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Everything posted by Rokko

  1. That would have been a good candidate for the Documenting TOE problems thread But you are correct, the halftrack crew probably should not have a gunner, than both MG teams would fit into the HT.
  2. Some further ideas: Somua S35, Renault R35, Hotchkiss H35, Char B1 for Pz.AuE-Abt. 100 (which fought near Carentan and is well documented), Panzer IV ausf. C or D which saw action with 21st Pz. All of these could be reused later for a new 1940 Western front basegame
  3. Since the CMBN is now complete in terms of modules, what vehicles and/or formations would you wish to be included for possible packs that would be applicable for the Normandy/Holland setting? Some stuff I could think of for the German side would be Stug IVs, Schwimmwagen, Grille, among others and possibly some funnies for the Allies.
  4. Has anyone seen them in action already,btw? How well do they fight, having no MGs at all..
  5. Oops, sorry. That little difference must've slipped my attention.
  6. There are also definately some issues with the Pz Div Escort company (both Heer & WSS). Most significant is the lack of 2 squads in the Escort (1st) Platoon, which only has one rifle squad (beside support weapons). It also seems inconsistent with regular PG squads that the Panzerschreck is split off. In the mortar section the distribution of small arms (MP40s to be specific) seems wrong, but that is really a minor issue. In the Recon (4th) Platoon the existance of Panzerschrecks is also wrong apparently. All this according to the February 1st, 1944 organization. I have found no sources on earlier organizations so far. Also, I know of at least two PDs in Normandy whose Escort companies also had a light Infantry Gun platoon (12SS and PLD). Source: http://www.wwiidaybyday.com/kstn/kstn1261feb44.htm
  7. Well, not in game at least, there you get either 2x150mm IG or 2x120mm, just checked. Well, I'll have to dig deeper here, but so far I have definate proof for 12SS (http://members.home.nl/gunslinger/12sshj/reg25.htm; Dugdale & Wood) and I have also found strong indication given by Zetterling (for lack of a better source atm), that this organization was also used by 9SS, he gives numbers of 10-12 81mm mortars for the 5 motorized PG Bns with no 120mm mortars at all. Can't make definate statements about 1SS actually right now because I don't have my Dugdale & Wood on it around at the moment. So far found for 9SS, 12SS and probably PLD as well, at least later. Quite possible, I have only stumbled across this information while writing the post. Yes I was aware that it was only applicable for Heer units, I just forgot it only worked for SPW mounted troops, although it makes sense, because AFAIK only in the PLD were those uniforms worn. I checked again and with SPW mounted troops it works.
  8. So there were motorized Pionier formations that had a 1-MG/squad set-up as well as those with 2-MG/squad and so they were kept in at least for the regimental companies? I've been looking further into the changes that came with the Market Garden patch. So far I've noticed: -Heavy platoons for PzGr companies now correcty have 4 HMGs instead of 2. -Panzer Bataillon staff companies have a PzAufkl Zug and no longer a second armored infanftry platoon - the 5th company for Armoured SS PG Bns is gone good changes, all of them. There is lack of choice I have noticed, at least according to my research. Motorized PG Bn Heavy Weapons companies (both Heer & WSS) have (in-game) a ATG platoon with 3 guns (correct) and either a 120mm mortar platoon (2 tubes) OR a heavy infanftry gun platoon (2 guns). From what I can tell, it was definately common to have a medium mortar platoon (6 tubes) AND a light infantry gun platoon (2 guns). Nowhere have I found, that 150mm IGs were used in heavy companies, only light ones. Anyways, my suggestion for heavy companies would be: one Platoon ATG (3 guns) one Platoon Mortars (either 2x120mm or 6x81mm) one Platoon light IG (2x75mm) (possibly) one Platoon AA guns (6x20mm) - not at all sure about the last one though. It appears that heavy companies in Armoured PG Bns also had light IGs (at least in some instances), but I haven't done enough research here. Also, not a TOE problem, but it seems that the Panzergrenadier appearence setting doesn't work anymore. Edit: The Heavy Weapons company seems to be modeled after this: http://www.bayonetstrength.150m.com/German/Motorizert/motorized_panzer_grenadier_battalion%201943%20to%201944.htm which is probably modeled after the original KSTN documents, but I have found definate examples of the other setup I mentioned in at least 2 divisions (5 batallions) engaged in Normandy, 1st SS and 12th SS.
