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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. You create a layer mask and THE LAYER MASK is where you dump the 0,0,0 black.
  2. Having fun learning about some of these units... Fiat Dovunque is just a big truck. Something like it or close enough is in CMFI I think. Lancia 3RO is another big truck. We'll just use whatever truck the Eye-ties already have. <<politically incorrect vernacular allowed for historical purposes!>> SdKfz 4 Stoewer is a 4WD vehicle I think Fiat 508 B/C is a sedan. Fiat-SPA 626N is another truck... Krupp Kfz 69 is the Protze! Hooray TP Breda 32 was an artillery tractor TL Fiat 37 was also an artillery tractor
  3. Doing some googling on these abbreviations! ACV-IP is Armored carrier wheeled-Indian pattern. Fordson is just a truck. Fordson WOT. War Office Truck... FAT Quad was a prime mover for the 25pdr FG Cruiser IVA was a tank with a 40mm gun (2pdr), armor was 6-30mm and it did 30mph. 2pdr portee was a truck with the 2pdr gun
  4. Not sure if this is part of the issue... I just remembered, GiMP has some stupid issue with not being able to export BMP files with the proper bits. My SOP is to do my art work in GiMP and then export as a bmp file. THEN I open that bmp file in free Paint.NET and immediately save again and it always works. Ridiculous but it is what it is.
  5. @Blazing 88's and I are working on a scenario translation from SPWAW to CMFI. The April 1941 battle of El Mechilli. A scenario called "Gardner's Horse"...Some of these are no brainers. An HQ is an HQ of some level. Some are available in CMFI. Univ Carrier for example. But I thought I would get the juices flowing and list the Allied OOB for the SPWAW scenario here. I have done the same for the AXIS OOB in another thread. I appreciate any advice from folks who have done a conversion/translation. I will edit and update this post or post again with revised chart as this project progresses... ALLIED OOB Unit SPWAW CMFI 1 HQ HQ 2 Staff 2IC/Support team? 3 ACV-IP AT 4 IN Rifle Section 5 IN Lt Mortar Tm 6 Bedford 15cwt 7 Wpn Sqd 8 IN Med Mortar 9 IN MMG Sqd 10 AVC-IP Carrier 11 Sikh Rifle Section 12 2pdr AT Gun 13 Univ Carrier 14 2pdr Portee 15 Radio Truck 16 Cruiser IVA 17 25pdr FG 18 40mm AA Gun 19 FAT Quad 20 Fordson 21 Bedford 3 ton
  6. @Blazing 88's and I are working on a scenario translation from SPWAW to CMFI. The April 1941 battle of El Mechilli. A scenario called "Gardner's Horse"...Some of these are no brainers. An HQ is an HQ of some level. Some are available in CMFI. Opel Blitz for example. But I thought I would get the juices flowing and list the Axis OOB for the SPWAW scenario here. I will do the same for the ALLIED OOB in another thread. I appreciate any advice from folks who have done a conversion/translation. I will edit and update this post or post again with revised chart as this project progresses... Unit SPWAW CMFI? 1 HQ 2 Staff 3 SdKfz 221 4 PzKpfw II F 5 SdKfz 10/4 6 37mm AT Gun 7 GE MMG Sqd 8 Krupp Kfz 69 9 Mercedes-Benz 10 GE Rifle Squad 11 Opel Blitz 12 PzKpfw IV D 13 SdKfz 222 14 Gebirgsjagers 15 PzKpfw III G 16 SdKfz 251/2 17 Bersaglieri 18 Bersaglieri Recce 19 IT Guastatori 20 Fiat Dovunque 21 IT Mtrcyclists 22 IT Mtrcyclists MMG 23 Fiat-Spa 626N 24 20mm SPAA 25 75mm FH 26 TP Breda 32 27 TL Fiat 37 28 Fiat-Spa Ammo 29 Fiat 508 B/C 30 IT Mortar Sqd 31 Fiat-Spa AS37 32 8th Bers Recon 33 IT Engineer Sqd 34 IT Line Inf (Sqd?) 35 IT MMG Sqd 36 20mm AT Gun 37 Lancia 3RO 38 47mm (f) AT Gun 39 37mm/35 SPAA 40 2nd MG Gruppe 41 2nd MG Recce 42 SdKfz 4 Stoewer 43 GE MMG Sqd 44 SdKfz 250/1 HT 45 SdKfz 232 FO 46 SdKfz 231 6 Rad
  7. Yeah, I busted open a few and I agree. Lots of good scenarios for OTHER areas. I did not YET find the NA trove I guess.
  8. Let me first say...I am NOT an expert, just an amateur struggling along maybe not far from your level of proficiency! I am at work and don't have my notes but I think the thing to check is the RGB settings of the "BLACK" you are bucket filling into your areas to make transparent. It can look black but that is not good enough, it must be 0,0,0 I think. I can post later from home to clarify.
  9. Great! Did you rename the CMFI file and it plays with the game or just as separate background music from your PC?
  10. It is good to have a giant supply of scenarios to look at... But to finally get moving towards making the map and the units and the AI in CM is work. Fun and easy is just to look at these ASL and ATS scenarios. That is why a "scenario factory" with multiple people can be a good thing. I have tried several times to gather a group and have had limited results. Now, @Blazing 88's and I are getting some momentum going toward "translating" some scenarios as a team. To eliminate 1 big hassle is to decide to neglect the AI plans and design it for H2H use only. That drops a ton of work.
