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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Thanks - very cool. And don't for get BlackBerry (full disclosure - I work for a subsidiary of theirs)
  2. It is what we do - something you have to get used to Not a bad suggestion actually I like it. Wow, your first post in this thread was articulate and expressed a specific problem - just like the kind of thing that might actually get attention by BFC. But this last bit will likely get you the wrong kind of attention. I recommend that you put together separate threads for each issue you run into with as well done explanations as your first post here. I am sorry to say that this kind of over the top, no specifics, no evidence is just going to get everyone worked up and take your thread off topic even more.
  3. Indeed that is the workaround. Trouble is your guys will all gather up at that way point and wait for everyone and the move on to the next one. If you are trying to get out of Doge quickly because the enemy are raining bullets at you pausing just out side the door to wait for your buddy is not a good place to be.
  4. Interesting. I am totally ignorant about this type of thing but what other graphics library runs on both Mac and Windows?
  5. Just a question - have you tried CM2x battles with the QB map set to random. As @MikeyD pointed out there are a lot of maps now. If you just played QBs and let the game choose the maps I find it feels pretty random. I see that if you are tweaking a scenario map and then using it for a QB that this would be a problem. How about this: do that for several and add them the to QB map pool then let the game choose from the pool randomly. That way will not really know what you are going to get until the game starts.
  6. I think I have seen that too - but have no proof Check their LOS to the target location again. In my case it was like they setup to fire the mortar and realized - oops we cannot see that spot any more. The next turn the target line showed no visibility. I moved them a bit and tried again and it worked.
  7. I was thinking that too. No matter what it will be interesting.
  8. Yes, I agree. Your consistency is pretty good. You hit my prediction window for MG too But really all in fun because it is easy for a late bug to show up and push things a few days off course and we all would rather the release be a bit off course than ship with some bug you are not happy with.
  9. OK as long as you are going into this with your eyes open - so to speak. I never use hiding like you are because I find that it *does* effectively mean no spotting. I sincerely hope to be proven wrong.
  10. Yuck, no thanks. As the crew of the vehicle or even nearby observers who were not directly effected no one would be able to tell that kind of thing. No one would run up and collect the shell fragments to figure out what gun was used, no one would break out their measuring sticks to plot the trajectory. Not under fire anyway.
  11. LOL. I do not think the difference between the cat or a chihuahua will matter to your ability to predict anything.
  12. Actually good point. I should just scrap that column: A) I am clearly not keeping it up to date correctly and I did not use it in the end (so no recalculating needed). I was interested in trying to do some guesstimates and I gather some data. The only dates with any kind of coordination was the delta between preorder and shipping. Simplify, simplify...
  13. LOL well some have a different opinion for sure. But I still call them that when I am particularly annoyed "What do you expect from a party that used to call itself CRAP":D
  14. But that loss is pretty significant. Out of command a team or squad is less likely to stay put and keep fighting when they start taking fire. They go to shaken faster and more often. I have no doubt that keeping C2 when the bullets are flying gives you a non trivial advantage.
  15. Are all your units hiding? My one concern is that hiding units do not spot very well. My experience with hiding is that if my front line guys are hiding they are just waiting to die and rarely spot anything until just before bullets start flying - at them. On the other hand if you have some guys hing and other not then I can see that reducing your visibility and allowing you a good chance to see stuff coming.
  16. Here is the data I am using: I am using the preorder date to ship date time frame as the basis of my prediction and I am also using the last four data points as the basis of the prediction. Using all data points gives a March 7th to March 28th window. Note: this is just a fun prediction. All this kind of thing can tell you is how long it took them in the past to get from "ready to tell the world" and "ready to ship". What BFC does is not based on release statistics and release windows. They base their decision on the quality of the game. I was just trying to get an idea of a time window based on past performance. One last minute - oh **** defect can toss it all out the window - and that is a good thing.
  17. I have had good success using area fire for CAS missions recently. In Monty's Butchers, White Mannor and not too long ago in a QB. I have never used the point target option - I would be afraid that by the time the mission started the target would be gone. In the case of Monty's Butchers I called it in late in the game and I had friendlies about 300m of the edge of the target circle. I figured that would be far enough. There was only one tank and several squads there most of my force was 500m and more away. That mission was a success - took out one Panther. In the case of White Mannor I set the CAS missions at the game start and my forces never got closer than 500m away from the area. That one sure seemed to work well - game is still going so not totally sure. I saw the planes strafing many times and one AT gun that I did not take out myself was first spotted destroyed by my approaching infantry. I am all in favour of letting the pilots choose their targets. In the case of the QB again mission was set at start up and my guys were never very close at all. I have to admit frustration that the pilot failed to strafe the open top M10s of my opponent but he sure did chew up my opponents infantry and keep them from moving into some key ground on my approach to the objective.
  18. Yep, that is normally how it is done. Turn around and go back. Presumably you came from a covered position.
  19. Good thing you are paying attention to this stuff. 14 years ago here in Canada at a conservative convention trying to form a new party that would unit the Reform party and the Progressive Conservative party the convention delegates voted on a new name. They chose Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance Party which was CCRAP. No one noticed the crappy achronism - or more accurately no one listened to the few people that put two and two together. Wikipedia has a nice summary That story still makes me laugh to this day.
  20. Interesting. I remember hearing the over the top pronouncements around gun control. I did not realize it caused hording etc. Coincidentally I was just talking to a Canadian Forces member who has been recently conducting amo management training in Africa. I had no idea of the issues of shelf life for ammunition etc. What kind of shelf life can you normally expect for the .22 rounds we are talking about? And those hoarders with tens of thousands of rounds; what are they going to do with it as its self life winds down?
  21. If it was not in the feature list then it is not coming in the game. But don't worry - too much - almost all the things in the list were asked for by end users. So, there is hope.
  22. LOL love your translation skills. Very logical They may know where his work shop is but it is Canadian territory - we will protect him.
  23. Nope neither side has the ability to direct CAS in this game.
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