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Everything posted by Faelwolf

  1. OK, thanks to several threads, I finally have a better understanding of C2, and am having a LOT less trouble getting fire orders in for artillery and mortars. Many thanks to those who have posted! Now I am trying to figure out how to get on target accurately. I thought that a pre-ordered artillery strike (placed during setup phase) would act as a preplanned bombardment, and be accurate. This has not been my experience, the shells land on one side or the other, and is a waste of shells. I am also having a problem of my FO calling in a strike later, with the same result. The spotting shells walk in, it appears to be on target, but as soon as they fire for effect, they are off target again, just like the preplanned, and at about the same distance, to one side or the other. This has happened with all three targeting types, linear, area, and single point. My FO does not move, or lose LoS (though in setup he does not have LoS, so I thought this might be the problem for preplanned barrages). I am not using emergency fire. The mortars seem to be having this problem much less often, but off map artillery has been almost consistent with it, and I can not rely on it at all. Any ideas?
  2. I thought it was going to be something like this
  3. Having worked as a purchasing agent for a few years, I can believe it was damaged in transit. You wouldn't believe some of the damage I have seen done to welded steel frames bolted into crates made from 2x4's I swear they could break the horn off an anvil if given a chance!
  4. You already have that in Aces High 2, and the vehicles shoot back!
  5. Like I said, I'm no expert But I am always glad to learn! So the M2 is not a HMG because it is large caliber, it is a HMG because it's large caliber allows it to be effective at a longer range? I can see where the two go hand-in-hand, actually. This answers some things that have puzzled me a time or two (in that how does adding a mount change a LMG into a MMG, and why do they use traverse limiters) Thanks for the info, now I know! Shouldn't MMG's and HMG's have an area fire capability in the game then, without a direct LoS? At least if they are in fixed positions, as they should then be sighted-in for certain areas I should think. I could see limiting it to a target arc or something, and perhaps losing that capability if moved after the scenario starts as it would no longer have references. Without it, game-wise how are they different than a LMG?
  6. That rate of fire sounds pretty low for a MG42, they average around 1200 rpm, though it is prone to overheat pretty fast on long bursts. So it's actual rate of fire would be lower overall, but not that low I don't think. But to my knowledge, the MG42 is a light machine gun by WW2 standards, though they did make a tripod for it to be used as an emplaced gun similar to a HMG. At most so far as I know it could possibly be considered a MMG in it's tripod configuration, but it's caliber would not allow it to be a HMG. By modern standards, it probably would be considered a MMG due to it's caliber, especially when compared to things like the SAW. The M2, in any configuration, is a HMG, and when Ma Deuce speaks, everybody listens . I would expect that it would be much more effective at suppression fire, especially against a building or hedgerow than the MG42. Basically, if the cover I have is stopping the rounds for the most part, I am not going to feel as threatened as when those big .50's come ripping through. I am no expert on these things, though, so hopefully we can get a better answer. I don't know of any true HMG's used by the German army, though I do know they liked to make up for it now and then by using their 20mm AA guns, or the cannon on armored cars, etc. that had a decent rate of fire. I think it is due to their blitzkrieg philosophy, stay light and fast, so not much emphasis on man-carried heavy weapons.
  7. What's with all the posts from people wanting to set everything on fire? Sheesh! Buncha pyros....
  8. And they had to march miles through the snow, and assault uphill, both ways!
  9. Ah, so in my case it is a C2 thing. I need to check my tanks ahead of time, to see if they have the command status to call in fire. Got it! Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated! Now if I can just learn to apply it consistently......
  10. It would be worse in the Pacific theater, with those Japanese "knee" mortars I'd imagine.
  11. Maybe I should volunteer as a beta tester then, so far I have done a lot of splashing and floundering! heh OK, it looks like the part I am missing is fully understanding the C2 aspect. So the radio for most tanks perhaps is to receive instruction; maybe only a command tank, or one within range/LoS of a HQ unit can call in fire? I can understand that you wouldn't want anyone with a radio sending conflicting orders to your mortar teams and fighting for priority of fire. Shame I can't designate a tank or squad to act as a scouting FO, though maybe later I can put a FO in a jeep and use it that way........ I love the community for this game, I don't have to be afraid to ask a question or post a thought
  12. This is something I have had trouble with, too. I read the manual, but just haven't grasped the concept fully I guess. I have a tank with LoS to a target, and the tank has a radio. My HQ unit is right next to my mortar team, yet when I bring up the window for the tank, all mortars show as "denied". Some tanks still are allowed to call in fire though, but they are not within LoS of a HQ or mortar unit, so far as I can tell. Shouldn't any tank be able to radio in a fire request to the HQ unit sitting right next to my mortar team? I am sure it's just something I am not understanding, I hope osmeone can enlighten me.
