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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Yeh the avoiding bit is straight forward enough, is there any chance that infantry in the IED location will find the device?
  2. The problem with Sci-Fi series is that they are soooooo expensive and you need to do it right for it to look any good. Even the above mentioned "Space Above and Beyond" had to be filmed in Oz to apportion the cost into the opening of the new FOX studios on the Gold Coast, Look for the RAAF F/A-18's in the pilot episode !
  3. Yes it always seems like such a joke that we place budget caps on Formula 1 and Rugby to ensure a fair competition, but not on that race which matters most.
  4. Well to my mind you cannot have a Union and then "amputate that which cannot be saved". I think the idea of bailing out the states that are in trouble is a means of sharing the debt, rather than the alternative of bankrupting a country. Sure the states concerned should not have let themselves get into this position in the first place but it is too late now to say we should have had tighter fiscal control years ago. It is normal in a time of monetary uncertainty to cultivate a notion of "We are OK so why should we bother with them" otherwise known as a resurgence in Nationalism. But such activities provide fertile ground for trouble. The inequity of economic development in the late 19th century which spawned the situation prior to WW1 and the Great Depression that preceded WW2
  5. Does anyone have any tips on how to counter IED's ? I have tried Infantry sweeps and crawling Engineers all to no avail.
  6. hmmmmm "One pilot, with empty gun chambers and bomb shackles, dropped his belly tank on 12 trucks and left them all in flames." Yeh riiiiight It has been discussed at length but in a nutshell less than 3% of German Tanks were taken out but Aircraft and their claims were somewhat over stated, as you would expect they see a big explosion and put it down as a kill without being able to confirm. By far the biggest effect was on the logistics train.
  7. Cowboys in space ? You are kidding right? As for a sequel, Ah plumb reckon they all mosyed on outta har
  8. Complaints come from passion, at least if they are whining they are thinking about you. I think Napoleon said it was only when his Grognards (lit, Grumbler) stopped complaining that he became worried. From my perspective I would rather a forum of complaints over a forum of silence.
  9. One of the captions form the photo's : "The 607th, originally equipped with 3" towed-guns was converted to the M-36 Gun Motor Carriage in mid-November 1944 prior to the final battle for Metz, France."
  10. Yes of course Noob, we see the face; don't we fella's? The umm face.... is it ummmmm saying anything to you at all mate ? (For God's sake Battlefront release the CM:BN STAT! )
  11. "People deserve the government they get, and they deserve to get it good and hard." ~ Timothy Moultrie "In democracy you get the goverment you deserve. Alternately you deserve the government you got." ~Josef Heller Everything said and done, at the end of the day, we get the government we deserve and deserve the government we get. ~ P. Ramakrishnan "A people deserve the government they permit." ~attributed to the pseudonym "General R. Never," "In Russia, it is a common saying that every people deserve the government they choose." ~Vladimir Viardo "In a democracy you get the government you deserve and you deserve the government you get." ~Duane W. Compton "We have to let these turkeys know that we are not going to play games and go sideways and backwards. America deserves better. They say that you deserve the government you get. " ~ Eldridge Cleaver "We deserve the government that we get. That's an old adage and it's really true." ~Patricia Boyd, executive director of the Minnesota Christian Coalition
  12. Yes, hard to pin down whether a PIAT could be fired downwards, the training manual states that it shouldn't be but that doesn't mean it cannot be. Of course the main problem is that if you are in a position to fire down on a tank you are very very close to it (10 metres or so) , which is not a good place to be, even 100m is deemed uncomfortably close and that is the max range of the PIAT. Not surprising that 6 VC's were awarded to PIAT operators.
  13. Well no not really and again we see myth created were there is none. The "abortive coup-de-main" came about because the recce co had moved across the bridge and driven down to Nijmegen bridge to investigate reports of paratroopers. When they got to Nijmegen there was nothing going on (don't get me started on that !) so they turned around and headed home, only to be ambushed on the Arnhem bridge by 2 Para which had taken up positions after they had gone through. The elite can do attitude was more a case of "WTF was that !" Mama's boys with lots of toys, groovy cams tho'
  14. It doesn't have to be that way and in fact I think in most countries that have a public health system it isn't that way. Healthcare in Oz, anyone, anywhere, anytime, NO ONE misses out we pay a small amount of tax for it. We are not bankrupt, there is no "over sight committee" This is one of the many reasons Australia is Number 2 on the developed nations list.
  15. No, Wallaby is a small kangaroo, Joey is a baby kangaroo
  16. Actually he was running to try to save his comrade who was trapped in a burning armour car, not really an SS thing per se.
  17. Yeh and ......... oh, hang on. Last time I posted the list of modern day companies that supplied the Nazi's, the thread got closed so I won't do it again.
  18. It is not about religion it never has been, religion simply provides "authorisation" if you like for the evils of people. Of the many millions of Muslims in the world a slim few of them use the tenants of their religion to do bad things. Same for Christianity there are those who do terrible things and cover it as God's work. Totally apart from the logistical hurdles faced by expunging religion like burning books and churches, how are you going to get the notion out of peoples heads? "Removing religion" will not solve anything it will just make people look for something else to believe in.
  19. BANG BANG BANG ....... " oh. he ... ummm blinked, yes that's it, he blinked in an aggressive way, now where's his missus? "
  20. I don't know that they did have access to the best men and material. The men for certain were chosen for their political steadfastness and devotion to the National Socialist cause, so in theory a really good soldier could be dismissed as he didn't " Heil " with sufficient gusto. They were also a bit of a disparate bunch as they came from many different countries so as noted consistency would be variable. As for their stuff, they were supplied through the Wehrmacht so not sure that they necessarily got the good gear before everyone else. They did however seem perform either really well or really badly either way they took horrendous losses. So for my mind the difference between the SS and the regular army was simply one of morale and motivation, which is often a huge factor.
  21. One of life's little mysteries. In Australia we have Where's Wally, not Waldo ...... why ?
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