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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Maybe do this. Keep the wire for most of your beach length but use a crater or 2 and leave no wire there at the craters? Like the bombardment took it out or a bangalore torpedo from a previous attack...whatever sounds plausible.
  2. Just nudging you a bit.... When can we expect "scenario author instructions" for how to register, set a password and upload the scenarios with a nice image and some brief description? Thanks!
  3. Glenn, Maybe do this...edit your CM forum profile and add your website hyperlink to your signature. Hot delicious scenarios available here! or something fun...
  4. All scenario downloads come with a coupon for 1 free ride in Canuck21's Beaver floatplane over the majestic tundra of Southern Ontario...parachute costs extra. Hey Glenn, does your own site let you track how many downloads you've had? Best wishes on your scenarios. :-)
  5. We discussed the project but it didn't quite work out...
  6. Sorry to be negative but we need specific voices for CM. Not just a collection of some other war games expressions. Sure, they might be better than nothing. But somebody needs to go through them and match them up. So, we still need a native speaker.
  7. @RockinHarry I don't think I need to mess with any meta data. I am just EXPERIMENTING for introducing some new and hopefully interesting/exciting flavor objects into the game. Also, I hope to finally modify a building mdr file and get the small domed mosque into CMFI Afrika Mod. Eye candy to be honest. Like good looking girls in bikinis hanging around down at the beach. I do also dream to modify a bunker to look totally different..kind of aiming for a sandbagged and concrete look. The apertures can be whatever were coded before. I will not plan to change them. I also dream eventually to TRY to modify a few vehicles. I am hoping to have as much of a game-code apples to apples change. In other words, just some cosmetic changes to a vehicle of a certain type. Not a Schwimmwagen with 5 inch armor. Maybe a T-34 Model 1941 in place of the T-34 Model 1942. All the wheels turn. The hatch opens. The gun fires the same rounds at the same rate. But it looks a little different. If anyone wants to collaborate on Blender projects, please PM me.
  8. It is a lot of work to make a mod. Days and days of work. But I understand it is asking a lot to have someone do a bunch of voice files. I had 1 volunteer for CMRT Spanish Blue Division and he has started. Another guy agreed when I asked him but once he knew the time investment, he backed out. We'll see how it evolves! My ultimate back up is to record them all myself but in English with a Hollywood foreign accent. "Generic Foreign Accented English" will have to do if push comes to shove.
  9. If I can't get voice actors for the language needed for the mod, then the mods will just not happen. CMBB TO CMX2 VOICE FILE CHART (Kohlenklau 5/11/2021) CMBB file number to CMX2 Folder Name 90000 heavy target general 92200 rally 90100 heavy target big gun 92300 spot general 90200 heavy target infantry 92400 spot infantry 90300 heavy target tank 92500 spot big gun 90400 heavy target vehicle 92600 spot tank 90500 heavy target general 92700 spot vehicle 90600 heavy target big gun 92800 aircraft? 90700 light target infantry 92900 capture 90800 light target tank 93000 surrender 90900 light target vehicle 93100 panic? 91000 hit damaged vehicle 93200 no longer used (unjammed) 91100 hit burning vehicle 93300 chatter 91200 hit little effect 93400 minefield 91300 reload 93500 no longer used (jam) 91400 cease fire 93600 embark 91500 panic? 93700 disembark 91600 incoming grenade 93800 move contact 91700 incoming artillery 93900 move fast 91800 casualty 94000 move assault 91900 casualty 94100 move normal 92000 taking fire 94200 taking fire 92100 panic and withdraw 94300 move quick
  10. BLENDER TEST IDIOT'S LOG: (5/10/2021) As a benchmark I randomly selected to import and take a look at the lovely Schwimmwagen MDR in Blender and it has 5,297 vertices, 10.356 edges and 5,450 triangles(faces). My DFS230 glider only has V 1,181, E 3,471 and T(F) 2,314. But it seems the best strategy is to break the object into sub-components. This seems to allow the texturing to be better controlled. The Schwimmwagen had many sub-components... 1 big recurring lesson is that it can look all awesome in Blender but then in CM it gets distorted. Using sub-components in Blender (parent-child) and multiple uv unwrappings to the textures (bmp files) is the key apparently. @JM Stuff Try to study in Blender how to take that hat and divide it into groups. The badge is a group. The hat itself, divide at a natural seam, where the material would have an edge from the sewing process. Make one half of the hat a group and the other half another group. One group is the parent and the others are children of that parent. You can still use ONE bmp texture. In Blender you try to point each group to its own part of the texture bmp. GIve it a try! Good luck JM. See in the Schwimmwagen bmp, the many sub-components share the same texture bmp. Each uv unwrapping is handled separate so as to avoid the distortion.
  11. @Falaise The photo you sent will guide me to make the "telephone pole with signs"...just to the "gauche" of the man in the photo. I know some French!
  12. @Falaise You should try to make it! I know you could do it if you learn just some simple basics on Blender.
  13. BLENDER TEST IDIOT'S LOG: (5/7/2021) I always wanted to make this. I think the movie was an Italian war movie "El Alamein: Linea del Fuoco" and there was a fuel drum used with a sign . Import both mdr's. Also bring in their texture bmp's. Adjust as necessary. Then do parent-child. select hierarchy and export as an mdr with a new name. It still refers to and uses the original textures from before.
  14. I always wanted to make stuff to put in the game. I know enough about blender to now start to make all my weird ideas come to life. This is something like I saw in a movie. For North Afrika, a fuel drum filled with sand and they shove a sign in it...
  15. @Canuck21 Hey Glenn, This thread has all the usual experts describing how modtags work! If you still have any questions, give a shout.
  16. CHECKLIST GUIDE FOR SCENARIO/MOD PLAYTESTERS: Please answer for each, NC=no comment, OK=seems ok, NG=no good, needs work, provide reason! scenario title scenario description scenario cover image briefing description of the mission/objectives STRATMAP/OPMAP/TACMAP (if and as applicable) forces map errors (ugly or goofy stuff) points ok? enemy AI seem ok? mods look ok? fun battle? other comments:
  17. It has a lot of art work left to do...but it appears on the map! Acts like a flavor object...
  18. The glider was from an "stl file" which is used for 3D printing <for tabletop wargamers in this case...>
  19. I want to introduce the Ju-52 but it is a lot of work. maybe too much work for the results I can obtain. We'll see after I do the glider...
  20. Ben, What is "summoned for display" when I use the [city] and [rubble] modtags? It seems that the horizons are the destroyed buildings of a city so that is one of the things...and the short rubbled walls? Anything else?
  21. Hahaha, yeah. I asked my Coach to tell me the easiest way to scale it to the CM world...standby. I have the bmp art ready to go and we shall see in a few days how it looks in game... ..and I will rotate it about the x-axis to have a wingtip touch the ground. If I take a couple modder's viagra pills, I will probably TRY to swing open the cockpit glass!
  22. @37mm Oddly, in my CMFI folder the Germans DO have artillery voice files. 9 different voice types for artillery related jibber-jabber. Thanks for that tip. I will create one dummy test wav file for the Italians and see if it is played in the game.
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