  13. +1 on an awesome map. The center road being an obvious funnel into a kill zone really made me have to step back and think, and the placement of the hedgerows and fields made screening my flanks an interesting proposition as well.
  14. So far as German grenades against tanks, I believe they had anti-tank grenades in their companies as standard issue, esp. by '44. I don't recall offhand just how effective they were, but in WW2, any tank in close proximity to enemy infantry without any friendly infantry support was in trouble as a general rule.
  15. Good thought, I hadn't as it wasn't on my objective list, so had expected the game to end once I had secured both objectives. I'll bet that's the answer! I eliminated all the squads on the east side that I ran into or spotted as I advanced, but did not go up the road in the upper right corner, as there were no objectives there. I will definitely be replaying the tutorial (still figuring out a number of things) so will do that next time. I had a bad Doh! moment last night as I realized I didn't save the game just as I was clicking on the mouse to close it out Thanks!
  16. I ran the tutorial scenario to start learning my way around the UI. I thoroughly stomped the German forces, and still had a good number of turns left even after running a mop-up operation. (No credit to me, I had it set in easy mode, as I am wanting to learn my way around the game/UI better right now rather than seek a challenge) I had guys hanging out at the farm eating bacon sandwiches, my armor and troops were standing around in the crossroads like they were waiting on the devil, and the only German troops left at all were in surrender mode. Still the scenario didn't end. I kept clicking on the next button (I was in wego mode) and it would just return it back to me, as there was nothing to calculate. Is this a bug, or am I supposed to click through the remaining turns in scenarios to end the game and get the victory screen? I don't recall seeing anything in the briefing to have troops exit off the map, just to take possession of the two goal areas. This is certainly not a game breaker! I found myself replaying the action at several points in the game just to enjoy the detail of the animations, and there were several "wow" moments. Also, the AI really impressed me with some of the troop reactions as they came under fire, or reacted to targets of opportunity as they maneuvered. The only one unhappy right now is my wife, she wants to know where she can file for game widow benefits......
  17. Finally got a chance to get it installed, and play around in the tutorial battle. Awesome! I especially love the graphical detail. There is a small amount of what I call the "hex effect" in the map layout, but it is unavoidable in this type of game, and certainly not as pronounced as in earlier games. Close in, it is on par with a lot of FPS games. I only had one minor problem, which I will post to a separate thread, and it certainly did not hurt the game play for me. So I would say my first impression is: Well done!
  18. OK, got home from work, and got the demo installed. I haven't had a chance to play any yet, but I did get it set up, and experimented a bit to see if any of the reported problems cropped up on my system. No problems at all so far. I made sure to hit the options before running the setup .exe, and checked "run as administrator". From there, I let it install to the default folder, and it ran fine, no install glitches, hangups, or crashes. Demo runs for me with all video settings on max, no hiccups, at 1920 x 1200 (desktop resolution). Looks great! I quit out of the app at several stages up through gameplay, and had no hangup on quitting, all processes closed correctly, and the demo restarts just fine. Basic System Specs: Alienware Aurora w/ i7 920 quad-core (w/hyper threading turned on) overclocked to 3.2 Ghz 9Gb 3DR RAM Win7 x64 Home Premium Nvidia GTX260 (single) Drivers and OS kept up to date with auto updates. Hope this helps in tracking it down!
  19. I am at work right now, so can't check anything, but thought I'd pass along an idea that may help. I run Win7 64 bit, and have found that 32 bit apps have all sorts of problems if you run them from the "Programs" folder, make sure that you have the demo installed to the "Programs x86" folder at the very least. I have some (generally older) apps that will only run right if I put them in the "Program Data" folder. Win7 does some funky things with programs in the "Programs" folder, as it is expecting them to be x64 apps, as well as some internal security stuff that can really mess things up. If you do move the application folder, don't forget to delete your old shortcut and create a new one using send to desktop, changing the pointer in the old shortcut doesn't work well, best to make a new one to avoid other hassles. When I get home and do the install, I will be installing to the x86 folder from the start, just out of habit, and will see how it goes.
  20. Yep, I thought it was going to be a Rickroll too lol!
  21. Why so much emphasis on the demo? I am looking forward to the game. If the demo is released ahead of the game, I may download it to get a leg up on learning the system, etc. But the game is really where it's at for me!
  22. I hope so, that would be pretty awesome!
  23. Looks like it's a good thing I put my preorder in when I did! If anyone ever saw my office, they'd understand I need the steelbook to keep it all together
  24. He was playing Al-Qaeda vs Navy Seals, it didn't work out well for him. Bet he wishes he had CM:BN instead!
  25. Talonsoft's West Front. I also picked up Rising Sun, as I really like the Pacific Theater. I hear there are no plans for a PT based Combat Mission game though.
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