  11. GYMKRF. I think it is a German military term...I think pronounced "Geime-Kraffe". In my Hogan Heroes Hollywood German it would be used in a sentence as "Der kompanie fuhrer ist ein Geime-Kraffe offizier und alles ist mach schnelle tot"
  12. @RMM I use GiMP a lot and have never had that happen. No offense, but I would say that if you are an inexperienced GiMP user, it most likely was something YOU did accidentally and not GiMP behaving oddly. There are keystroke short cuts and settings and lots of ways to step on a landmine as an inexperienced user. I salute you for trying. Perhaps try again.
  13. That is awesome. Thanks. But I gave it a quick look and did not see any NORTH AFRIKA scenarios! Do you?
  14. I think you see it clearly. Maybe you have snatched the pebbles from the master's hand, grasshopper? AFAIK, the dropdown menu's for your home-made scenario size and type of battle settings serve MOSTLY for internal purposes with the game engine code for QB assignments for points/objectives/etc. Of course, it also is used in the battle selection screen to help the human pick a battle...you can sort alphabetically A-Z or Z-A or by size Tiny-->Huge or Huge-->Tiny So, not much more to elaborate on it.
  15. I am making a HUGE ARSE map for desert warfare. It is set at the maximum of 3488 meters in width by 5126 meters in depth. It loads for 3D preview on my machine in about 20-25 seconds. My desert map "iconic things" checklist...anything to add? wadi's undulations in the sand light scrub/brush escarpments some goat herders shack with a stone walled area for securing his girlfriends, I mean goats, the supply road with mile markers the roadsign in the fuel drum! a small domed mosque (working on it) some brewed up wrecks tank track marks left in the dirt short telephone poles palm trees around an oasis/well dead camel? barbed wire fortification with metal stakes and no wood
  16. I played the rough, unfinished scenario you emailed. The map had a decent desert feel to it +/- for the 1940-1942 North Afrika genre but the idea of the scenario was not my cup of tea. With that said, I do remember it was part of your scenario making experiments with the AI back a few weeks ago or so. As feedback to you and as part of a good discussion here, the tanks you selected (PzIV's and Shermans) COULD fit perfectly for an early 1943 battle in the Tunisian Bridgehead versus your references to Tobruk. And you did state that you had no idea or less knowledge if they were proper for earlier timelines. Glenn, you kicked at an ant hill getting those ASL scenario files! Similarly, @Blazing 88's has been "scenario harvesting" or "scenario mining" in his Steel Panthers WaW game and copies of old war gaming digest. He and I "translated" a SPWaW scenario called "Jock Column" to CMFI and we played it H2H. We gathered a bunch of lessons learned from that on dialing down unit size and arrival of reinforcements. We are now eyeballing to "translate" another SPWaW scenario for the 1941 battle of El Mechilli, a scenario called "Gardner's Horse"... Going back to your scenario...I think that once you get into scenario writing it is very enjoyable to then see what you can make happen in a scenario. My thoughts are to take your basic idea but eliminate the "round the bend, bump into each other" and make it more of a chance meeting engagement with proper scouts in the lead for both sides, the 2 forces on opposite sides of the map, the map bigger!, then the human has to find his hull down positions before all his tanks are "brewed up" <<you just GOTTA use the North African battle vernacular!>>. The AI plan would attempt to have the AI side do the same. Have a good one! Phil
  17. Not you Tim. ..and to be fair going forward, I will send along guidance for the feedback I want/need.
  18. some color photos of North African battlefields https://www.lensculture.com/articles/matthew-arnold-topography-is-fate-north-african-battlefields-of-world-war-ii
  19. I had some inspirational thoughts and wished to capture them here in this thread... I need and therefore I am going to create a chart to match up certain aspects of vehicles to do mdr renames. The mdr rename is the displayed exterior LAYED OVER the game engine intended interior. I can plot armor thickness and gun caliber and crew size and try to see intersections or parallels at least. I hope to do a mod to have a small CMFI scenario where the French fight the Italians in a tank battle. What if i had the exteriors? I then look for the BEST interior to ride it on. The charts could help guide me to select the best interior. PLEASE POST HERE IF YOU HAVE A DOG IN THIS FIGHT
  20. I have 3 maps done already! But I want to playtest them first. Honestly, many folks who step up to playtest, well, they provide no feedback.
  21. Please PM if you can join me in "translating" current CMFI QB maps to a North Afrika flavour....! I am developing a folder of non-modtagged mods you plug into your z during this process. You open a QB map and change stuff according to a certain process. The PROCESS: Tweaking elevations. Going to only certain tree and bush types. Only certain buildings. Adding certain stuff. Removing certain flavor objects. DOUBLE CHECK THE AI plans to make sure they make sense. Save after rename under a new QB map filename and description. These translated maps go into your CMFI QB folder. Fire up the QB game portal and use THESE maps to have a QB against the AI or your PBEM buddy. The PBEM buddy would have to have the same mod folder to see what you see...
  22. Yes, give them some French tanks too from CMBN. MDR RENAME: French tank outside over British scout car interior...?
  23. I don't know about you Glenn.... first all that talk of reserves getting loaded...now the AI is smoking? Smoking what, soldier?
  24. and when the reserves show up loaded, I can slur my words and say "I beated you to it lads! Ima alrea-dy 3 shets to the wind..."
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