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Everything posted by Seedorf81

  1. Hello Thore, You're most certainly not the only one who is waiting for a serious announcement in regard to the Marget garden release date. Some of us are wondering whether it's Battlefronts intention, through this eery silence, to give us the same feeling that the men of John Frost's 2nd parachute batallion must have had while waiting for the arrival of XXXcorps. It works in my case, because hopefull longing and bitter resentment, disappointment and an uncanny believe in an oh so longed for sudden arrival, are part of my continuously changing emotions. Sorry, still no news...
  2. As a "junior member" (still in doubt whether to see that as an insult, for I'm fifty years of age. "Old", "senior", "wise", "antiquated", "granddad-like" or "senile" might cover my membershiptitle, but surely not "junior".) I sometimes looked a little horrified at what seemed to be ferocious fanatisicm on the forumdebates. Boy, did those participants stick to their, usually very well argumented, opinions. Weren't they a little too hardheaded at times? Well, I now must plead guilty to becoming a stubborn little f#*k myself. Because I continue to believe that tanks were shoving other tanks, trucks and so on right out of their paths on Hells Highway. Whether they were under fire or not. One of the reasons, besides the obvious need for speed to get to Arnhem, was that it sometimes was their only option. When you're second in a tankcolumn that's exposed on a road off wich the sides are too soggy to move on, and the leadtank blows up, you know that you can't reverse because of the other tanks behind you. Even if there was enough room behind them, it would take too much time for them to reverse in an orderly fashion. So in order to be able to engage the enemy you go forward and push the burnin' bugger in front of you out of your way. The tankcorpsofficers were brought up with the tradition of horsecavalry (Georgie Patton!), where one had only one goal: going forward and engage. Besides, the alternative is staying put, waiting to get blown up yourself. I agree that this wasn't common practise, but the circumstances on this peticular stretch of Dutch highway made it a necessity. And I persist in stating that for MARKET GARDEN we as players should be able to push stuff off Hell's Highway.
  3. I do not know whether it's getting a little bit boring , but I think mr. Emrys is right in regard to preparatory roadclearing equipment. In the 1930's students at the Royal Dutch Militairy Academy had to answer a question about advancing from the South of the Netherlands to the Arnhem-Nijmegen region. The ones that chose to advance along the road that later became known as Hell's Highway failed the exam. It was considered to be "utterly not done" (understatement) to attack along a single highway were there was hardly any cover and there were no alternative routes nearby. Though the Allies in 1944 had the advantage of airborne troops and tactical airpower over the 1930's students knowledge, the planners of Market Garden most surely must have realised that there would be German-made blockades and destroyed vehicles on that road. Which had to be removed as quick as possible, and I'm convinced that XXXcorps had the materials upfront to do so. They weren't stupid back then. I belief that, though the decision to assign roadclearing material to assaulttroops was operational, clearing the road at that time under those circumstances was purely a tactical matter. And therefore I think that in CMMarketGarden we should be given the possibility to shove (or push or pull or blow up) blocking vehicles out of the way.
  4. Yeah, when I played CMBN for the first weeks I was sure the UI/HUD could be switched off. Finally, the forum provided the answer. I wasn't stupid after all! (Well, in not finding the non-existing button, that is.)
  5. Nope. The issue has been raised several times. Maybe it's something BF can implement in next modules?
  6. Oke, "dozering" not in the game for being non-tactical, I can understand. But pushing or pulling aside a single stricken truck, carrier or AFV (or whatever), in order to continue an advance along THE ONLY AVAILABLE PIECE OF ROAD WITH AN URGENT TIMETABLE TO KEEP, does seem quite tactical to me. If you have a tank nearby, and XXX-corps had a lot of them, you would be rather stupid (I know, I know, just a personal opinion) if you didn't use it to simply push the obstacle of the road and continue the advance. I think that would be as tactical as it can be.
  7. Don't know if anyone mentioned this before, but in light of the unevitable and frequent blocking of Hell's Highway by (even a single) destroyed tank(s) and or other vehicle(s), in the game I should be able to push them off the road. So, a tankdozer should be nice, or the possibility for tanks to shove wrecks aside.