  9. Now that MG is out it might be time to revive this thread First off, I am glad to see that the MG number per squad for the motorized Panzer Pionier companies in the Panzer Pionier batallions has been fixed. It hasn't been for the regimental Pionier companies. I also glad that we now have the choice between Type 43 and Type 44 reconaissance batallions. Also, in the MG overview a new formation is mentioned, called: "Panzergrenadier Flak Platoon (Regimental)" (WSS only I believe) I have yet to find that ingame, unless it is the supposed to be the standard Flak Battery ?? Also, I somehow suspect, this was supposed to be a company, not a platoon, because the 14th company in WSS Panzergrenadier regiments usually was a Flak company.
  10. There is a bug in Gustav Line with the Pak36 as well. IIRC it fires the HEAT round twice in a row without actually reloading.
  11. The HT gunner's head is really a small target. All that is being argued I think is, that infantry normally does not shoot so well, only when aiming at HT gunners they all become sharpshooters. I mean I have seen soldiers shooting at soldiers behind waist high walls for minutes (where the other party exposes head AND upper body), but when it comes to HTs, the gunner usually gets it within the first few shots fired. It is a particular problem with infantry accuracy and it arose with the machinegune improvement that also improved infantry accuracy in general. There is really no safe distance (except maybe 500m+) to use HTs. The only way I use them now is with an 10m covered arc at all times, this is really something that should be looked at.
  12. Well not all have sideskirts, you just have to till you get one that has partially or not at all covered sides. Also, for even later versions there should be wire mesh hull skirts, but I don't know when those appeared, either.
  13. Good find, John, thanks. Now the only question is whether we will first see them in the Bulge game or in a Bagration module!
  14. The Panzer IV J (late) is a new vehicle that came with Market Garden. It is my understanding that the late versions only had three return rollers, while the ingame model has four. Of course, there is no reliable or fixed definition for putting vehicles of one Ausführung into early/mid/late/latest category, but maybe someone around here knows for sure if the vehicles that were around in September 44 already had only three return rollers or if those only came from a later production model.
  15. What I don't like is that the same blinking occurs when you move troops into an exit zone and the icon also fades as if the unit was rattled or panicked. I know that I just sent them there, but I am still conditioned to suffer a heart attack when the blinking occurs
  16. Slow blinking means that that unit is selected, fast blinking means that that unit has sufferd casualties, or is exiting the map.
  17. Has anyone reached that particular scenario? I'm in my third try and this time I am doing resonably well, but I don't see how I am supposed to acutally win, i.e. occupy ground, I have just managed to get the right pacing for these troops, that apparently are only supposed to be used for deck scrubbing. My analysis so far: - you have ABYSMAL troops - they are ABYSMALLY equipped - you have NO fire support or combined arms stuff whatsoever (except for 2 50mm mortars) - you have NO time (40 minutes to conquer the entire map on foot) - you attack from terrible terrain (very sparse trees and all soldiers bunch together behind one tree because there is only one tree per action spot, in fact all trees in the forrest are placed in orchard mode) - your advantage in numbers is not too great, maybe 3:1 but probably less - the enemy troops are absolute pros and are deadly at all ranges - the points per objective increase the further the objective is away; I think I can call myself lucky if I manage to get out of the forrest and take the first objective I get that there are scenarios in campaigns that you are not actually supposed to win but rather experience. Is this one of them or is there actually a way to ace it? I mean I suppose in RL a Kriegsmarine company couldn't have thrown back an American glider platoon (+), so I wouldn't be too suprised.
  18. Another improvement I noticed is that Stummel gunners don't stand up like idiots anymore when you unbutton them.
  19. Must have been a fart that propelled something more massive than just some air then
  20. Could late Stug IIIs fire their top-mounted MGs with the gunner staying inside like Hetzers? That's what I am seeing right now ingame and I am unable to tell if it's a future or a bug.
  21. I am just playing the first battle in the new German campaign and in the 3rd turn had a German Panzerschreck guy fire his tube from the first floor of a building killing a British PIAT guy in another building about 50m aways. Made me chuckle No suppression on the team btw, but the building is rather large. Any similar or otherwise cool events for any of you guys?
  22. Ithikial, it looks like you took modern satellite imagery as a source. I have taken a look at the area myself some time ago, and I'm pretty sure that whole built up area north of the railway tracks was NOT there in 1944, most likely only farmland instead. And the road network there changed a little bit as well.
  23. I remember taking a look at the area in Google Earth and found many roads at angles that you can't do so easily in CM while keeping them straight, especially in the town itself. How did you tackle that issue?
  24. Not being an American I think it is my right to tell you what to do. But I believe as long as Americans want to own tons of guns they will have to live the random school massacre every few months. BTW, personally I have never fired a gun, but I would love to, actually.
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