how it works so give me a bit. OK, the website is www dot meetup dot com and seems to have a good international ability. I checked London, UK and Berlin, Germany at least! My group (Our group I hope you can say sometime soon!) is International Combat Mission Meetup and search that and take a look. Then as key people out there contact me for each location of a CM cell, we can establish a meetup for your specific area for the #GlobalCombatMissionDay and folks will RSVP and you get to drink BEER togther maybe and shake hands and play a hot seat game etc etc .
  17. @PhilM Things on these last few pages headed towards a tone and temperature I feel better off in a private message chat area. My brain and heart always look to see the inevitable role I played in anything that goes onto the rocks. Just ask my ex-wife! I should have invited you to such a private area. My fault not to have done that as umpire. Please stay onboard or at least agree to return eventually. I appreciate that you participated.
  18. The golden rule is that nothing here is perfect. I even slipped it into part 1 of the PBEM foot soldiers guide. CMPzC Battle Booklet (The PBEM Foot Soldier’s Guide) CMPzC is an operational combination of Battlefront’s Combat Mission (CM) and John Tiller’s Panzer Campaigns (PzC). Here is a link to download the Panzer Campaigns demo if you are curious and want to see what it is like. http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Demos.php 1. In CMPzC you get to fight some CM H2H battles as part of a greater context. Your victory or defeat down at the platoon or company level will impact the greater overall mission up at the brigade or division level. Additionally, your unit’s casualties in one battle can leave you in a tough spot for later battles. The operation is created by the Game Manager from a PzC game scenario. Nothing is ever perfect and compromises must be accepted in certain areas to allow the Operation to press forward. Thanks for joining us and we hope you enjoy it. Now for objectives, this is the current guidance and I might add some sentences to prevent any misunderstandings in the future. 7. Battle Objectives: Hit Alt-J to see what objectives are designated. Ask your CO for any clarification on your goals for the battle beyond normal SOP of protecting your own forces and destroying the enemy.
  19. @PhilM Come on Phil! The casualties did not stop coming in apparently. Artillery continued to fall. Why didn't you ask where the engineers were to Chappy? Why didn't you ask earlier about the giant greenish section all along the opposite bank of the river and up the far side in a river crossing mission? Maybe this is exactly why there are not many of these operations out there. I do not enjoy or want to run my operation like a courtroom.
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