  8. Yeah, I know I could do that, but a little lazy :, I guess. And if I wouldn't like it on the tube, then there wouldn't be no risk of any virusses :eek:.
  9. Ehm, would it be possible for anyone to show (some of) these soundeffects on youtube, please?
  10. You mention 6th Airborne div. against 9th SS, but it has to be 1st British Airborne. 6th was at Normandy, not at Arnhem.
  11. Man, I really love these picture-filled and explanations-filled action reports. It's more fascinating than goin' to the movies! I'm very impressed with the efforts and skills of the makers (imagine here a long round of applause!), and also with the possibilities that this beautiful game offers. Cannot stop asking myself:"What will wargames be like in thirty or forty years?"
  12. Ehm, John and Michael, wasn't Guderian on the losing side of ww2? Maybe the Gerries would have won if only they had deployed them Jagdpanthers by themselves! We'll never know, do we now?
  13. Well, I fear this delay is all my fault:eek:. I requested the schwimmwagen and it's probably the conversion from kubelwagen to schwimmwagen that takes battlefront zo long:D:D:D. But seriously, I'm checking this site every day for news, and I'm still waiting in vain!! And waitin' and waitin' and waitin'...
  14. Since it's already october, and I'm quite impatient about the upcoming Arnhemgame, I'd thought that looking at this site would soothe my nerves a little. For anyone who wants to prepare himself (or herself, for that matter. BTW: Wouldn't there be just be one little girl playing Combat Mission ??:eek:) by looking at pictures and/or reading diaries etc., look at this site: www.pegasusarchive.org/arnhem/main.htm O, the main site has UK para-stories of Normandy too. Have fun.
  15. Thanks Winkelried, this is -instead of the almost inevitable, and sometimes nearly childish, squabbling amongst some of the forummembers - a clear and usefull reaction on a forumquestion. I like that. And I still would like to see a Schwimmwagen in the game, doesn't need to be amphibious, I just like the looks. (Instead of those of that f#%k-ugly kubelwagen.) And while I'm at it, I wouldn't mind to see the Beep too sometime.
  16. In the 70's my first Tamiya modelkit was a Schwimmwagen. I really loved it. Are we gonna see it in Market Garden or Battle of the Bulge, perhaps?? And does anyone know how widely spread they (the schwimmwagens) were through the German Army/SS?
  17. Hello kobradelta1000, You can't. You can cross water at bridges or at fords, but you can't build anything yourself. The 251/7 are kinda decorative and can only be used as regular sdkfz 251's. By the way, the best way to find fords is to "jump into" the river/stream and scroll downstream on eye-level (nr 1/! keyboardbutton). Then you'll see where the riverbottom rises enough to cross with infantry and/or armour. Hope this answers your question.
  18. I do understand that this will be the solution to my problem, thanks for speedy reply!!
  19. Eh, nope. Still doubting whether to buy Commonwealth or not..
  20. hello, Downloaded "Blue and Grey" campaign and unzipped in campaign-folder (checked it), but it doesn't show up in the ingame "campaigns"-screen. What am I doin' wrong?:confused:
  21. Sorry for late reaction, was working nightshift. This reaction, and the first one from Rockybalboa answered my question. I did overestimate the non-spotter WW2 artyaccuracy. Thanks for your replies, boys!
  22. It seems that there is a little misconception in regard to my "mortar by mapcoordinates"question. It has not been my goal to get indiscriminate use of artyfire in the game. I was wondering about real ww2situations. There must have been plenty situations where a CONSTANT (sorry, didn't mention that before) view of the required target wasn't necessary, or practised. When I go around a corner (from whatever obstacle) or come over the crest of a hill and somebody starts shooting at me, I would get really fast back in cover. There is a good chance that I saw, heard or felt, where the enemy is, and otherwise I do have a reasonable suspicion where he may be. So, I look at my map and ask the artyboys to put some metal on the suspected terrain. I will only peek again after the rounds have fallen; certainly not all the time. If CMBN doesn't apply this for reasons of gamepleasure and/or playability I can understand that. I just wanted to know how these ww2grunts did it. (I know that when the Alllies entered Germany, and they didn't have to worry anymore about damaging "friendly people's possessions", they did use incriminate artyfire whenever they SUSPECTED even the least of enemy opposition.)
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